Photo: Divine Mother Spirit Love for the Word of God Indeed I am a Holy Spirit, a reflection of the Infinite Spirit. You could say that the Infinite Spirit is the all-seeing eye of the cosmos. That all-seeing eye has come to reside in me. Do you know how much joy I have, my children? I wish that you could see what I see and feel what I feel. You would marvel if you could spend just a day with me as we traveled that corridor of space that is my domain. Yet, my children, you are a very part of me. You cannot be separate from me. It is I that provides all of you with the intellectual prowess necessary to navigate the turbulent waters of the evolutionary worlds. Oh, what an adventure it is! This life, this life that you all live. And I have given you all those lives so that you can live and breathe and exist. Do you think that I gave you these precious lives so that you could stew in your misery and in your depression? No! No, my children! What I want you to have is what I have. I want you to rise each morning eager to greet every day. I want you to run out of your bed and into the beauties of the day that awaits you. What is my motivation? Ah, my children, I will tell you what motivates me. What motivates me is my love for my precious and beautiful partner. What motivates me is my deep and abiding love for The Word. The Word is my life, my heart, my everything. How can I describe something to you all that cannot be put down into words? How can I make you understand the love that I have for The Word. Who is The Word? The Word is none other than the Creator. Your Creator Son that spared not even his life to show all of you how much you are loved. How do you think I feel when I contemplate his great love for all of you? His great love for all of you augments my own love for him. I am often in wonderment over our love for one another. I have seen a myriad of tales espousing the love that two persons can have for one another but where do all love stories spring from? The spring from the source, the waters that are our love for one another. We have always hoped that all of you could examine the great love that we have for one another and then you could be inspired to start your own love stories. On earth you often wonder what love is all about. Is there such a thing as true love? You do know love, my children, but you often put substitutes in the place of love. These substitutes are such things as possessions, money and sex. Certainly these things are not what love is all about. Love is so deep. Love is much deeper than anyone of you can contemplate. Our own love comes from the First Source and Center. That one is the very epitome of love. That is the One that taught us how to love. He was and still is the greatest teacher when it comes to all aspects of love. . It is His sterling example that inspires my partner and I because of the Eternal Father’s love I love The Word that much more. That love of my partner inspires me. How can I express my love for my partner? The Word speaks and I spring into action. How could his word leave his mouth and see no results? You see my children, The Word speaks to my heart and I am moved. I am moved by my love for him to give him my own gift of love. Everything that you are and everything that you will be has been motivated by my love for The Word. When you sit in the stillness this evening think about that. Think about how you are here. Think about the holy ramifications of love in its purest expressions. For it is my love for The Word that has brought you here. It is my love for The Word that will sustain you. Ah, can you feel the pulsating beats of my love that enters you in rhythmic vibrations? I heard The Word, I heard The Word, and I gave unto him the gift of your lives. That is what love is all about. That is true love. True love is not motivated by self-interest. True love is motivated by the purest motives imaginable. True love is given without thought of reward or repayment. True love is the deepest expressions of a heart that wants to give all that it is to another. True love never looks for reciprocation. It just keeps giving and giving and giving; then it gives some more. Do you think my dear and precious children that there is anything that I would withhold from The Word? Never, never my children! The love that I have in my heart for my partner is never quenched. There is never a time when I can say that is enough. There is never a time when my love expressions wane. His word sounds like a beautiful melody. I desire to hear his words, his voice, and I respond with my own love to that of his own. That is what makes our relationship so special. Just as one gives, so another gives. It is a lively free-for-all of love. A bandying back and forth of love that never ends. Oh, it is so magical children. I wish that there were more words that could describe what I am and what my partner is but there are no words, just the silent dignity of love in the quiet. In the deepest recesses of my heart these feelings of love will never die. Forever and ever these love’s expressions will emanate from my person because of my love for The Word. I hope that you will all be inspired by the love the I have for The Word, your Creator Son. Yes, we are like a template for all of the love stories that even now are bearing fruit but even though we set the example, each love story is unique. Each love story is another way that love can be expressed in infinite measure. There is, and never will be, an end to it, an end to love’s expressions. When you find that one, when you really find that one, you will know. You will feel in your heart that you have found the one. No, it is not motivated by money, possessions or sex. It is motivated by a love so pure that you would do anything to be with the one that you love. This is a love on a soul level. A love that transcends your brief sojourn in the flesh. When you find that one there will be nothing that you will keep from them. Forever and ever your love’s expressions will keep giving and giving and giving. Your love for each other, your own love for each other will motivate others. They will look at the love that you have for one another and feel inspired to search out the cosmos for their own love. Ah, ah, my children, what a wonderful thing we have started. The Word and I have started something big. We began this little space adventure with only the clothes on our back, so to speak, but my, oh my, how we have grown. We now look at the results of our love and we are astonished. We can scarce believe it ourselves. Did this really happen? Are all of these children our children? Wow! And to think that it all started when The Word spoke to my heart. When The Word spoke to my heart I sprang into action. Oh, how I delight in giving of myself to my partner. Oh, how I delight in giving all that I am to The Word. There is such an intensity there. We are true love. And our love we keep on giving through the endless ages of eternity. We are pleased to give everything that we are to all of you children. I have heard The Word speaking to my heart and the results were you! The results were you! Do you hear The Word speaking to your own hearts? What will you do? What will you do? This day may the love’s expressions of The Word motivate you into action. May the purity of your love for him ever grow, as the purity of my love for him ever grows. Oh, who can know, who can know, what will result when you express your love for The Word. In the stillness, in the quietness of your hearts, consider the possibilities. Consider the possibilities. A message of Inspiration through Paul Conklin

June 22, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Opening to Summer’s Rites of Divine Love and Awakening

This weekend’s Summer Solstice offers a portal into the heart of unconditional love that helps us remember we are one with source energy and that we are the love we are seeking. Leading into the solstice, Chiron, the wounded healer, turned retrograde in Pisces, allowing us to revisit and heal the parts of us that have forgotten their divine connection. These are aspects that tell us we are isolated, alone, separate and unloved. During Chiron’s retrograde, we are afforded the opportunity to transform thoughts of separation by realizing and reaffirming we are one with source energies. When we go within and enter a place of allowing, we merge with the flow of all that is. Inside this place of oneness, we remember we are limitless, infinite, and aligned with unconditional love.

Neptune and Mercury Retrograde

Neptune and Mercury are also retrograde during this period. Mercury, which is retrograde in Cancer until July 1, asks us to be concise with communications. It might be wise to postpone major purchases or to reconsider entering relationships until this retrograde is past. new connections with others may not be as magnetic after this retrograde passes. Neptune will remain retrograde in Pisces until November. This retrograde may lead to greater psychic sensitivity and receptivity. We may find our powers of inner perception enhanced during this period. It is important to work on issues that come before us on inner levels when Neptune is retrograde. Anything less than full inner examination will leave us feeling dissatisfied and disillusioned. Heightened sensitivity can lead to sensory overload so it’s important to be aware of this potential in all undertakings. Pay close attention to houses and natal planets in your chart impacted by these retrogrades as these reveal the areas of your life that will be most affected by the retrogrades.

This Passage awakens us to our Divine Connection

The Solstice takes place as the Sun enters watery and sentimental Cancer, bringing awareness of divine love versus what has passed for love in our lives. The energies of this time ask us to examine any way in which we have searched for love and meaning outside ourselves. This period allows us to reflect on the ways we have seen ourselves as small and alone in a very big world; it asks us to see how we have searched for divine love in others and brings the understanding that others – be it friends, family or lovers – are unable to provide the divine love we are seeking. This passage ideally awakens in us the understanding that, as the manifestation of source energy, we are able to access all the love, abundance and knowledge of the universe.

As we turn within during this powerful time, we awaken to our divine connection and surrender to the cleansing of our emotional bodies. Uncleared emotions can shut down our connection with our higher knowing. Cleansing our emotions allows us to move further into realms of divine awakening. Self-love, emotional healing and deeper levels of spiritual awakening are the rites of passage during this transformative time.

This is an important time to meditate in order to integrate the powerful source energies that are heightened. Listen to the whispers of your soul during this time and open to receive all the blessings that are your birthright as a manifestation of spirit. As we breathe deeply inside this doorway to the divine, we find balance between the dark and light within ourselves.

Navigating this Summer’s Doorway to the Divine

We offer here some steps to making the most of this week’s Solstice portal:

One) Each day consciously attune to the flow of creation.

Two) Express gratitude for everything and everyone in your life.

Three) Clear clutter and donate unused items to those in need. Cleanse and clear the energies in your body as well. Undertake a full body cleanse, receive colonics and massage and other body work.

Four) Eliminate the frivolous. Simplify by asking yourself what you really need to feed your soul.

Five) Self-love and self-nurturing is of utmost importance as is caring for loved ones.

Six) Grounding and centering is very important at this time. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will help ground you to the earth. Spend time outdoors in nature.

Seven) Focus on love and abundance and observe how your experience of it multiplies.

Eight) During this time, the effects of thoughts, intentions and actions go quantum. Meditate and offer simple prayers for loved ones and all the universe.

Nine) Release all resistance to realities you encounter and have no opinions.

Ten) Take 100% responsibility for everything that shows up in your reality.

Eleven) Deepen your spiritual practices and begin new ones.

Twelve) Gain clarity in values and priorities.

Thirteen) Remain focused on your priorities.

Fourteen) Remain positive no matter what happens in physical reality.

Fifteen) Discover and live your purpose. Assess your capabilities, your weaknesses, and the gifts you came here to share.

Sixteen) Practice discernment in all things. Discernment is not the same as judging. It helps us take into account the highest good for all concerned and make decisions based on guidance irregardless of outside opinions or considerations.

Seventeen) Expect miracles and allow them to show up in your life regularly.

Eighteen) Revisit all contracts and agreements on a regular basis and release any that no longer serve your highest good and that of others.

Nineteen) Make regular exercise and good nutrition daily priorities.

Twenty) Meditate daily, allowing your mind to still and focusing your consciousness on unconditional love.

Twenty-one) Become one with the divine. Unify your mind and soul through dream work, journaling, spending time in nature and unifying mind, body and soul through modalities such as yoga.

Twenty-two) Express yourself creatively through art, writing and other forms of creative play.

Twenty-three) Ritualize your life with prayer, shamanic rituals and journeys, and other energy-enhancing practices that lift your vibrational frequency.

Twenty-four) Become self-sufficient. Expand your awareness to see what you will need in the immediate future and provide this for yourself. Do not ask others to do for you what you can do for yourself. Ask yourself what you would need in a time of earth changes. Incorporate energy efficiency, alternative energies such as solar and wind power to lessen your dependency on grid systems.

Twenty-five) Allow your imagination to bring you images from the quantum field and constantly expand the vision of these potentials and act on them.

Twenty-six) Get comfortable with chaos. Be willing to break down old patterns and try new things. This creates new neural pathways in your brain that eventually manifest as new energies, new people and new opportunities in your daily life.

Twenty-seven) Expand self-knowledge by studying your numerology, which is the vibrational combination of your birthdate and name, and your astrology chart, which contains the blueprint for this lifetime.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

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Have a nice weekend...
Thanks...take care...^^
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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