I AM NOT A US. Citizen, but I know the importance of anyone's rights...Are you going to let others decide the destiny of this great country for you? That is why I am pitching in to help to make sure it is the people who make the decisions by letting their voices being heard LOUDLY AND CLEARLY...
Debate Moderators: Ask About Voting Rights
Target: Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, Errol Louis
LINK: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/debate-moderators-ask-about-voting-rights?source=moveon
As you can see from the cutbacks in polling places and early voting leading to 5-hour lines in Arizona and elsewhere, and voters disenfranchised by draconian ID laws in Alabama, North Carolina, Wisconsin and other states, there is a war on voting being conducted across the country.
Both parties, and all campaigns, need to answer some tough questions about where they stand on voting rights. But the debate moderators need to step up and ask these questions, so we can hear their answers.
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To: Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, Errol Louis From: [Your Name]
Ask about voting rights in the upcoming Democratic debate in New York. The country deserves to know how the candidates will protect our right to vote (or not).
Do the candidates support restoring the full provisions of the Voting Rights Act? What about automatic voter registration, early voting, vote by mail, same day voter registration? What about preventing voter suppression? How will they make it easier for us to vote, and not harder?