DIVINE MOTHER: The Earth is So Grateful

July 18, 2009Divine Mother: The Earth is So GratefulBeloved Ones,It is I, Divine Mother, coming forth today to speak with you about all the great Good that you are accomplishing in this World. Know that each of you is a shining Light, gaining in purity and clarity. Each day, as you stand in your Light, you release and transmute more and more dross and density from your Beings and in its place is coming a greater Light, the Cosmic Christ Light and this Light is glowing and shining throughout your entire energy system.Each of you is easily found by we of the Hierarchies now. Each of you are brilliant Lights, Beacons of Light upon this World, and there is a great synchronicity and cooperation that is forming between you and we, and between each other. There is greater cooperation, we see, amongst the Lightworkers, those who support other Lightworkers in their work, and are not afraid to post or mention the other Lightworker’s work on their own websites, for this is how we integrate the Great Work that is being done upon the Earth.This is how ALL gain the same focus and work together in unison, and as this continues, there is greater and greater power that is coming within each of you and within the core of the Earth. There is a symbiotic relationship that is forming. Each of you are becoming more and more sensitive to the Earth, and all of the nuances of her energies. Now, to many of you, this is new and rather confusing, but I say to you, Beloved Ones, just have patience and continue to do what you have been doing every day in your disciplines, and the greater connection with Mother Earth and all around Her and within Her, will continue.This Scribe experienced today the great emotion that rose up from the Earth, as she was repeating her decrees, and she was overcome with emotion which made it difficult for her to continue in her decreeing, but the Earth is so grateful to each of you who are giving of yourselves in this way, that this is Her response, so if you find yourself tearing up and choking up, being overwhelmed by emotion, it is Mother Earth responding to your Calls.Truly, each of you are becoming the bridges between Heaven and Earth. Truly each of you have earned this privilege, for you have stood in your Light each and every day, and you repeat your decrees. Even when you don’t feel like it, you still muster the strength to do it and as you do this, you have found that you have been strengthened and re-energized, and this is how it works.This is how progression on the Spiritual Path, the Path of Light goes forth, goes forward, always One has to make the effort and take the action and when that occurs, there is great movement forward, great leaps of consciousness that take place, greater understanding that comes to each of you. Truly, I am so proud of each of you, my Beloved Children of Light. My heart is overflowing with Love for each of you. My Mother’s heart is so proud of each of Her children.Thank you, thank you, Beloved Ones, for the efforts that you make each day, they are not in vain. You have heartened the entire World. You, by your Light, are causing a better alternative to come into the minds and the hearts and the understandings of the masses of Humanity and they are taking heart and they are raising their voices and they are standing in their power and their sovereignty and their Light, and this is having a great affect.Beloved Ones, keep on keeping on. I shower each of you with all the Love that is in my heart and all the blessings of my Being, I rain down upon each of you this day.I AM Divine Mother©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
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