Debate is essentially an engagement with another or others to verbally discuss views on various topics of interest shared between participants.

Why have I chosen this topic? There are too many fence sitters in your world, too many peace keepers who seek to justify not having a view or not espousing a cause for the sake of peace. Achieving peace in your world is essential and this can only be effected through change. Maintaining peace at the expense of its achievement is fruitless. It must be achieved before it can be maintained. To achieve a state of peace, be it inner peace or peace in the world, man must realise that change is necessary. There are many who realise and know it but are not prepared to take up the baton and encourage others to do the same.

Debate ignites excitement, triggers passion, stimulates thought processes, generates new, unheard yet cultured perspectives. It encourages man to open his mind, undertake research, explore new territories, set aside his reticence, apathy or non partisan attachment and begin to gravitate towards a cause, a case, a belief, a conviction. In this productive process each can distil a purpose that goes beyond self achievement.

Debate is not meant to create separation of ideas or confine ones to various groups in the bid to prove that one group’s idea is superior to another or more credible than another or that victory of one over the other is the end goal. The objective should not be to sustain egos or prove one is right and another wrong. It should not incite vitriolic responses and polarise people. Debate should always be entered into with a view to enlightenment. One may never all at once be fully endeared to all the views of another, but may through the process and through the passage of time become enlightened because of the exchange which takes place. Truth should be the centring point of debate. This simply means that it should be the aim of the exercise, the goal.

There and many dogmas, doctrines and theories floating in your world which many have religiously latched onto and which provide security in belief. Yet seldom do ones who adopt these stop to ask or think whether the dogma, the doctrine or the theory holds any truth or offers the truth. They become stuck in what is accepted as mainstream. The dogma, doctrine or theory becomes man’s truth without question. If truth is not the goal how can you find it. If security is the goal, whatever makes you feel secure will be your truth.

The time is here and now; for man will be given to truth which will surely breach his feelings of security and leave him feeling naked. Truth clothes dear ones, it provides the warmth of knowing. I fear that man will find himself bereft of his comforting beliefs that he has long held onto as they shatter in the light of truth that is to be given. It is not too late for man to awaken through a willingness to hear from those who can lead him to open his closed and fear-centred mind and see what is before him. It is not too late for man to see the need for change and commit to being a part of the revolution that will change the face, heart and soul of your world. 

I exhort to all, in particular to those who fear, those who cower, those who resign themselves and those who cradle questionable beliefs, release the weight that holds you from progressing, be willing to engage in discussion with those who seek to genuinely bring light to the world and seek higher guidance for discernment. These are the moments that you must make full use of; find your passion and courage and others who share your vision will be led to you that you may form a network that can grow exponentially that you may engender and create the inevitable changes that your world awaits
