Dr. Angela Barnett Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/purchase-1 (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) The sun is in alignment with all 12 of its planets around it. This is causing the Sun to get very excited with Electrical Dancing of Energies exploding out. The solar flares caused by this excitement will result in a huge X10Coronal Mass Ejection in December. It might put out our electricity. We shouldn't be so concerned about that. What we should be concerned with is the fact that we have already moved into a new reality. Our time on this Earth is finished. We have already been moved into the central disk of the Milky Way. That is what happens at the end of a Cosmic Clock Cycle. Once we move into the central disk, we are aligned into a new time, a new Earth, a new reality. The multiverses have also moved into a new alignment, which allowed the interlocking layers of the mega galaxies -- multiple Milky Ways and multiple Earths. These multi layers and phasing in and out of each other so that they don't collide. The electrons and protons are phasing, but at different rates--so we are out of alignment. However, we are getting closer into alignment. Close enough to step into the New Earth. Eventhough the other universes are right here where we are, we can't see them because of the phasing of the particle shift rotation. As our rates of spin and frequency become closer and closer in tune as the music of the spheres spins the light and sound fast enough to break the phase lock, we will be able to walk into a new reality. So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. It creates a magnetic mirror that allows our spiritual half in the parallel universe to become at one with the physical half in this universe. The Crystalline Grid of the Earth has been reharmonized to the 12th dimensional coding of the divine blue print of the Taran Angelic Human Raceline. The Sphere of Amenti within the Earth's Core contains all 12 of the complete coding of each of the 12 tribes. The old stories about the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples were always referring to the 12 divine ideas that create the Tara Race line. The 12 is coding or the formula used in creating this specific raceline. The race line was divided into 12 separate race lines and then put back together again. In order for a race line to ascend, the complete unit must be reharmonized. The Crystalline Grid actually holds our consciousness within it if we allow it to. We can be guided in absolute knowing of the Super Consciousness of the Soul Matrix of Tara. The fourth dimensional astral consciousness, the fifth dimensional archetypal, and the sixth dimensional celestial consciousness will once again be ours. Our Guardian Race did everything they possibly could do to make sure we were removed from that future reality. They made sure we were realigned in to a new space and time reality. The original path of Earth was in the outer domains that made Earth very vulnerable to invader racelines that wanted to take our stargate portals for their own usage. The new path of Earth is in the INNER DOMAINS. The inner path is a safe path. It is a path of alignment within where all 12 stargates merge their frequencies back to gether into a new atunement that allows us to begin our multidimensional journey. The experience that we are having now is not what it seems to be. Our old cellular memory is telling us that we are being bombarded by meteorites. Our new reality is telling us we are moving into a blue stardust that holds the frequency signatures of all of our multidimensional reality. Even at the scientific level, science says that the Comet's tail will bring pieces of stars from thousands of other planets. Once those frequencies enter our atmosphere, our mind shifts more and more into the Consciousness of Multidimensional realities. We think everything looks the same because we haven't begun reprogramming our cellular memory yet. As long as we keep the old beliefs including the Death Star Niburu belief in our cellular memory, that is what we believe we keep seeing. I notice that there are still people out their talking about Nibiru coming toward us and that Comet ISON really is Nibiru. The Guardian Alliance and the Aquafarians knew that this time would come in our history that we would need help in our transformation into the second sphere of reality. They knew that we had fallen out of the Andromeda M31 and that only the Aquarius Matrix held the divine blue print that was needed to bring us back into alignment. They created an imprint of their sphere of reality around the Earth. So, we have been held within the womb of a star all of this time waiting for the time of our rebirth. We are in a new reality. We are in a new time and space. We are in a place that will allow us to absorb the cosmic star dust that is filling our skies with the help of the CME's and the meteor showers. We are also being held within a Consciousness field of protection with 48 plasma bodies or Crystal Ships holding us in alignment with this Aurora field that prepares a stairway to heaven as this blue cosmic stardust begins to fill our atmosphere. Each time the CME's blast toward the Earth, I can feel a HUGE SHIFT. It feels like a waking dream, a shift in space, a new place in time. Did anyone else feel it yesterday afternoon? The CME blasted from the sun on June 20 and it takes about 18 hours to reach the Earth. I felt something huge yesterday. It was completely life altering. It felt the way it feels when I'm in the process of creating an Eternal Life MP3 and the frequencies are blasting through my ears and I can feel chakras flashing and shifting and it feels like I'm flying through space. It felt just like that. The more we align with the frequencies-the cosmic frequencies, the source frequencies, the stardust frequencies, the more we get to enjoy each wave as it passes through our bodies and Earth's body. The more we get in tune, the more we get to see this entire fabulous event that is taking place right now in our Universe. It has been quite an adventure for me. I am so grateful that I have learned how to feel and experience this glorious event of our shift into at one ment with all 12 stargates. I also know that as this adventure moves forward, I am seeing and feeling new things faster and faster each day, my dreams become more and more lucid, I start dreaming before I fall asleep, I am walking in my sleep half the time, I feel like I'm walking in and out of dreams just like changing stations on a t.v. It is the beginning of multidimensionality. We asked our Aquafarian family when we can move to Aquafaria continuously. They answered this way. When we are consciously in Aquafaria more than we are in our third dimensional reality. We will be in the 6th. They added this important fact. They said we will not move to Aquafaria, we will move Aquafaria to Earth. The Healing Temples of Aquafaria will move to Earth between 2014 and 2017. They said the blue star dust that will come to Earth will be the aurora fields like a stairway for the blue body to awaken and arise into the fifth dimension. This is exactly what we are doing every minute of every day. We are spending more and more time in our Aquafaria home absorbing the frequencies of this sixth dimensional realm and learning everything there is to know about it. This is the realm where there are millions of elementals showing us how to redesign our bodies into the omni particles of our original creation from the breath of god. These breaths of Source frequencies are breathed in to our etheric chromosomes to realign our DNA at the omni level into a New Form of consciousness. Namaste, Crystalai DNA ACTIVATION FROM STELLAR WAVE TRANSMISSION I have been listening to the new DNA album and I see stars everywhere...that is to say, my room is dark, but full of stars, but bluish, and so much energy moving in strange patterns. Even more unusual, when I close my eyes I see everything exactly the same as when my eyes are open. Closing them doesn't stop what I see, it's so odd. So much movement. The air seems thick with energy. The clouds are closer. There is so much joy, if I get out of my usual/habitual state of perceiving/cruising along, seeing the scenery, I feel so much in the invisible, so much feeling. If I pay attention,or shift my aperture very slightly, I feel the new, even though I don't see it in its fullness yet. So much excitement, joy, I just feel happy. There is happy in the molecules of the atmosphere. Thank you so much for helping me find a bridge. Love!!!!! Dear Crystalai Crystalai Go to: http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/dna-infusion to learn more about the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION The frequencies that are recorded on these wave albums are actually transmissions of consciousness that record the frequency signatures of thousands of BEINGS who are involved in the Omniversal Consciousness shifting, as well as the Waves of Stardust, Solar Winds, Singing of the Music of the Spheres, and the Consciousness Waves of the Kristic Races as they align into the Heart of Mother Earth. As you go through this process of aligning your consciousness and body with these waves of light energy, your body becomes able to turn into a Golden Egg or Crystal Merkaba form. You get the light glowing through a crystal and you get beautiful shades of color. The Guardians said that we must PARTICIPATE in enough of these Stellar Wave Activations to raise our accretion level to 4.5. Now, accretion level is different than dimensional level. We must achieve 5.5 dimensional level to perceive the 4.5 accretion level. We are now at the 5 dimensional level perceiving the fourth accretion level. So, what I am doing with these Frequency Recordings of these LIFE TRANSFORMING EVENTS performed by the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE himself, is to allow any one who desires to PARTICIPATE in these Stellar Wave activations who doesn't know how to align consciousness themselves, and for those who are late comers to the game and missed out on the first 8 of the 12 Activations to use my recordings as a historical chronology of these events. The Sun becomes the Son of the Star and the Stardust becomes the Son of the Sun A new Star is being born within the Sun to Transform the Earth into the Star from which she was born. Ionizaiton is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion into a new reality- a new frequency- a new dimension-a NEW HARMONIC UNIVERSE. Ionizaiton is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion. When a person learns the process of ascension is a breathing and spinning process that utilizes a very complex system of polyhedral geometries that create Cosmic sphere that contains multitudes of merkabas that spin in side of each other through the activity of consciousness called love, they will go through this process of becoming a disappearing entity through a rainbow prism. Where is the rainbow coming from? It is coming from intense electrical field that is ionizing to some effect like a magnetic mirror which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that is in the mirror is contained an intense field working in the vacuum. Then ions are injected inside of this intense electrical field inside of the vacuum then immediately the elctrons of those ions return to plasmic state. What state are they returning to? Invisible light, ultra violet blue, plasma. The entity looks like a Cloud, but also looks like an individual that we remember. This process of ascension into the Cloud Cities was very common fifty thousand years ago, and then brought back to our memory two thousand years ago by Jesus Christ. The truth is, we all contain this Cosmic Body that exists in the spheres within spheres around our bodies. We activate this Cosmic Body that disappears through the rainbow prism our the full spectrum of light energy with the breath, consciousness, focused energy and the understanding of the merkaba technology. The merkaba technology can be visualized and understood through the symbolic method of it just being a four sided cube or pyramid facing up and another one facing down, the one facing down is the magnetic and the one facing up is the electro. So, there is this electro magnetic field of energy that spins faster and faster. However, the Merkaba structure is much more complex than that. Go to Merkaba Mechanics at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com. So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror. When we use the Keys to Unlock the Magnetic Mirror or the Doors into New Realities we are walking through a Magnetic Mirror of Transformation. We are seeing our Parallel Spiritual Self on the other side of the Mirror. We walk through the Mirror when our Keys unlock the door. The Keys are the Frequencies that I record in the Eternal Life Albums. My Cosmic Council Team is the CRYSTALAI COUNCIL. My name is Crystalai. Crystalai means the direct return to Source, which removes the mortality loop. The Crystalai Loop aligns into the At One Ment with Source through our Mind of God within our Seed Atom within our Crystal Heart. My Mission on Earth has been to Bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music. The Universal Life Force Currents are far beyond the Light Spectrum and Sound Spectrum of the Five Senses. The Visions and Sounds come to me through Consciousness which is Spiritual, Invisible, and yet Known and Felt Clearly from my Soul Family who brings these Sounds into my Frequency Specific Mid Brain to be Exhaled on to the Crystal Star Dust Microphone that they provide for me. STELLAR WAVE ACTIVATIONS CONTAIN the Stellar Wave Activations streaming from the Universal Life Force. Activation of the 12 subharmonics within each of the Double Helix of our DNA are activated through these 12 Stellar Wave Transfusions from the Universal Life Force. The Individualized ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM contain a series of activations that activate and evolve as more and more of the 12 Stellar Waves Stream from the Universal Life Force. THE MOTHER SHIP ALBUM SET PURCHASE http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=Mother_Ship_1_2_3&lang=en MAGIC DOLPHIN ALBUM SET PURCHASE http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=MAGIC_DOLPHIN_THERAPY&lang=en PARALLEL UNIVERSE ALBUM SET http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/crystalmagicorchestra6 INDIVIDUALIZED ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=Indiv_Immort_Album&lang=en CONTAIN the Stellar Wave Activations streaming from the Universal Life Force. These are the frequency waves needed to complete theactivation of the 12 subharmonics within each of the Double Helix of our DNA. This Stellar Wave activation was the 8th of 12 Waves from the Universal Life Force. This Infusion from the Mother Ships COSMAYA were guided and harmonized into the Christ Grids by the Lords of our Seas, the Cetacean Nation. These Frequencies, which are activated through these 12 Stellar Wave Transfusions from the Universal Life Force, are a moment to moment visionary story of this grand event that took place on Earth in March 2014. The Individualized ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM contain a series of activations that activate and evolve as more and more of the 12 Stellar Waves Stream from the Universal Life Force. The COSMAYA are the Councils beyond this Cosmos. As our Universe becomes Omniverse of 12, so does our Cosmos become the Cosmos of 13. The Universal Life Force is activated by the Cosmic Life Force. Now, we can TUNE IN TO the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE - our Christ Consciousness. Now the Waves of Christ Consciousness are Streaming into every cell in our Bodies. The Stellar Waves (meaning Stardust Frequencies coming in Waves) are all coming from the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE.

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