I just have to say this: Anyone who believes that politics is not worth their attention is actually complicit in the world's and their own demise! It is very important to know where to aim our LIGHT these days! One can and must stay informed in order to counter-balance the negativity of the desperate Cabal at this juncture! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! But we must remember too, that first facing and then processing the fear the Cabal is doing its best to generate, is a spiritual lesson we are all here to take on! We are not here to avoid these lessons! We chose to be there to experience them, and transmute it all to a higher vibration!!! Dutifully burying head-in-sand does nothing to defeat the NWO! Those who still 'buy' O'Bama being a "Lightworker" should have their noggins seriously examined. They are as much Sheeple as those in the camp who are not conscious Lightworkers, and just simply refusing to look at the facts! The greatest evil happens when 'good people do nothing'!
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/possible-false-flag-operation-u-s-enterprise#ixzz1mTI27rcl
I think getting Involved and focusing your Energy on what you see as Legitimate is important.
At the same time, we can't continue to allow our "differences in views" to distract us from what is happening on a larger scale. Personally I support who I do because of my own personal reasons.
But - the lesson that I am learning is that I can't allow someone attacking what I see as good effect my consciousness the way that I used to, and it's not anymore.
What is happening on planet Earth is inevitable, but at the same time I feel like every decision we make - and every Experience we have MEANS SOMETHING DEEPER.
That is why I stand up for what I believe in - and that does matter too - because I have a passion for what I believe in. With compassion we can see the deeper reasons behind things.