The days from December 15 through December 19, 2015 will serve to initiate the New Consciousness in Unity with God upon Mother Earth!
The Energy of December 15, 2015 will initiate the internal catalyst for realizing the need for the New Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension through the alignment of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony with God’s Harmony Vibration. The second catalyst of the Universe’s Energy will occur on December 17, 2015.
The Energy of December 17, 2015 will form a progress point for the movement of the Future of Man and Light through the initiation of God’s Logos, God’s directives, to lead all Souls, Man and Light, into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The third catalyst of the Universe’s Energy will align on Earth on December 19, 2015 and will serve to instill the need for serving one’s Spiritual Purpose with God for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Though many Souls will be in a state of confusion and bewilderment in these next few months, no one will be lost by seeking his or her Soul’s station of advancement, for everything in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will lead to the discovery of Unity with God!
None of the three individual catalysts of the Universe’s Energy will produce an isolated result, for they are designed to work in unison like the arrangement of God’s Universe – “be together, work together, BE AS ONE!” And it is so, dear Ones, for the physical aspects to begin within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will all emerge from the internal dimensions of choice from each Soul, and not by the disorder caused by unprecedented worldwide events!