
Hi Friends

I have posted 3 meditations titled:

1. Divine Love of Mother's Heart

2. Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth

3. Divine Love of Living

I hope you enjoy them!!

Love-love & Live-Light


Peace & Blessings


Phase II Session 1 PDF:

Phase II Session 2 PDF:

Phase II Session 3 PDF:

Waves of Bliss and PTE Mystery School


Phase II: Loving Heart Meditation Series

Phase II Session 1: Divine Love of Mother’s Heart

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 1, Divine Love OF Mother’s Heart.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Bring the air deep down, as if it reaches to the base of your spine, oxygenating your body and all the tissues and regenerating them with fresh oxygen. Now exhale through your nose and release, along with the breath, all the pollution and dross from your body.

Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

Take slow, gentle, deep breaths, as you repeat, I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother has come to sit directly in front of you, facing you. Divine Mother is the Feminine Principle of existence, manifested into form. The Divine Feminine or the Feminine Principle is also known as the Holy Ghost in the Christian Trinity. This Creative Force is also known as Shakti, Chi, Prana or Life Force.

See Divine Mother in whatever form she wishes to present to you. She may appear as a Goddess with flowing robes, a female Deity that you are familiar with or as a ball of bright Light. Whatever form suits you and Divine Mother best will manifest in front of you. See that she is emanating bright Copper Gold Light. 2

Feel the love that Divine Mother has for you

The Divine Feminine is the Mother energy of the Universe. Divine Mother does not judge you. She does not scold you, she only loves you completely, unconditionally and unwaveringly, enveloping you in bliss as only Divine Mother’s Love can. You are her child. You are a part of her. You are the drop from the ocean that is Divine Mother. Feel the love and see that you are entirely enveloped in the Copper Gold Light streaming from Divine Mother.

Illuminating the Chakras with Mother’s Divine Love

Now bring your attention to your Crown Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates your Crown Chakra. Breathe into the Crown, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your 3rd Eye Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the 3rd Eye, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Throat Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Throat, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Cosmic Heart Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Cosmic Heart, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Personal Heart Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Personal Heart, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Solar Plexus Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Solar Plexus, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Sacral Plexus Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Sacral Plexus, as the Light intensifies.

Now bring your attention to your Root Chakra. See that the Copper Gold Light fully illuminates this Chakra. Breathe into the Root, as the Light intensifies.

Visualize that you are completely saturated in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light and each one of your Chakras is a bright beacon of this Light.

Divine Mother and Oneness

We live in a world of duality but we can become conscious of our true nature. The statement, “The lover, the beloved and the act of loving are One” expresses the True Nature of the Oneness that exists between you, Divine Mother and all that is. You, the Lover, Divine Mother, the beloved, and the love that you share with Divine Mother and all that is are one continuous flow of consciousness. In our True Essence, there is nothing that distinguishes one from the other; you from Mother, Mother from you or you and Mother from the love that you share.

As you sit with Mother, feeling her love and sending her your love. Encapsulated in her Copper Gold Light, your Chakras shining, look in Divine Mother’s eyes and say, I can only exist because you exist. I am because you are.

As you sit with Divine Mother continue to send her all of your love and repeat, 3

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

Repeat this mantra over and over again and ask Mother to give you its true meaning. Ask Mother to hold you in this knowing, while you do what you do in your daily lives, in this reality, in this duality, that the Lover, the Beloved and the act of Loving are One.

See that you are no longer sitting in front of Divine Mother but you and she are One inside the Copper Gold Light. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love.

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

I will leave you here in Oneness with our Divine Mother.

Thank you for your service.

“I am because you are.”

Good night.

Phase II Session 2: Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 2, Divine Love of Nature and Mother Earth.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Bring the air deep down, as if it reaches to the base of your spine, oxygenating your body and all the tissues and regenerating them with fresh oxygen. Now exhale through your nose and release, along with the breath, all the pollution and dross from your body.

Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

Take slow, gentle, deep breaths, as you repeat, I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother is sitting in front of you, knees touching and beaming you Copper Gold Light. See that Divine Mother is sending from each of her chakras an intense beam of Copper Gold Light to each of your chakras. See that the intense Copper Gold Light fully illuminates all your Chakras. You and Divine Mother are both immersed in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light. You cannot distinguish where you end and Divine Mother begins. You and Divine Mother are One. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love. Say to Mother,

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.” 2

“I am because you are.”

Expanding the Copper Gold to Encompass Nature and Mother Earth

Now, visualize that the Copper Gold Light that has formed around you and Mother begins to expand. Let Divine Mother’s Light move through you, expanding in every direction. In your minds eye, see the Copper Gold Light of Divine Mother expand to outside of your house.

This is Divine Mother’s love and Light connecting, through you, to the trees, to the leaves, to the grass, to the air, the gentle breeze. Feel the connection. The Universe and Cosmos are held together by the Divine Love of Mother. Let it permeate through you to all of nature, connecting you in Oneness with the trees, the leaves, the grass, the flowers, the rolling hills, the fields, the mountains, the fire of the volcanoes, the streams and lakes, the rivers, the water falls, the oceans, the clouds, the storms, the lightning. Let Divine Mother’s Copper Golden Light move through you to all of nature.

Now let the Copper Gold Light expand until it encompasses all of planet Earth. See the planet held within a sphere of Copper Golden Light that emanates, from Divine Mother, through you. It holds all of Earth, all of the oceans, all of the rivers, all of the land, all of the atmosphere of Earth within one large sphere of Copper Gold Light.

Awakening Nature

Let your consciousness, which is One with Divine Mother, connect to all of nature through the Copper Gold Light. If nature has fallen asleep, it will now awaken because of Divine Mother’s Love and Copper Gold Light which is moving through you. You will be the catalyst that will awaken Nature to Divine Mother’s love. You will be the catalyst which awakens your own appreciation and love of Nature. Feel the love you have for Mother Earth. Feel the love that all of nature has for you. The love each tree has for you; the love each field, pond, river, mountain has for you.

Let the Light of Divine Mother constantly and continually pour through you to all of nature. When you look out your window see the grass and the trees and make that conscious connection through Divine Mother. When you drive to work, let everything you see be a renewal of the Oneness you have with Divine Mother; connecting you with the consciousness of the leaves, grass, flowers, oceans, the clouds.

Nature is truly in love with you and wishing for your conscious recognition of the Oneness you share with it through the love and Light of Divine Mother.

Connect with your Favorite Place

Take a deep breath. Think of your favorite place in nature; a favorite view, a favorite lake, a place outside to sit that you really enjoy. Visualize this favorite place.

Now, engulfed with Mother in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light, see this spot with new eyes. See this spot alive with consciousness. You may wish to talk to the trees. Tell the flowers how beautiful they are. Place your attention on a rock that catches your eye and fill it with love and appreciation for being there 3

for you to enjoy; to enjoy its shape and color, its life force; the life force that you are now able to discern through Divine Mother’s grace.

At the beginning of every day, spend just a moment to sit with Divine Mother and be engulfed in her Copper Gold Light. Expand this Light through you to all of nature and give yourself the gift of connecting through Divine Mother to all of nature. Love nature and let it love you. It only exists because you experience it. Show Mother Earth your appreciation and your love. Say to Divine Mother on behalf of yourself and all of Nature,

“I Am because you are”

“I Am because you are”

“I Am because you are”

So it is.

Phase II Session 3: Divine Love of Living

Hello everyone, this is Jim and welcome to Phase II, Loving Heart Meditation Series. This is Session 3, Divine Love of Living.

Take a deep breath. Sit on the floor with legs crossed if possible. You may also sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor and shoes off. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You may also lie down if you prefer.

Breathing and Releasing Stress

Focus on taking long, gentle deep breaths through your nose. Now, while you gently breathe in and out, begin to relax your body. Starting with the top of your head, relax all the tension in your head. Relax your temples, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands and let the tension run out the tips of your fingers.

Now relax your chest. Focus on your breathing and bring your attention to your heart. Focus on your heart beat. Listen to your heart beat. Listen to the rhythm and the pulse of your heart.

It resonates with the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am.

As you continue to be aware of your heart beating to the rhythm of I Am, feel the tension leave, as you relax your hips, thighs, knees, calves, and out the bottoms of your feet.

Now bring your focus back to your heart and to the sound of I Am, I Am, I Am. Become aware of the Witness standing behind you, repeating the mantra I Am, I Am, I Am.

Sitting with Divine Mother

Visualize that Divine Mother is sitting in front of you, knees touching and beaming you Copper Gold Light. See that Divine Mother is sending from each of her chakras an intense beam of Copper Gold Light to each of your chakras. See that the intense Copper Gold Light fully illuminates all your Chakras. You and Divine Mother are both immersed in Divine Mother’s Copper Gold Light. You cannot distinguish where you end and Divine Mother begins. You and Divine Mother are One. You are the Lover, the beloved and the love as she is the Lover the beloved and the Love. Say to Mother,

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

“I am because you are.”

Expanding the Copper Gold to Encompass Nature and Mother Earth 2

Now, visualize that the Copper Gold Light expanding. Divine Mother’s love and Light are connecting, through you, to the trees, to the leaves, to the grass, to the air, the gentle breeze. Feel the connection. Let Divine Mother’s Copper Golden Light move through you to all of nature.

Now let the Copper Gold Light expand until it encompasses all of planet Earth. See the planet held within a sphere of Copper Golden Light that emanates, from Divine Mother, through you. It holds all of Earth, all of the oceans, all of the rivers, all of the land, all of the atmosphere of Earth within one large sphere of Copper Gold Light. See Mother Earth and all of nature begin to pulse the Copper Gold Light and sing to Mother, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Focus on Yourself

Focus your attention on yourself. You are a individualized drop from the ocean of Divine Mother, the Creative Force of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Consciousness. Your are pulsing in rhythm with your own heart beat, in rhythm with the heart beat of nature, in rhythm with the heart beat of Divine Mother, all singing in unison, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Within the Copper Gold Light and love of Divine Mother, you are living your individual life with the knowledge that you are a drop from the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, of Divine Mother. You are connected through her Divine Love to all that is. You are doing what you do, thinking what you think; in the Reality you have co-created with Divine Mother, the Creative Force, and with all those who share your Reality.

Divine Mother in all people, Places and Things

Now take a moment and visualize the people you see every day. See the faces of your family, your loved ones, your co-workers, strangers that you pass by only once in your life. See the Copper Gold Light enveloping everyone. See each one as an individualized drop from the ocean of Divine Mother, connected through Divine Love, to the entire Cosmic Consciousness - of which you and all things are connected. See each one pulse with Copper Gold Light. Hear each one sing to Mother, “I Am because you are. “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Every person you see, every person you will ever see is a drop from the ocean that is Divine Mother. Even though, in this density in which we live, there seems to be great diversity between individuals on this planet, from the broader Cosmic perspective, our range of diversity is miniscule. We are all drops from the same ocean, doing what we do, thinking what we think, as Divine Mother, the Creative Force, and individualized into these bodies and set into this Divine play.

Everyone you will ever meet, while they may not be conscious of it are connected to all things and are singing to Divine Mother with every beat of their heart, “I am because you are. I am because you are.”

“I am because you are. I am because you are.”

Living with Divine Mother as Divine Mother 3

Every night before you go to bed, think about what you need to do the next day. Think about your family and friends, think about the meetings, phone calls, tasks you need to perform the next day and sit with Divine Mother and spread her Light, wrapping all the people, places and things in her Copper Gold Light. See all people and all events pulsing with the Copper Gold. Hear all people, hear the places, the rooms you will occupy, the car you will drive in all pulsing and singing to Divine Mother. Let every action be saturated with Divine Mother’s love and Light. Every time you consciously invoke Divine Mother, the Copper Gold Light increases its intensity. The more you bring that Light and the conscious awareness of your connection to Divine Mother, you intensify that Light and she magnifies that Light even more. “Take one step towards me and I will take a thousand steps toward you,” she has promised.

Let the Copper Gold Light pulse constantly through you and everything you see. Make everything you think, say and do a celebration of Divine Mother; a celebration of yourself as Divine Mother, a celebration of every human being as Divine Mother, a celebration of all of Nature as Divine Mother and a celebration of all that is as your very own Divine Mother. All singing in unison, “I am because you are, I am because you are, I am because you are, I am because you are.”

I thank you all for your great service to Divine Mother.

So it is.

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