They got him. Link to Telegram.
A grain of optimism might be found in the fact that the Twitter platform is not so censored now. Perhaps if the doctors and others who spoke out about the plandemic could speak more freely now, the masses might find and recognize truth. Perhaps Truth Social will help. There is plenty of truth on Telegram, but for whatever reasons, not everyone is able to set up accounts on all these platforms so there are gaps.
What we haven’t yet mentioned above is the link between 5G and the “vaccine” technology. Some have stated that the high death toll in China resulted when they turned on the 5G torture towers and the vaccinated simply fell down dead. No idea if that is true, embellished, or fiction.
Here’s a video from Sean at the SGT Report that may shed light on it. I know I have seen them working on these cylindrical towers and the others in my neighbourhood but I attribute that to White Hat operations. Can’t live in fear. 17 min. 17???
We see hope everywhere. We’ve talked about the relentless attacks on Elon Musk. Note SGAnon’s post:
SGAnon @RealSGAnon
14hDid Elon out himself as an Anon recently?
Public proclamation (implied)?
Follow the ____?
Calls attention to bioweaponization of C19?
Releases Twitter Files?
Second largest DOD contractor …What do Falcons eat?
Symbolism is their downfall.
What is Space Force ‘hunting’ with Elon’s ‘Falcons’?It’s all there, if you will read the message/in/the/messages.
Trust the Plan. WH Alliance.
Moves and countermoves.#ElonAnon #spaceforce #WWG1WGA #savehumanity #savethechildren
Some additional positive news this week revealed that Title 42 will remain in place according to the ruling by SCOTUS. The border situation should improve.
If you are traveling or entertaining and won’t be checking in with us tomorrow, we wish you a happy and safe New Year. Thank you for the support of all kinds. We appreciate each of you for your unique energetic presence and contributions. So long for now. ~ BP