Discourse from Neptune


Beloved Neptune is Hierarch of the Water Element on our Earth. His Ray is the Fourth Secret Ray, which corresponds to the Water Element as well as to our emotional body. The color of the Fourth Secret Ray is close to what we call a teal color, a pure mix of blue and green. Here he gives some very important instruction on the Violet Flame. A must read for sincere students on the Path, and lovers of the Violet Consuming Flame.

Beloved Neptune:

" . . . Now, again I ask you to follow with Me the picture and pattern of the electrons as they exist within your emotional bodies. This picture will help you much in your visualization and in your use of the powers of the Sacred Fire to dislodge from around the electrons the discordant substance which you have drawn into your emotional vehicles by suction from the world without through indulgence in thoughts and feelings of an inharmonious nature.

"Every feeling you entertain draws unto itself through the centripetal force of sympathy the feelings of a like nature that float in the atmosphere and these, coupled with the discordant feelings that you generate yourselves in secret during your entire waking state, are drawn into the forcefields around the electrons that make up your bodies, resulting in the feelings of heaviness, depression and discouragement in the emotional body and your outer body as well.

"As the individual uses the Powers of the Sacred Fire, such as the Violet Transmuting Flame, or the Flame of Cosmic Christ Purity, what takes place? The 'wedges' of dark, heavy substance around the electrons are loosened and gradually thrown off. The vibratory action of the electron increases and it vibrates more rapidly in its orbit around the central core of each atom. Then, as you consciously call to the Beings Who represent the Virtues of a Perfect Ascended Master nature, asking Them to charge into the forcefields around the electrons, those Virtues - They will do it! Thus you build into your emotional body a storehouse of constructive energy which will act in the future as automatically as the destructive vibrations have acted in the past.

"Now, let us look at this from a scientific standpoint! Early in your instruction, the Beloved Saint Germain gave you a set of daily exercises which would be of tremendous assistance to you if you were to use them. Under the present pressure of daily living, this instruction seems to have receded into the background of your minds, but We present it to you here again. . . . "

" . . . The Beloved Saint Germain suggested that before retiring at night, you stand in your room and, calling the Violet Transmuting Flame into action, up, through, and around you, for at least nine feet in every direction. You raise your hands to your I AM Presence, asking It and Saint Germain to qualify those hands with the Purifying Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame. . . . "

"Then, starting at the head, pass your hands down over your body to the feet, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with your hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, arm and hand, and with the right hand give the left shoulder, arm and hand the same treatment.

"Repeat this activity in its entirety about three times, shaking the hand from the wrist once in a while, by which action the substance is thrown into the surrounding Violet Fire.

"What is the purpose of this exercise and what happens when it is performed?

"Saint Germain has said that if you could see with the inner sight what takes place in the first part of the exercise, it is as though a close fitting garment of black substance were being removed from the body with the hands. The second time you go over the body, the "garment removed is of a dark gray substance; the third time, it is of a lighter gray color and so on, night after night, as you proceed with the exercise, this astral substance gets lighter and lighter in color and texture until it is entirely removed from the body and actual purification takes place.

"This is real substance, with actual color, vibration and feeling.

"Now, for a lack of a 'Cosmic Screen', let us use the upper figure of the chart (referring to the Chart or Portrait of the Presence) as a visual aid.

"Will you please consider this figure as a magnified electron, the beams of light pouring from it forming the forcefield of the electron. That electron may be part of any one of the four lower bodies emotional, mental, etheric or physical - each electron, of course, being composed of the natural element to which the body belongs, that is, air, earth, fire or water.

"These electronic particles have, within their center, an intelligence which is a replica of your own individualized "I AM" Presence. Countless electrons form the atmosphere of the Seven Spheres - in each one of which, these electrons ensoul the color, the quality and the nature of the Chohan, the Archangel, the Elohim and the Sphere in which They abide - so on, upward from the Seventh to the First.

"Now, the electrons which make up the atmosphere of the Seven Higher Spheres are intelligent, minute beings. They are the substance of which primal life itself is composed and actually make up the Body of the Godhead Himself. They, also, compose the substance which has been sent forth by HIM into the physical appearance world and it is from them that every manifest expression is formed.

"In each Sphere, these electrons are utilized by the Immortal Flame of God through any self-conscious being Master, Angel, or Man. When you chose individualization and your Immortal Flame descended into the Fourth Sphere where the Holy Christ Self was fashioned - elemental light (which is composed of countless of these tiny electrons) was magnetized by your own God Identity and drawn around the Flame, within your heart, by the Builders of Form.

"Because elemental life is obedient and always mirrors that which it sees, the intelligence within the electron immediately took on the pattern of your individualized thought-form (i.e., Maltese Cross, rose, star, dove, etc.) These electrons then joined together and began to move around a central core of love, forming the atoms of your physical and inner bodies. The number of electrons making up each atom was determined by the God Intelligence which created your vehicles for a specific purpose. The speed with which the electrons move in their orbits is determined by the feeling of the evolving being whose instruments these various vehicles were intended to be.

Permit Me to illustrate as follows:

"The Ascended Master Body is made up of these beautiful, electronic particles - all in constant motion, moving so rapidly that they cannot be seen by the human sight. . . . "

"The feelings of perfection within the Ascended Being make and keep the vibratory action of His atoms so rapid that they only emit light, which the outer consciousness of the majority of unascended mankind can neither see nor hear because of the speed with which they move, as well as the transcendent quality of their Radiation.

"However, the Master, being in full conscious control of the rapidity of His own electrons, can slow them down at will to a point where the Master Presence may be visible and tangible to physical sight, if at any time, the necessity should arise for the investment of such a concentration of energy.

"In every sphere, these electrons have cooperated with your individualized I AM Presence in the building of your various bodies. From the Electronic Body down to your physical vehicle, pure electronic light responded to the pull of the Immortal Three-fold Flame in your heart and fashioned for you each one of the various vehicles through which you find expression: example, the Electronic Body; the Causal Body; the Holy Christ Self; the emotional body; the mental; the etheric; and the physical form. Electronic Light circling around the central core of millions of atoms make up your flesh body. Now, what has happened to these perfect vehicles which were created to allow the lifestream the privilege of cooperation with God?

"In the upper part of the chart (which we are using for illustration of a much-magnified electron) the substance of imperfection or effluvia has been wedged in between the light rays that pour forth from central core. This dark substance looks like pie-shaped "wedges" as it has been forced into those spaces through the centuries. These spaces should be filled only with Light Substance, so that the tiny electrons might be able to spin freely around their central core. When this dark substance is present, however, it slows down the vibrations of the electrons which make up the atoms of your inner bodies as well as your flesh body. "How is that done?" you ask. By the absorption of the discordant effluvia of the outside world through individuals attention upon and the acceptance of the discordant feelings released by the mass of the people whether those feelings be fear, depression, impurity, rebellion, hate; whatever they might be!

"Into these 'wedges' is drawn the dark substance (energy qualified with too low a vibration to emit light). What effect has this on the electrons as they spin around the central core of the atoms? It bogs them down. In other words, it slows down the motion of the electrons and even as the Earth groans because of the heavy weight of man's discord which It carries as It turns on Its axis, so do the electrons in their endeavor to keep circling around the central core of each atom at their natural speed carry the weight which has been absorbed by contagion - in your feelings, your mind, your etheric body and your flesh form. . . . "

"When you call to the Powers of the Sacred Fire, (or to any of the Ascended Beings connected with that activity) you would, if you had inner sight, see that Violet Fire passing through your flesh body and the etheric garment which interpenetrates it, as well as through your mental and emotional bodies. There it loosens and throws off into Itself for purification the dark substance that is responsible for the slowing down of the vibrations of these bodies. This is the action which took place in the bodies of those who were privileged to sit within the Atomic Accelerator in Saint Germain's Retreat.

"The Sacred Fire of Purification renders the same service and makes each one of your four lower bodies lighter - Why? Because as you consciously invoke that Violet Fire and see it sweep up, in, through and around that dark, heavy substance, It instantly obeys your command and that effluvia is removed from the forcefield around each electron and transmuted into Pure Light again through the action of the Sacred Fire.

"This removal of the discordant substance allows the electrons in your flesh and inner bodies to spin more rapidly, thus making these bodies more sensitive to the Presence of the Holy Christ Self within the heart.

"Buoyancy, Joy, Love, Happiness and Light are the practical, natural, and scientific results of the use of the Sacred Fire when you invoke It with Faith. If you do not feel these results, it is because you have not consciously accepted the reality of that purifying Fire or Its ability to restore the natural rhythm of your four lower bodies.

"Now - those of you who are following My words with understanding should feel a tingling sensation in the extremities of your outer bodies - in your fingers and even in your toes - because while I AM speaking to you, We are dislodging tremendous concentrates of that dark, heavy substance from each one of your lower bodies.

"The substance that I speak of looks something like the sooty deposits inside a chimney that has not been cleaned for a long time, and We are extracting that heavy substance, almost by hand, you might say; it is wedged in so tightly around the electrons. As it is removed, you will feel a great sense of relief and release, especially in your emotional bodies (the one with which I AM most concerned). However, I must warn you not to draw that substance back into your various bodies again through the affinity you have for it in your feelings, having lived with it so long. . . ."

"The feeling bodies of mankind are active twenty-four hours of the day - and being literally catapulted into the atmosphere form blankets of misqualified energy which is looking for a home and for some life to sustain it. It is a vampire activity because it can live only on the thought and feeling vibrations of some lifestream who is willing to give it a home and entertain it. . . ."

"Your feeling body was provided for you for one purpose alone: to radiate, magnify, and expand some particular virtue of the God-head, and for no other reason. . . . "

"You, who with such pride have held to the purity of your physical bodies, might well think of how loosely you have governed your inner vehicles through the ages. Those inner vehicles are as much a part of the Temple of the Most High Living God as is the flesh body, and more so, because at so-called death the substance that composes your physical body goes back to the various elements to which it belongs, while your mental, emotional and etheric bodies are the garments that your soul wears when you stand before the Karmic Board, and the records written therein will comprise your Book of Life - not the flesh. . . . "

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