Steven Greer Issues An Emergency Warning To Trump – The Global Transnational Deep State Is Preparing To Launch A Massive Fake Alien Invasion Designed To Cause A Societal Collapse 100X Worse Than Their Covid Attack!

FAKE ALIEN INVASION ALERT: Disclosure Project Founder Dr. Steven Greer Issues An Emergency Warning To Trump – The Global Transnational Deep State Is Preparing To Launch A Massive Fake Alien Invasion Designed To Cause A Societal Collapse 100X Worse Than Their Covid Attack!

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  • -if Greer says their may be a false flag using alien tec and holograms he's probably right-others have been saying the same thing for decafes and Greer and the rest them are probably cia -but how about the fact that you post the ben fulford cia propaganda nonsense, which is entertaing-but thats different right, because you post it?
    And you post Matthew who was a obama progagandist for 8 years and all the's being proven now, that obama is one of the biggest traitors in US history
    You're an unwitting troll, rev-and I wont delete your comment
  • Are you a troll AE, ? for you are causing FEAR in people. The GFL says this will not be permitted to happen, there is already a firmament around the earth to stop all incoming UFO'S or those trying to get out. The DC can only create a hologram that can be seen as not real by those who are awake. The DC feeds off of Fear and you AE are helping them to create Fear instead of Love. You are not helping our cause but only making it worse. Better you go to another site to play your Fear and attack games, you are not wanted here. Don't miss with the time lines they are already set for us to Win for we have already Won ! Adonai rev. Joshua
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"-if Greer says their may be a false flag using alien tec and holograms he's probably right-others have been saying the same thing for decafes and Greer and the rest them are probably cia -but how about the fact that you post the ben fulford cia…"
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"Are you a troll AE, ? for you are causing FEAR in people. The GFL says this will not be permitted to happen, there is already a firmament around the earth to stop all incoming UFO'S or those trying to get out. The DC can only create a hologram that…"
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