Dispelling the Fringe of Self Reflection

What a journey it has been in this last Full Moon cycle!
The journey began in the days leading up to the Full Moon. In our lastmissive, we addressed the energetic origin of original sin. We came tounderstand that the true nature of original sin is keeps us separatedfrom our authentic self, the Goddess and Source. However the realoriginal sin is that we were programmed to think something is wrong withus, when in fact we are vibrational reflections of the Creator withunlimited possibilities. All we need to do to shift our alignment withthis configuration of limitation is to add specific cosmic frequenciesto the Fringe.

Leading up to the time of the Full Moon, I had a real sense of thiserrant frequency floating up to the surface of my subconscious. Irecognized it as a familiar feeling that had been with me for as long asI remember. However, because of our work with the Fringe of SelfReflection, I was able to identify the vibration of it and observe it.This process was not instantaneous, but an unlayering of stagnantenergetic sludge. It arose in my dreams, was with me upon waking andplayed out in various situations in my life. As I aligned with theGoddess frequency day after day, it shifted and dissipated, layer bylayer.

Yet this heavy feeling continued to emerge like a dead weight in myconsciousness. Finally, I took myself into nature to get to the bottomof what was persistently feeling like being wrong and lacking in flowwith the universe.

I went to a place in the mountains filled with lumbering pines, leafyoaks and groupings of granite and quartz boulders that we call Church ofthe Rock. My normal resting place was in the full strength of the sun,so I sought out a place in the shade that I could lean my body into andhunker down for a deep communion with the Goddess. My guidance kept memoving until I found this small rough rock that I could lean on as I satamongst the pine needles and the small shoots of foliage that spring upin gravelly dirt.

As I settled down into this place and the feeling emerging from me,there was a heaviness. I identified this energy as a distant response toexpressing the Goddess. All around me, I sensed very negative feelingsas if to deter me once again from aligning with the Goddess. Thisfeeling was so strong that I could not find my way through it. I gotvery still and listened and stayed with this feeling for quite awhile.

There was a moment in all of this that my eyes sprang open. Somethingimmediately caught my eye: a sparkle of light danced in front of me. Atiny glistening ball of changing colored light seemed to move with theslight breeze that fluttered around me. I realized that this jewel oflight was attached to a pine branch that responded with the slightfluctuations of air currents. With each gentle bobbing of the branch,the colors flashed as blue, red, gold, orange or green. As I fixed mygaze upon this light show, I felt the shifting light penetrate into mythird eye. With this, the heavy feeling began to lighten and change. Ibegan to breathe more deeply. Every time I opened my eyes, the dancinglight struck a shifting chord within me. Soon, the heaviness dissipatedand I felt at one with everything around me.

I sat for a few minutes, contemplating what had occurred. The dancinglight had penetrated the darkness of the preponderance I had carriedaround with me for my entire life or perhaps my entire experience ashuman.

After a time, I got up to see what had produced this phenomenon oflight. As I approached the single pine branch extended towards me I sawthat it was but a single clear drop of sap that had reflected all thejewel tones of the sun that had penetrated my consciousness and producedsuch a profound shift in my consciousness.

With this I knew that our journey into the light of Christalis Ashramwould produce a shift for all those who would journey there at the timeof the Full Moon.

To liberate the energetic confinement of the original sin configuration,begin with Sibalin. Descend into your Cauldron on the right and stirfor power moving clockwise. Breathe and feel this energy as you stir andthen bring it up to the Fringe of Self Reflection around your feet,weaving through the entanglement of the Eight Perils that make up theFringe.
1. I am Despicable
2. I am Victim
3. I am Slave
4. I am Stupid
5. I am Lacking
6. I am Evil
7. I am Monster
8. I am Wrong

Using the Vos Sa mudra, with your prayer hands open at one end, slicethrough the fringe from left to right and back, moving in a semi circlearound your feet for many passes. Dip into your Cauldron and then tracethrough the Fringe with your Vos Sa mudra. Let your personal powerdisengage your entanglement with this myth manifesting as truth. Feelyour true connection to Self, Goddess and Source.

Disengaging from this will afford you a point of observation about howyou have been entrained to resist manifesting the Divine Feminine. Itwill untangle your fears of shining forth. Prepare to observe thesemanifestations coming to light in the next few days and bring the lightof consciousness into these outdated paradigms that no longer serveyou…or the configuration of human consciousness evolving into Divinity.

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