



THU., OCTOBER 31, 1991 11:56 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 076


INSTRUCTIONS: Let this following information be printed in each paper that is published as PHOENIX LIBERATOR: Ha­tonn is: Gye­orgos Ceres Hatonn-Aton. I write through a “translator”; communi­cations through pulsed short-wave trans­mission. This is not “psychic chan­neling nor hocus-pocus”. This is purely “physics” of frequency transmission, receiver termination of transmission and translation of the signal into the English language.

I am Commander of the “Phoenix Project”, serving the Com­mand of that ONE whom you re­fer to as “The Messenger, Christos, God, etc.” The “Command Fleet” is from the sector Pleiades from which originated your ancestral lineage. My mis­sion is in preparation for the re­turn of the “God” to reclaim His property. He went forth and has prepared safe passage and “a place” for each of you who would come within His shelter. The choice is individual for force is not of God and you have free-will for all choices.

Our direct commission is to set the records into Truth of content of historical facts for the planet is ending one cycle and begin­ning a new and wondrous cycle of experience. This gives cause for you of the human species to make changes concurrent with the greater physical changes of the planet. Yours will be a “spiritual change” and may or may not include physical transla­tion. Each will be given choice of direction and translation.

The purpose of these writings and speakings is to allow the Truth to be put forth unto the masses who would wish to receive them. The JOURNALS also serve as historical documenta­tion of this portion of “history” relative to that which has come be­fore-known and un­known-for whatever life forms and genera­tions to follow this mani­fested experience.

You come against the wall, so to speak, wherein you all but cross the societal point of no re­turn. You will act to reclaim your human rights or you will fall to the Adversary who, by the way-is that one touted to be the “anti-Christ”. You are in the time of, and the action of, Ar­mageddon as recognized from prophecy. It makes no differ­ence to me whether or not you are believing of this information. Truth will stand into infinity and God does not send us, the Hosts, to banter or kibitz with you about the facts of the matter-ours is to pre­sent the situation as it is, unto you.

Your “enemy” as to “space aliens” are now all landlocked to your orbiting system. YOU HAVE NO ENEMIES AMONG THE BROTHERHOOD IN SPACE (COSMOS). YOU DO HAVE EN­EMIES IN YOUR “SPACES” BUT THEY ARE VERY EARTH-ORIENTED AND ORIGINATED. All of this is explained in depth in the writings-this message is for identifica­tion of myself and my co-workers who bring informa­tion and assistance at this time of evolution.

We bring the unfolding and uncovering of the actions upon your globe so that you can awaken unto your plight-with “reason” and “proof”. It is up to you as to what action you take for our commis­sion is to respond to you who have asked input and as­sistance. We will DO nothing FOR you; we will serve and in­form with “HOW TO” as we move along through the maze of in­credible deceit. You have NOTHING TO FEAR from us of the Lighted Brotherhood of the Cosmos for we work and act only within the Laws of God and those of The Universal Cre­ation (Natural). Your would-be-”Kings” (rulers of the globe) have heinous plans to injure you and place blame upon the Cos­mic Brotherhood-what will be claimed is a bla­tant LIE. You are “People of the Lie” and unless you awaken and reclaim your heritage as nations and people-you shall fall-no more and no less.

Massive efforts are put forth to stop our presentations-so be it. We have naught to lose-YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE, IN­CLUDING YOUR SOULS AS WELL AS YOUR LIVES PHYSI­CAL. My commission is to “inform” you and I shall do so to the best of my al­lowed abilities for I (we) are not allowed by Cosmic Law to interfere or intervene except in spe­cific and delineated in­stances which have been covered in lengthy dialogue prior to this.

I serve aboard the Command Ship, Phoenix, and I head the Fleet Command. I am Comman­der of the United Federation Fleet, Inter­galactic Federation Command. I link with other Com­mands, i.e., the referenced “Ashtar Command”, only in time of imminent plane­tary destruc­tion at which point that Command will be in charge of any evacuation of general nature. Our Com­mand will bring all of God’s people into security. I have no responsibility to the “adversary” nor his followers and no evil shall be brought into the places of Lighted God. Evil is a manifestation of “human” and we do NOT allow evil within our orderly God-revering societies. This does not, however, mean that ones who are in deciding will not be taken into a placement which can pre­serve “soul” survival.

I am not here to ask your permission for anything; I care not what any aspect thinks or be­lieves. I have a mission of God and I shall see to it. You may join with me or deny me for it makes not one iota of difference. I do not “sell” anything-not this pa­per nor any other item. I have a commitment and obligation and I will see to it. You may do that which you will-agree or dis­agree. I do, however, suggest that all read with an open mind to the “possibilities” herein for you are told by all corners of your intelligence that you are in a traumatic time of change-you might well be advised to look into the possibility of the Truth of this infor­mation. I chair the Cos­mic Council relative to this Universal Sector and I believe you will find that I am not over­ruled. He who denounces my person had best be carefully looked at through the intent of wisdom for I meet with any man and/or energy who claims my falseness. I find that no one ever, somehow, wishes to participate in that invitation for confronta­tion-do you not find that strange?

You will find most of the “New Age” groups and speakers fully in alignment with the “New World Order-Global Government”. This will be denied for they do not realize the subterfuge and “sucking in” of the innocent and ignorant. I suggest you pay close attention for you are on the brink of losing your world-not just your freedoms.

I shall continue to bring to your attention the cover-ups as they oc­curred and still occur. God has no mysticism nor hidden agenda-God is open and the only “mystery” is that which you sim­ply do not yet understand-that too, He gives unto you openly and freely. There are no se­cret rituals or hidden doctrines, royal titles or elite placements. If you find any of these things in that which YOU fol­low-I suggest wisdom in dis­cernment of your choices. If you give of your Power unto an­other according to his decrees-you have for­feited your Power forever. God asks that you accept and take your POWER in HIS name that you can become one within His Grace and re­claimer of that which is your rightful heritage.

I feel that we must begin to publish this identification and pur­pose for we are swamped with new readers and it is magnifi­cently im­portant that you KNOW who we are and that which we are about-for we are about our Father’s business. Again, you have nothing to lose by gaining TRUTH and insight-but you do have everything to lose in the physical and soul realms by re­maining ignorant at the hands of the deceivers who would hide Truth from your eyes and ears. So be it. I salute you who as­sume responsibility. I pity you who do not and I have great compas­sion as we pass on into the more compressing times ahead, as you perceive the journey. I offer my hand in love and brotherhood and I give you all that I have and am. Accept or deny my per­son-but I suggest you look into the possibility that what we bring “might” well be Truth and you will come to un­derstand. To deny the robber, who has just bound and gagged you, is to be a stupid fool. The better part of wisdom is to look, discern and then act. God never limits your investigation into all facets of the Truth-does your “minister”? Does your con­trolling hierarchy? I suggest you ponder this well.


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  • I have no problems with this blog. But I am offended that the title you put up that the Creator God is Aton-Hatonn. This is not true. ''Thy shall have no other Gods before me'' But in this blog and the other one you posted ,he does not say he is God the Creator but that he comes in the Creators name and that he is a messenger for him. I do know that the VISITORS have impersonated Hatonn and then took the name ATON and added it to our Creator Michael of Nebadon but there is no mention of this name (Aton) in the Urantia book, which is the only source that reveals the fathers true name, even the Christens don't know the name of our Creator Father. The name ATON was used by the Annunaki's as reference to the two brothers,Enki-Enli ,which means''Gods from the Sky'' So we have to be very careful here and use great discernment, just as we have to do with all channelled material. And besides if you ever read the UB you would know that our Creator would never talk in these terms or this way. BUt the message itself seems to be true, you have just misunderstood it and it sounds like it comes from a commander and I do believe in the Revelations and the Anti-Christ he is talking about is the DC and the person is obama, which was not mentioned here. But the a warning was given that we the people have to defeat him. Adonai

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