In regards to people looking at their life:
This is why when I look at humanity not only do I marvel at the amazing life opportunities that each of you have, but also at the way in which those opportunities play out for you in your reality. One of the first things that I always like to say when I come in to a situation or a conversation about this is to invite you to be gentle with yourself. To be loving with yourself.
Sometimes I will hear people say that they are their own worst critics or that they can hear their mother, their father, their teacher; someone in the back of their mind saying something that has become a programming. These are all of the ways in which you can get disconnected from what is your true reality for who you are.
Is this you? Is it time to take stock of where you are?
You are an amazing human being. You are choosing to be upon the earth at this time, where the transformation taking place is something that is affecting many different dimensions of consciousness. It’s affecting many different realities and you always have the ability to choose. Sometimes that ability is through your focus on your vibration. Sometimes it is upon reprogramming your thoughts. Mostly it is about just allowing your divinity to flow down and through you so that unconditional love, that complete acceptance for who you are, is there and present throughout all your reality and perceptions.
For now I invite you to take in once more deep breath and this time I invite you to really send that energy down into the earth. As you breathe into the earth you allow yourself to feel the energies of Gaia. As you feel Gaia this is that heartbeat, this is that awareness. This is more that the superficial perception of earth. This is getting into the depth of the earth. Allow yourself a moment to just feel that connection. It may be that you feel the pulsation as it is moving through you.
Take a moment to breathe in alignment with Gaia.