Your opportunity with this conscious awareness is that you may make a decisive intention that you are going to let go that vibration that is no longer in alignment with you. You have the opportunity to make a conscious choice that you are going to integrate more of your own divinity and through that the universal light energies.
Then as things are happening in your lifetime, or your earth plane, as things are happening within your life, as you feel as if you are getting battered or pushed around you have an ease, a greater ease with disconnecting with things so that you find yourself that you are seeking.
When you expand the flow to your divinity.....
The balance will allow you to no-longer get pulled into those energies. The balance will radiate out from you creating potential for those around you to also find their balance, whether it is something they are looking for or not. The balance that you emanate creates an integration within the collective consciousness of the earth thereby creating a greater balance and awareness.
--- The Goddess of Creation
Dear amparo,
I am always in Balance, Harmony, Peace & Love...