Dimensional Trappings of a Soul thru Mind Matrix
I want to share something that I very recently underwent.
In another one of my "Awakening, Revelations" I was shown a depiction of how heaven, earth and hell....would be created or invisioned by many.
In MANY religions there is said of Pergatory, Hell and Heaven and many Culture Beliefs as well. Now if you take for example there are 7 groups/entitys/ mass's of people that HOLD a belief for something then what do you suppose THAT would be able to "Create" ?
For Example do you seriously think that Creator/GOD would sit and say as in thee creation "You, I will make bright, awake and aware" and to another say "You, I will make dark, negative and evil" ??? Does anyone think that a GOD/Creator would ever ever Split, Seperate or Divide or make ones HIGHER or LOWER than another ?
NO, its US here in our FREEWILL 3d Lives that construct these things. I call those, LEVELS....the high's and lows, the better and worse etc.....
When really in TRUE its STAGES of growth that ALL souls undergo here upon our Earth Plane. We are given thee breathe of Life and we start our growth / journey from there.
Now in this fashionism mankind created "Religions", wrote books, had teachings etc.... Where there was then "Implanted" seeds that carry impact on MANY more than just those that follow in that creation and belief structure. This I feel was done for Power, Control, Fear etc....
When ones HOLD such beliefs they actually CREATE this!
Did GOD possibly only create ONE universe having only ONE dimension ? Think about that for a moment................
When I say that, I AM giving alot of power of manifestation.....as WE are creators and truely DO have power!
When people HOLD a belief or structuring it can and does MANY different things! When a belief started on thoughts of "Hell, Purgatory, Heaven" that is when the "Constructions" started the BUILDING of these many different "Dimensions"
SO now back to my exorcise..... In working with my Higher.......I ordered the complete closing of ALL dimensions that are in HOLDING or BARRING of souls....I ordered FULL Provisions to those souls immediatly and them to be RELEASED!!! In doing this I closed my eyes...........
A large Ship or Arc came into view, it was golden with a white mist about it....I watched MANY people get into this arc/boat/ship and then noticed a PALM TREE of all things in it.
As the souls loaded up in this ship I felt a massive tingle run through my body and was over come with joy and relief....knowing ALL of these "Souls, People" that had "Crossed the Veil" in that belief are TRAPPED in a Matrix or Binder within that belief....
NOT being able to move forward where their soul needs to progress and move to.
You see........MANKIND creates their OWN demons, hells, negatives, darks etc..... and with the POWER of THOUGHT can CHANGE ALOT.
Now when ones speak of a "War for the Souls" This is VERY TRUE!!! As you can see those that hold a certain "Belief" are trapped within that belief and as some say are "Stuck" in a Cycle.
This is where your "Known" Lucifer or Satan or some call him Beezlebub....and of course MANY other known names and identities come from.....
There has to be a "Care Taker or Guardian" for these "Created" dimensions doesnt there ? I AM surely thinking that I would be worn out and tired withering in holding down that type of matrix/binder/holder or Grid. BUT as LONG as Mankind KEEPS creating these manifested thoughts/patterns/seperations/divisions etc we shall continue to SEE and FEEL the outcome of these patterns or choices!
I truely believe that GOD sits and waits patiently for the day that ALL awaken to this! Then ALL will know the ABSOLUTE FREEDOM in ABUNDANCES that were provisioned and given unto ALL of thee creation! None higher and none lower than another.
WHAT SHALL YOU CREATE ??? This is an INdiviDUAL life journey each and everyone of us are on. However what we do or choose not to do can have a direct immediate impact upon another!
A simple unconditional lesson for me in life is to LOVE each and everyONE as a POSSITIVE creation OF GOD....as it was GOD in my opinion that brought that soul and breathed life unto this soul to start its OWN journey of lessons and experiances!
My point to this however is with so many that hold this OLD structure and beleif system, when they cross over they are STUCK persay.......so if ones here upon this earth start to make changes in beliefs and structurings I feel this will better serve in the UPliftment of these trapped souls for them to RElease back to their Creator and all that is!
To JUDGE another in a belief or to all another "Dark" is simply WRONG to me.....NOT all are going to be on the SAME stage of growth! It would be like comparring a 1st grader to a 6th grader on on up from there....
You see, you simply cant rightfully do that! ALL grow in their OWN time, understanding and ways.....and to "Label" or "Tag" a Logo upon ones for this to me is absurd!
Would a loving mother do this to her "Children" I would certainly HOPE NOT!!! Hence GOD does NOT do this to US .........WE do this to OURSELVES!
Lighten up on your fellow brother/sister.......FELLow HumanKIND .........Bring back a Mothers TRUE LOVE and HEART which is UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING, Nurturing, Healing, Teaching, Acceptance, Kindness, Reverance......you know where I AM going BRING BACK THE LOVE!!!!
May you ALWAYS see thru the BEAUTIOUS HUES of HUEmanity thru RAINBOW EYES upon your GOLDEN PATH
Blessings to you ALL
MysticBlack with ATON