

Dearly beloved souls ("dratzo" in the Sirian language,)


The signs of change are everywhere and in spite of the chaos, there is also much beauty to behold in these natural and biological changes…

And as the people of Earth change their genetic structures, in response to incoming cosmic rays, they will notice, more and more, a divine discontent for the matrix that surrounds them and become increasingly aware of the need to change the world, so that it correctly reflects the spiritual and technological needs and purposes of the coming race….

That coming race I have defined in detail within many articles and you will know them as "Novamen;" the sixth sub-race of the Aryan root race…


The biology defining this new race are markers being activated within the DNA/RNA 3rd strand, the so-called biological "junk DNA," which will lead to a transformation of our species, back to full consciousness and interdimensionally vectoring 12-stranded DNA.


The Novaman evolution is cosmically impulsed from both the Galactic Core (via the Photon Belt,) as well as the constellation of Aquarius and the Human DNA light-encoded fillaments, at cell level, respond by metamorphosis. Remember that cosmic Light has intelligence and works to a Divine Plan.

Those evolving souls who seek to experience these changes are incarnating during Earth’s end-time evolutionary expansion, at the cessation of the energies of Pisces, entering more fully into the Aquarian ray…


Thus, the incoming race, very much reflects the incoming 7th ray, that of Aquarius and so the waning age of Pisces, with it’s 6th ray influences will become less and less potent over the Novaman Human….
A decline in all the old institutions that fail the people, results…and as Darwin suggested, anything that cannot adapt will cease to survive and this rule (albeit imperfect) applies to ages (2160-year cycles.)

So ideologies, beliefs and faiths in the old forms of governance and old outworn structures within churches, the military, corporations, governments and banks, will increasingly be avoided and in their place, THE PEOPLE will turn to grass roots movements, active groups and new age concepts of esotericism…including a revised interest in our space kin, a revised interest in true freedoms and collective and individual abundance, sharing of resources and clean technologies, at one with the Earth…

This process will lead to ASCENSION.


I have been asked by objective minded people on occasions to demonstrate these defined changes in Humanity, and have said that much of the biological information is classified by the frightened rulers of Humanity. But, we can demonstrate the changes in behaviour and method, by showing that a new and diverse MASS MOVEMENT is springing up all over the world, in response to the new dispensation, which is unlike any time before, in Earth history. For the first time in 2000 years, the ideology of these movements has been placed out of authority, there is no "leader" figure and the driving purpose is peace, freedom, justice, environmental harmony, unity, understading, abundance, and cultural synthesis.
Yet neither christianity, capitalism, nor socialism guide these movements. Isms are less important than actions, for Novamen.

These are all being impulsed by the incoming 7th ray, the ray of the MAGICIAN…the violet ray.
So, there will be less emphasis on blind faith and obediance to authority, and more emphasis on fluid group dynamics, freedom and self-empowerment…

I would like to place some evidence before you which demonstrates the reality of these global mass movements, spontaneously manifesting throughout this planet..

I’ll add a video link presentation below, by Paul Hawken, called "Blessed Unrest," for your esoteric and objective consideration. It demonstates the effects of the causes I covered above..


Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie….!!

Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew



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  • Yes indeed Kel....two sacred tetrahedrons spinning within the merkaba are very much an evolutionary expression...The cones diagrams above are simplified and not true sacred geometry...


  • marianinia,


    Yes, any of the forms created over the past 2000 years that fail to adapt to the growing consciousness of humanity, will be discarded by them. For example, church attendance in many European countries, especially western, has been on the decline for many decades...the power of the church is not what it once was, because it is becoming less relevant to the emerging true spirit of Aquarius...which is not about blind devotion to an ideal, but rather about self empowerment and group consciousness, rather than "flock loyalties."


    The important energy level that reflects itself into the physical DNA status of modification, is the light quotient of the incarnated person...the level of vibration of the permanent mental atom just above light body levels of vibration, determines what stage in evolution that individual attained in life and the EXACT stage for the person to resume from, when incarnated you start where you left off, as it were. And the aetheric template upon the highest three aethers, will determine what the dense physical expression will be, for a new incarnation, including the DNA quality.

    Even if a person were physicaly dieing, their consciousness is still being raised by their life lessons, right to the moment of physical death and released to the higher planes again.

  • Hehe...!! I see Greg...I thought you meant "grass roots movement." As several were described on the Paul Hawken link. But OK, point taken..  :-)
  • Hi Greg,

    We are the grass movement....?? Certainly we have a part to play, but it would be illusory to suppose that only the AC or New Age movement is being transformed into higher consciousness beings...It is happening to so many others, some of which are serving in other capacities, in other ways...As the link demonstrates the effects...I merely site the energy causal factors....

  • Hey hedoknight,

    Everyone is saying that purple is the in colour...very nice artwork, thanks...

  • Hi Rune,

    The poleshift will be a magnetic one only....and will complete itself when the north magnetic pole migrates to the entire uniform surface of Earth and the south magnetic pole migrates to the planetary core, or cental crystalline sun....That is a true poleshift and will result in a mono-polar world, ready for transit to 5th density expression...

    What determines all these events is HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS rather than set dates...Although, the Spiritual Hierarchy have set one backing date (must be done by) and that is winter solstice 2012...

    All events are determined by collective focus in any NOW moment...not abstract future dates, save the one mentioned.



  • Hi Drome,

    No it is ONLY 12-standed DNA, as with fully conscious beings on Sirius and inner earth...There are 13-chakras though in the new chakra system...

    As for "14 strands of DNA," definately false data, probably some disinfo person in the new age movement, creating confusion in return for secret bgovernment wages...   :-)   This happens.....

  • spot on been pickin up purple lately and i wanted this to be blue but i could not do it was wondering why also i am now going to go touring festavils selling my art in strange formats because i love doing the whole tribe trade thing all this correlates to my deally-o8113830086?profile=original
  • Thanks Drekx for a new good post !

    Yes, there are a grass-root now who build up power. The vipping-point for change, in my point of view is the Magnetic Poleshift... 28 oct 2011 ?, whats your opinion of the Poeshift?

  • Dear Drekx,

    Most of the time people are talking about the 12 stranded DNA, but I have also seen sources that mention 14 stranded DNA. Do you have any information about this?

    Thanks in advance for answering.

    Much Love,


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