There has continued to be an influx of energy of energy that comes into the earth. It is that constant flow of the crystalline energy, of that Light body energy, that is from these Universal Light Beings in part. It comes from some of the stars. It comes from your constellations. So these are feeding the energy of the earth from many different perspectives.
So too from the earth itself, from within Gaia; there are the crystals, there are the other energy bodies. There are actual places within the earth that are receptors of the energy and then it generates it out. So in many ways the earth plane is a reflector, or how do we say, an integrator of the energies of the universe.
--- The Goddess of Creation
It’s only as we come into the earth plane and we are aligning with your energies. Let me just take a moment to say, that there are other planets out in the universe, there are other places that have a time space reality that you do. It is not something that is typical or universal, but it is also not unheard of. So it is something that is unique to the earth plane, but there are other planets that like to have that perspective also.
--- The Goddess of Creation
I invite you to consider the option of living a soul-based life, meaning that you open that flow to your divinity, so that with greater and greater ease you can say, “Oh, I need a hit” and then that divinity flows into you; “Oh, I need an answer to something”, you open up and your divinity flows into you. There is so much available to you as a resource that comes from your own divinity.
--- The Goddess of Creation