Dimensional Structure and Earth's Transition- Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal ArchitectRamshi: We want to give you a galactic perspective to help you see alarger picture to understand that you are about to reacquaint yourselveswith the galactic community.First up, dimensional structure, at least the specifics of the third throughthe fifth and then what to expect in the coming years.As you know, dimensions are structured in a similar fashion to yourmusical scales. There are notes of discord and notes of harmony. Andthey are just how they sound. Notes of harmony are frequency ranges ofsound where construction occurs, and notes of discord are used when wedeconstruct matter. Occasionally we will do so (deconstruct matter) whenstarting to design systems. But sound is used to create frequency rangesfor dimensions.Question: So what is the difference between light and sound if it is alljust frequency and vibration?Ramshi: The difference occurs in the frequency range. Again don’t thinkhierarchical. Higher is not necessarily better. It just is, and differentfrequencies are used for different things. For example, light uses a higher(shorter) carrier wave to travel. That is how it is perceived by the senses,as light. Sound uses another bandwidth. Just as you have elements thathave basically the same building blocks, certain conditions will alter itsstate like water into ice or steam. Same with sound. Under certainconditions it translates into light. So for building universes we usesound.3rd DimensionRamshi: The third dimension is one of physicality. It is one of density, ofcorporeal bodies, where there is a complete cycle. It is based on thegeometry of a circle: a beginning and end, which by the way are the samepoint. It is not always perceived as a dimension of duality. There are onlycertain sectors that have this added layer. Some sectors enjoy thephysical, but yet remember connections. But for you right now, let’sfocus on this galaxy filled with duality. Within the third dimension thereare some limitations such as travel because there are limits to which thehuman body can go; there are limits to the tidal forces.There is the illusion of time and structure, form and function. It is one oflinear thought. That is the perk, a chance to not see all points at once. Itallows one to see in depth one perspective through to its conclusion;again start to finish within that. Because of your multidimensional self,layers are added to look at each singular experience with every variablefrom start to finish. You long to still have that full (multidimensional)perspective. It is who you are. You can only limit that so much.So that is the third in a nut shell. Your sector of the universe is one ofduality. Polarity. It really shakes things up. It is possible to be in thethird dimension and remember other dimensions, but only to a limitedextent. For to remember what it is to be multidimensional means youmust take your self out of the game. It is a part of the experience anddesire of the third (dimension) to be able to look in depth at just one“perspective”. It defeats the purpose (of being 3rd dimensional) otherwise.4th DimensionRamshi: The fourth dimension is one of fluid change. It is a transitoryzone if you will. When one delves into the lower dimensions, 1-3, there isa time needed for the fragmented self to readjust to the multidimensionalexperience. Time and space do not exist as you desire them to. They arefree flowing and malleable. It exists as a marker. Think of it as abookmark. You can flip through the books and return where you left off.Both time and space still exist, just not as you may perceive (currently).Question: So what should we expect when Earth ascends?Ramshi: Great things. It will be gradual and many of you will move backand forth. Because you are not fully departing and beginning a new life,there will be difficulties for some in fully grasping the events that havetranspired. It will be like a dream that they are waking from. And to behonest, exactly what will transpire emotionally will be a wholly newexperience because no planet full of conscious beings has ever done thisbefore. We see probable futures, but they are rewritten every second.Emotions can only be experienced in the “now”. Although past, present,and future are one, if we go to the future to view, it is like viewing amovie. You aren’t having the experience. Only the current moment hasthat potential. The emotional archive is there. Emotions are a tricky thingfor us to tap into, that is, your emotional experience. We certainly haveour own, but when reviewing Earth’s records or akashic records,emotions are hard to get. Just like you watch a movie, occasionally thestory will take you to an emotional place of empathy. Not quite the sameas the first hand experience. But close enough to give you a notion of theemotional state. It is very much the same. That’s why there is nosubstitution for incarnating. It is the difference between watching anddoing.So the fourth is transitory. Not a place many stay for long.Question: Does every dimension have a transitory zone?Ramshi: Not all. Mainly for the lower realms because of the density. Thelighter density realms don’t need it.5th DimensionRamshi: The fifth dimension is a fluid one of light bodies, crystallineform. There is no corporeal body. The lessons of the fifth are harmonics,resonance, learning to move through and explore space without time.There is only desire and immediate manifestation. Thought and physicalprojection. Harmonics = Harmony, the resonance that matches atparticular peaks. It is an experiment in the exploration of creativity andunderstanding.Viewing TimeRamshi: When we view time and timelines, we focus our energy, ourthought, on one specific moment, the now for you. But we can see as weshine our light that past and the future of that now. Because thatmoment was structured from a specific set of circumstances from thepast, a very unique set of future events. So these are dependent on thenow. Change the now and you change all the future. That is how youcreate probable realities, and that is how we can view them. We focus onthe “now” version of you that is trying to connect with us, the now versionthat is having emotions and driving this line of questioning. So when wewant to look at records or history, this is how it’s done. You can think ofit like a film strip that we can focus on the now and we see the animationof the future and the past on the strip. It can not be helped and theycan’t be separated. That is what it means when we say they are all one.So when a being wantsto check out your DVD as it were from the akashic library, they cannotfeel emotion unless they are watching the now. It would be like you fastforwarding through the disc with a marker where you started. If you areseeing the future while strips are quickly passing you are just getting aglimpse. You don’t really feel or emotionally connect. Same for us andwhile we can see it, just like you watching a movie, we can empathize.But it is not exactly the same as if you are having the experience. That’swhy it is so special to be able to incarnate. You can watch all you want,but it’s not the same as being/doing. Life is so very special and precious.And we hate to see you spending one moment in fear when there are somany rich opportunities that await you. Fear is such a limiting emotion.Clear it. You’ll find that there are far more exciting and fulfillingemotions. Earth is so unique because of its genetic makeup from itswildlife, fauna, oceans, and skies that the range of emotions is vast.Other worlds aren’t like that. Because the diversity, the sheer number ofvariables, potential for duality, for polar extremes is so high, anenormous range of emotions can be experiences. Other sectors of dualityare far more limited. The issues and experiences are limited thus so arethe emotions.Question: What are emotions?Ramshi: Life, simply put. Your connection to the source. Your life force.Intellect is the connection to the body. Again duality for the bipolarsector. Believe it or not, there are some sectors of the universe that aretri-polar. That means they can choose to be linear (experiencing duality)or multidimensional (connected to all things) at will and that is the nextstep for you on your way to being multidimensional. You will move backand forth. Some of you preparing yourselves so that when others comeyou will help them to make the transition. The third point is in anotherrealm (one or two realms). Not all realms as with fully integrating intomultidimensional existence.4th and 5th Dimensional EarthQuestion: What will 4th dimensional earth be like/look like?Ramshi: It will be quite different to you because it will be peaceful andhealthy. There is no lack and sense of duality. So things you associatewith lack (disease, poverty, negativity) cease. Because there are no limits,you leave behind old notions. It will not be easy at first. Earth doesn’tsupport lack in that dimension. So thoughts of it are difficult to reconcile.It will be hard to fully grasp where that feeling is coming from. So healingis going to be extremely important. You will be doing a lot of processing ofyour dense portion of life (3rd Dimension) and learning about yourenergetic body.Question: And what about those who don’t ascend?Ramshi: You will remember them and still feel your connection to them,but you will not mourn for them as you would have in the thirddimension because you understand from a multidimensional perspective.But there will be events that divide, to assist beings in determining whichpath they wish to choose. They may choose one of enlightenment or theymay reincarnate to another planet. Earth will cease to exist in the third.Just as you choose, so has/will she. Planets reside in multipledimensions, but they choose to complete lessons and cease to occupypoints in dimensional space. Just like myself. I no longer incarnate intophysical beings. But she will remain in the fourth through the twelfth.She will join the other planets in your system you no longer see.Time exists in all dimensions as markers. Time just isn’t always linear. Allexperience is coded so it may be catalogued and put into libraries. It’sour own type of Dewey Decimal system. Lots of good books to read. Youwill still have the lingering perception of linear time so yes forapproximately eighty of your earth years you will remain in the fourthdimension. But it will be another conscious shift into the fifth and all ofEarth’s inhabitants will harness consciousness to shift. That meansthrough desire, will and focused thought you will envision and raiseearth’s vibration. You will assist her consciously whereas this go around,she’s doing the work while most of humanity is unconscious.So with the shift into the fifth will come a time of complete freedom fromlinear thought to a wholly multidimensional perspective of reality. Andwithin that comes great travels and exploration of the galaxy. The fifth isa dimension of mastering interdimensional and harmonic shifts. Onemay go into higher frequency ranges but that is not where your focus isso you won’t remain. It would be like a school group taking a trip to thelocal capitol to learn about government for the day, but it goes back toschool to learn more in depth and to cover other studies. You learn aboutthe integrity of timelines and dimensional structures. You get to playwith it. To move through time and explore. So that’s a very quickexplanation of the fifth dimension.Question: And day to day life? What is that like?Ramshi: Similar. You still have friends you meet with to play and explore.Your family still exists. Again unique, because of this conscious shift. Aswe get closer to these times, we will try to explain in greater detail as youhave the ability to grasp these new concepts. For now, it is justcompletely beyond for you.source: http://lightworkers.org/channeling/76326/dimensional-structure-and-earths-tra
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