Selamat Ja! We return during this holiday season with much to tell you.Around you, your reality is changing! Gaia is busy preparing her surfacerealms for a great transformation. These preparations are still fairlysubtle; however, you are now entering a time when these changes are tobecome much more conspicuous to you. Areas noted for major earthquakesare to become active and minor tremors are already making themselvesfelt. Volcanoes, both on land and seabed, are also beginning to 'revup'. Our Earth scientists have been monitoring this increase in seismicactivity on all continents. These developments constitute the next boutof warnings from Mother Earth and dovetail with your own quickeningtoward full consciousness. The old reality, which for millennia has beenyour residential 'cocoon', has served its purpose. Many dowsers havenoticed that the magnetic lines they use to examine your world arechanging in strength or position. These phenomena are related to Gaia'sshifting gravity fields. These magnetic shifts are playing havoc with Earth's electrical fields.In order to ready herself for full consciousness, Gaia is deliberatelyadapting to the immense amounts of data coming from the Sun, her fellowplanets, and the galactic core. It is important to see all this as aliving organism in transition. All 3-D realities regularly capture acertain amount of this data stream, and when an entity expands itsconsciousness the amount of data captured increases extraordinarily.Further, this data needs to be processed differently. To this end yourreality is adapting its grid lines to better cope with the heightenedinflux and is starting to become a monopolar entity. Such change istaking place throughout your solar system, which allows your scientiststo observe at close quarters how zero-point energy and matter operate inthe galaxy. These observations astound them and demonstrate clearlyjust how out of phase their scientific paradigm is! It has prompted themto search more diligently for a new operating model, one that canbetter encompass these recurring phenomena.
Parallelingthe many unusual events taking place in your solar system, the galacticcore is also going through similar changes. She is changing her basefrequency, triggering a series of great energy waves, which flow fromthe core to her outer spirals, and transforming how the galaxy holds hertogether. New galactic grid lines are forming, which indicates that anew type of gravity wave is being born. This energy is giving life tonew graviton particles that slightly interfere with our basic propulsionsetups. Hence, we have had to adjust our ships' energy-gatheringdevises and have changed the distribution of our vast fleet throughoutyour solar system. We have also altered the density of the mothershipsin the inner ring around your planet, necessitating the creation of aspecial Möbius strip-like corridor to permit the swift entrance of ourships into the Earth's atmosphere when the moment for first contactarrives. We need to adjust this travel corridor each day, whichdemonstrates just how rapidly your solar system is changing.
Theseconsiderable changes match the progress each of you is making towardthe point where first contact is definitely required. This is why thefirst steps preparing you for this goal needs to be completed. We havenotified our Earth allies of this and have emphasized that the presentreality no longer reflects who you are becoming. The dark cabal, too,knows what is happening and is busy wondering how the status quo can beprolonged. There exists in your reality a failsafe point beyond which adifferent timeline can be imposed. This point has recently been passed,which means that there is now only one scenario permitted, and that isfirst contact and all that that entails. We have brought in a few goodworkers who are determined to propel things toward first contact at amuch swifter pace. These Beings are accelerating their abilities to themax and intend to get the initial steps done very quickly. Meanwhile,your governmental and economic systems are poised for a completecollapse.
The key to what is happening is to understand the effect of overwhelminginternational debt on a nearly broken economic system. This is the goalthat the dark cabalists were setting up in the first few years of the21st century. Unfortunately for them, the system imploded before theycould extract the quantity of money from the system that they hadpromised to the members of its many working boards. As a result, illegalactions by the US Federal Reserve and the legislatures of severalnations permitted the extraction of most of the remaining monies fromlate 2008 to mid-2009. Our Earth allies alerted many governments aboutthe truth of what was happening but were unable to prevent a series ofEuropean and Asian nations from approaching collapse in 2009-2010. Theywere able to recover some of these funds, and these can be used as proofof the illegal activities, giving us additional ammunition for bringingdown the dark cabal.
The various nations of your world have secretly come together to opposethe hegemony of the dark cabal and to end its millennia-longstranglehold on the globe. Predictably, the dominant agent of thiscabal, the US corporate state, used its army of covert intelligenceoperatives to put pressure on anyone involved in that activity, whichcreated a very sticky milieu for the Earth allies and their new friendsto operate in. Meanwhile, several major global trusts were reaching thepoint of pay-out and a number of parallel scenarios were also underway,the intent of which was to reach the point for our direct interventionaround the end of the Gregorian year of 2010 and early 2011. Thesescenarios are beginning to interlink, and we have come to agreementswith the major white-Light, secret societies of your globe on what is tobe done next
. Yourworld needs to be deeply purged of what has come to be the commonplaceand widely accepted prime beliefs of your reality. These erroneousmindsets are fostered by the fiction that you are alone and unique inthe universe. Once your true history and the truth of your origins onother worlds are revealed, all these notions will go up in smoke. Thosein your society who are willing and able to do so need to take on thishuge crisis of perception and get the people of Gaia back on track. Thenyou can be introduced to us. Our mission is to complete what the manywhite-Light societies plan to do. Our counselors have waited for almosttwo decades to set you free and graciously introduce you to the amazing,sovereign Being that each of you has hidden within you.
The first item on the agenda of this first contact mission is to moveyou toward a more ethical form of governance combined with an economybased on abundance. The aim is to begin to fully honor you as sovereignBeings, and this implies a complete reappraisal of how you treat oneanother. Each of you is a precious creation of the Creator, endowed withequal and unalienable rights and delivered into this world with certainlife-long goals. You are then equipped with unique talents that can beused to help others, as well as yourself, to reach those life goals.Galactic societies take these talents to their full potential. Normally,societies have reached this point before being eligible for firstcontact. You are to go beyond this point, all the way to fullconsciousness. You have a glorious future ahead, as a key member of theGalactic Federation of Light!
Today, we continued our discussion with you about first contact. Yourreality is now collapsing and a new one is manifesting in its place.Then we can safely arrive and move you quite quickly into fullconsciousness. Wonders you cannot even imagine can then be opened toyou! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supplyand never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)