We will be highlighting each of the Rays of God each week in a daily blog.  Each week we will share information on one of the Rays of God in succession by providing the higher aspects, lower aspects, pitfalls, and information to assist an individual to learn how to incorporate them within their daily life.  In addition we will provide a short message from each of the overlighting energies within each ray.

Each of the first seven rays are overlighted by a Ray Chohan (sometimes more than one), Elohim Masters (Male/Female), and Archangels (Male/Female).  Just recently we learned through one of the Etheric cities more detailed information about the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace who are the commanding energies of the 12 Rays of God.  So this has added an extra dimensional frequency to learning more about the rays from the Cosmic Frequencies.

We will be providing channeling from each of these beings and informative tools to assist an individual in accessing these rays.  It is imperative that we fully command the Rays of God as we walk along the Mastery pathway.  For anyone that feels they are a leader and have special gift(s) to share with others for the New Earth, then this is your ticket to going deeper within yourself to assist humanity.

We will share with you, the reader, each of the virtues of each ray and the ones that need to be acquired along with specific professional pathways that an individual can choose to take.  Included will be the Lower Expression along with the Higher Expression and what the difference may be from the Planetary level to the Universal.

It is important to realize that as human beings we come into body with at least six rays within our structure of the Personality, Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Soul and Monad.  You can have more than one ray in each of these aspects also.  So we are already working with the frequencies of each of the rays which is very important.  What many individuals do not realize is that in order to be in full mastery an initiate must be able to command the rays, know what they are, how to utilize them personally and professionally.  It is a pre-requisite of a 7th dimensional initiate.  (Note: you can also learn more about these aspects and which rays you are attuned with by having a Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul and Christine Meleriessee).

We are now working with the higher rays beyond the seventh to the 22nd because they are available to each of us within the Earthplane with the higher frequencies that we are accessing.  We also work with the Universal Rays vs. the Planetary as the frequencies are higher, and we need to move through the processes to fully accept we are Mutli-Dimensional Beings of Light.  Originally, the teachings from Dr. Joshua David Stone shared only the planetary colors and associated chakras.  Meleriessee has taken it a step further and channeled more information in how to access the higher frequencies.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, only use the Universal colors at this point.  During a ray reading she would share with you what stage you are integrating to help you to aspire to the higher levels.  The rays beyond the 7th level are considered the Cosmic Rays which we can now access up through 22.  This will increase as we move into the New Earth.  Each of the higher rays become the higher chakras within the body and is infused within the 3rd dimensional chakras so they become chakras within chakras.  Essentially, there are 320 chakras that could be infused at the highest level of initiation.  That, of course, is not within the stability of the fifth dimension or beyond.  It represents the 49th dimensional frequency.  Once the New Earth is fully activated, we will be able to infuse the higher chakras from the 5th onward.  The 5th dimensional grid = 22, 6th = 29, 7th = 36, 8th = 43, and 9th = 50.  These are the Cosmic Rays that will be attuned to us.

Lord Melchizedek shares some thoughts on this subject:  “The Universal level is a higher frequency that has been activated to assist individuals to prepare themselves for the 4th and 5th dimensional body activations which encompasses the 22 Rays of God which are the Cosmic levels.  This is not the ultimate as many more rays are available in the higher dimensional frequencies but the colors blend within each other and there is not the distinction as by the teachings of the first 22 Rays.  Traveling on the Innerplane in our Merkabah Vehicle we access the higher rays continually.  The 22 Rays are now given as a guide on a planetary consciousness to assist in raising your vibrations to receive the Ascended Master State of Consciousness within your physical vehicle.” 

Overview of the 22 Rays of God:

Rays 1 through 15 are directed from the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace who represent the God Force.  They send the frequency through each of the Chohans and overlighting Beings that work within that particular ray.  We will share on the weekly posts which Elders represent the specific ray energies.

First Seven Rays:

#1 Will & Power, Blue-Throat Chakra; Chohan, Chohan-El Morya; Archangels Michael & Faith; Elohim Hercules & Amazonia.

#2 Love & Wisdom, Golden Yellow-Crown; Chohan- Master Kuthumi, Ascended Master Djwhal Khul; Archangels Jophiel & Christine; Elohim Apollo & Lumina.

#3 Active Intelligence, Pink-Heart; Chohan-Paul the Venetian; Archangels Chamuel & Charity, Elohim Heros & Amora.

#4 Balance & Harmony Through Conflict, Crystalline Light-Root; Chohan-Serapis Bey; Archangels Gabriel & Hope; Elohim Purity & Astrea.

#5 Scientific Knowledge, White Light Mixed with Green & Gold; Chohan-Master Hilarion; Archangels Mother Mary & Raphael; Elohim Cyclopia & Virginia.

#6 Devotion, Ruby Red-Solar Plexus; Chohan-Lord Sananda/Lady Nada; Archangels Uriel & Aurora; Elohim Peace & Aloha.

#7 Ceremonial Magic, Deep Purple; Chohan-Saint Germain;

The Mahachohan is head of all of the Rays.  This post was being shared by Allah Gobi within Rays 1 through 3 and Saint Germain was overlighting Rays 4 through 7.    Saint Germain is now the Mahachohan for all the Rays with Allah Gobi assisting the energies; Lord Maitreya, Office of the Christ also oversees the Rays of God.


Higher Rays Including the Cosmic Levels

 4th Dimensional Grid

8 –       Higher Cleansing & Opening to Higher Self, Lady Isis, – Sea Foam Green  (Thymus-Seat of the Soul)

9 –       Joy & Attraction to Body of Light, Lady Nada, Mother Mary – Blue Green (Root)

10 -      Integration of Male & Female Within, Master Voltar & Lady Master Valencia, Andromeda, AA Ariel  – Pearlescent (Sacral)

11 -      Bridge to the New Age, Quan Yin, Angel Roshel – Pink Orange (Solar Plexus)

12-       Integrating the Christ Consciousness Within, Pallas Athena, Lord Maitreya, AA Mazuriel – Gold (Heart)

13 -      Vibratory Communication, RA, Solar Logos-Helios & Vesta, – Violet Pink (Throat)

14 -      Illumination-Mastering the Divine Plan, Releasing Mental Mind, Pleidian Council of Light, Lord & Lady Arcturus, Guardians of Arcturus – Deep Blue Violet (Third Eye)

15 -      Doorway to Ascension, Splendor, I AM –  Elohim Councils of God, 24 Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace representing ray Chohans 1-12, , Light Golden White (Crown)


5th Dimensional Grid

16 –     One Universal Being, Magnetism, 3M’s known as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma as One Universal Being – Light Violet White (Crown)

17 –     Universal White Light, Lord Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara – Multi White Light (Root)

18 -      5th Dimensional Divine Intent, Lord Maitreya, Enoch – Pink Gold (Sacral)

19 -      Inner Power & Divine Love, Lord Metatron – Magenta (Sacral blending with Heart, Thymus as One Unified Chakra)

20 -      Beingness, Lord of Sirius – Violet Gold (Throat)

21 -      Eternity, Divine Structure, Lord of Great Bear Star System, – Blue Gold (Third Eye)

22 -      Source of ALL THAT IS, Completion, God/Goddess , -  all Great Central Suns together as the Cosmic Great Central Sun including Divine Mother and Father God Platinum-CROWN

If you would like to be part of our new amazing program, “22 RAYS Challenge” in which you receive a decree and attunement via your email, please check out the information.  We also have a special workshop series we facilitated earlier this year, “Traveling through the Rays of God within the Chakras”.  We shared information about the chakras and traveled with the Overlighting Beings within the chakra(s) for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional levels.  A special price is available for download.

If you would like to receive this information in your email as we provide it, please sign into our site and become a Subscriber.


©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.http://walkingterrachrista.com/2012/09/24/dissertation-of-the-rays-of-god-learning-to-understand-incorporate-daily/

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  • Hi Devi. Glad that you have connected with The 22 Rays. Please contact Mike directly on his website. I am super excited myself as they have asked me to create 22 cards to reflect these rays. The power in these teachings is from a place of Pure Love. May you find your bliss.


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