Diamond Lion's Gate Portal influx of abundant Diamond light coming in on a bilocational stream of simultaneous negative and positive polarity for integration and transmutation within and by the 5D consciousness individuals. The Nine provide, through their conduit Magenta Pixie, catalyst triggers through Flame Letter codes for a smooth and blissful transitionary experience into the new Diamond crystalline template system. Portal from the 26th of July to the 12th of August with the highest peak on 8/8. The 13th of August is the shift point manifested in 3D physical reality.
The portal here is 26th July, peaking somewhat on August 2nd then moving in steady spiral, perceived by you in physicality as an incline with highest peak on Lion's Gate at 8.08am and 8.08pm on 8th August 2019. Portal remains open through to August 12th with the crystalline shift occurring on August 13th taking you into yet a new diamond vibration. - 'The Nine' - through Magenta Pixie
the nine....salutations, love and blissful gratitude for all that you do in cosmic service for earth evolution.....magnificent words of power/empowerment.
i am monadic, plasmic, diamond light, holding sophianic immortality. i am drekx omega, of the samanet-sirian clan of atars......om tat sat om....
Dear amparo,
This Video every one must watch !!
In Gratitude, Love, Light and Blessings !!