In case you’re wondering, as I write this the sun will be up over the mountain in about 35 minutes. The sky is clear blue—no sign of a solar storm. Comms are fine.
With this talk of a solar storm I’m wondering if they’re going to show NASA to be the lying, treasonous, rogue agency it is. It’s no longer a government body—it’s private, from what I’ve heard. They protected the Secret Space Program while siphoning trillions of taxpayer dollars annually to fund it.
They have what most of us would consider miraculous (health) technology and they keep it for themselves while we suffer, all the while pretending there are no space craft or ETs and ridiculing anyone who mentions it. Off with their heads!
Have you seen this video below? MUST LISTEN. Big Pharma is going down, and so are a lot of medical practitioners. No more death by medication. Warranties required. Liability. It’s about time.
Of course we all need to take responsibility for our own health. We cannot put doctors on pedestals and blindly follow their advice. The control freaks who have been running the planet spent a great deal of money “indoctrinating” those in medical schools and taking medical training, whether physical or mental.
If they had questioned rather than accepting the programming, they would have realized the dangers inherent in medical practices, but they did not. Many accepted bribes to willingly become drug pushers and mislead Humanity who trusted them.
The speaker, a planetary judge, then goes on to address elections and voting rights and procedures and the impossibilities we’ve just seen here in America. The citizens’ votes were stolen; the contract with the state broken. Outright fraud. Organized crime and mob rule.
He explains that the FEMA camps (with guillotines?) are filling up due to the fraud rampant in America and globally. Those who committed the crimes are LIABLE. Period. It’s all a matter of contracts that we are ignorant of. No longer.
“Anybody who disables you has broken Universal Law.” No more fraudulent maritime law, admiralty law, law of the sea: We acknowledge only Universal Law, natural law, common law, Law of the Land.
Now, this is Part 3 of 3. I’d love to hear the rest. He makes it clear the voter fraud is GLOBAL, and that We, the People, are not even considered “citizens”. We have zero rights in their system, and he explains the mechanisms for elections and how we can protect our rights.
He explains why judges always wear black robes. It is in honour of the dead. WE are all dead to them. Isn’t that right, RDS? And what of the ITNJ tribunal where he wears the black robe?
This is phenomenal stuff folks. A real education. It doesn’t mean the battle is over. It arms us to do battle.
You can learn more here at his channel. 26 minutes.
[” Breaking News – Global Arrests are Imminent. “] 3 of 3.
The Earth Alliance continues to expose the dark cabal’s established trickery in elections. One of Donald Trump’s campaign promises stated his administration would shift the power back to The People, where it belongs. If you can’t elect the individual the majority chooses to run the country as well as who represents you locally then you have no power, n’est-ce pas? Canada knows; as do many other nations. Democracy? That is an illusion. That’s the mockingbird media trying to drill it into our heads that it exists. It’s a Republic—“if you can keep it”.
Simon Parkes has a 7 minute update I haven’t seen with valuable clarification. Many are confused by the current process underway due to the disinformation pumped out by the media and the demonrat party. There’s a huge difference between reality and what the lying, treasonous media claim. The White Hats know what they’re doing, folks.
14th December Update Current News Follow-up
BCP has it all figured out and shares his expert commentary.
And We Know… Trump will be inaugurated for his second term. We just know. Wait and see.
12.16.20: AMAZING courage DISPLAYED throughout the NATION! Coming in for LANDING!