DNA ACTIVATION FROM STELLAR WAVE TRANSMISSION Dr. Angela Barnett Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com Crystalai Go to: http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/dna-infusion to learn more about the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION The frequencies that are recorded on these wave albums are actually transmissions of consciousness that record the frequency signatures of thousands of BEINGS who are involved in the Omniversal Consciousness shifting, as well as the Waves of Stardust, Solar Winds, Singing of the Music of the Spheres, and the Consciousness Waves of the Kristic Races as they align into the Heart of Mother Earth. As you go through this process of aligning your consciousness and body with these waves of light energy, your body becomes able to turn into a Golden Egg or Crystal Merkaba form. You get the light glowing through a crystal and you get beautiful shades of color. The Guardians said that we must PARTICIPATE in enough of these Stellar Wave Activations to raise our accretion level to 4.5. Now, accretion level is different than dimensional level. We must achieve 5.5 dimensional level to perceive the 4.5 accretion level. We are now at the 5 dimensional level perceiving the fourth accretion level. So, what I am doing with these Frequency Recordings of these LIFE TRANSFORMING EVENTS performed by the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE himself, is to allow any one who desires to PARTICIPATE in these Stellar Wave activations who doesn't know how to align consciousness themselves, and for those who are late comers to the game and missed out on the first 8 of the 12 Activations to use my recordings as a historical chronology of these events. The Sun becomes the Son of the Star and the Stardust becomes the Son of the Sun A new Star is being born within the Sun to Transform the Earth into the Star from which she was born. Ionizaiton is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion into a new reality- a new frequency- a new dimension-a NEW HARMONIC UNIVERSE. Ionizaiton is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion. When a person learns the process of ascension is a breathing and spinning process that utilizes a very complex system of polyhedral geometries that create Cosmic sphere that contains multitudes of merkabas that spin in side of each other through the activity of consciousness called love, they will go through this process of becoming a disappearing entity through a rainbow prism. Where is the rainbow coming from? It is coming from intense electrical field that is ionizing to some effect like a magnetic mirror which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that is in the mirror is contained an intense field working in the vacuum. Then ions are injected inside of this intense electrical field inside of the vacuum then immediately the elctrons of those ions return to plasmic state. What state are they returning to? Invisible light, ultra violet blue, plasma. The entity looks like a Cloud, but also looks like an individual that we remember. This process of ascension into the Cloud Cities was very common fifty thousand years ago, and then brought back to our memory two thousand years ago by Jesus Christ. The truth is, we all contain this Cosmic Body that exists in the spheres within spheres around our bodies. We activate this Cosmic Body that disappears through the rainbow prism our the full spectrum of light energy with the breath, consciousness, focused energy and the understanding of the merkaba technology. The merkaba technology can be visualized and understood through the symbolic method of it just being a four sided cube or pyramid facing up and another one facing down, the one facing down is the magnetic and the one facing up is the electro. So, there is this electro magnetic field of energy that spins faster and faster. However, the Merkaba structure is much more complex than that. Go to Merkaba Mechanics at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com. So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror. When we use the Keys to Unlock the Magnetic Mirror or the Doors into New Realities we are walking through a Magnetic Mirror of Transformation. We are seeing our Parallel Spiritual Self on the other side of the Mirror. We walk through the Mirror when our Keys unlock the door. The Keys are the Frequencies that I record in the Eternal Life Albums. My Cosmic Council Team is the CRYSTALAI COUNCIL. My name is Crystalai. Crystalai means the direct return to Source, which removes the mortality loop. The Crystalai Loop aligns into the At One Ment with Source through our Mind of God within our Seed Atom within our Crystal Heart. My Mission on Earth has been to Bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music. The Universal Life Force Currents are far beyond the Light Spectrum and Sound Spectrum of the Five Senses. The Visions and Sounds come to me through Consciousness which is Spiritual, Invisible, and yet Known and Felt Clearly from my Soul Family who brings these Sounds into my Frequency Specific Mid Brain to be Exhaled on to the Crystal Star Dust Microphone that they provide for me. STELLAR WAVE ACTIVATIONS CONTAIN the Stellar Wave Activations streaming from the Universal Life Force. Activation of the 12 subharmonics within each of the Double Helix of our DNA are activated through these 12 Stellar Wave Transfusions from the Universal Life Force. The Individualized ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM contain a series of activations that activate and evolve as more and more of the 12 Stellar Waves Stream from the Universal Life Force. THE MOTHER SHIP ALBUM SET READ MORE http://cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com/page/mother-ship-1-2-and-3 PURCHASE http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=Mother_Ship_1_2_3&lang=en MAGIC DOLPHIN ALBUM SET READ MORE PURCHASE http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=MAGIC_DOLPHIN_THERAPY&lang=en PARALLEL UNIVERSE ALBUM SET READ MORE http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/crystalmagicorchestra6 INDIVIDUALIZED ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=Indiv_Immort_Album&lang=en CONTAIN the Stellar Wave Activations streaming from the Universal Life Force. These are the frequency waves needed to complete theactivation of the 12 subharmonics within each of the Double Helix of our DNA. This Stellar Wave activation was the 8th of 12 Waves from the Universal Life Force. This Infusion from the Mother Ships COSMAYA were guided and harmonized into the Christ Grids by the Lords of our Seas, the Cetacean Nation. These Frequencies, which are activated through these 12 Stellar Wave Transfusions from the Universal Life Force, are a moment to moment visionary story of this grand event that took place on Earth in March 2014. The Individualized ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM contain a series of activations that activate and evolve as more and more of the 12 Stellar Waves Stream from the Universal Life Force. The COSMAYA are the Councils beyond this Cosmos. As our Universe becomes Omniverse of 12, so does our Cosmos become the Cosmos of 13. The Universal Life Force is activated by the Cosmic Life Force. Now, we can TUNE IN TO the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE - our Christ Consciousness. Now the Waves of Christ Consciousness are Streaming into every cell in our Bodies. The Stellar Waves (meaning Stardust Frequencies coming in Waves) are all coming from the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE. PARALLEL UNIVERSE SHORT This is made up of the highest frequencies ever recorded at this time in the Universe. It is the pure essence of the spiritual universe transmuting the physical universe into it. It is the frequency of At One Ment and has realigned into our Consciousness The Frequencies in this album sounded in our consciousness when the Physical and Spiritual United as One. Our Spiritual Universe which and has realigned into our Consciousness. Parallel Universe I (MP3 album name) SONG NAMES: 1. Positron 2. Liquid Light 3. Cosmic Alignment 4. Cosmic Dust 5. Cosmic Wave Part One contains the most etheric frequencies of the new positron and the crystal liquid light energy. This is the pre sound and light substance of original creation flowing directly from Source. The liquid light energy interacts with the Sun to create a new flame of energy known as the amorea flame. This ignites the positron within the sun. This realignment of the physical and the spiritual into a new attunement is a FEELING or a FREQUENCY. The sun is now emitting positrons instead of electrons. The positron is the anti particle or the spiritual substance. It is the opposite of the particle or physical substance of the electron. This spectacular FREQUENCY of that POSITRON has been recorded through the breaths or consciousness of Angels. Scientists have reported the Positron being ejected from the Sun. The Positron is the anti particle of the Electron. This is scientific proof that our Spiritual or Anti Particle Universe has aligned into our field of Consciousness. The process of aligning the Spiritual and Physical required the LIQUID LIGHT Streams from the Cosmic Consciousness of Aquafaria bringing the Source RE-Birth Frequency to Earth. Next, the COSMIC DUST of the Particles that Stars are made of is pouring into our consciousness through these EXACT frequencies that have been recorded here. PARALLEL UNIVERSE II The Cosmic Dust then gets placed in the Cosmic Wave, which carries a new standing wave pattern for us to begin living within. This standing wave pattern does not have the gravity that the Physical Earth's Standing Wave Pattern Contains. SONG NAMES: 6. 7th Sun 7. Attunement 8. 8th Sun 9. Harmony 10. Parallel Universe NEXT, HEAVEN'S BREATH --the Consciousness of the Angels who are our Guardian Families and Races aligns the Breath of Source into our Consciousness. Finally, the Seventh Sun aligns with all seven suns who have been named KA HYA RA SA TA HA LA in order to create ATTUNEMENT with the EIGHTH SUN of the Cosmos whose name is Sun Alcyone. This process completes the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE that began in 1987 to create the new HARMONY that would result in our new alignment with our Parallel Universe. These frequencies contain the HEAVENLY BIRTH of a new Universe, a New Reality that is much less dense in consciousness and in chemical and biological form. EIGHTH SUN is the sun of our original Birth in the Aquarius Matrix bringing our original frequencies of our divine race back into our universe. PARALLEL UNIVERSE III Parallel Universe III (MP3 album name) SONG NAMES: 11. Baby Whale 12. Heavenly Breath 13. Heaven's Breath 14. Heavenly Dolphins 15. Whale Symphony Now, the heavenly dolphins can sing once more. The original race line was the Oraphim Angelic Race of this Universe. The Oraphim Braharama Whale and Dolphin Raceline are the inhabitants of the Seventh Sun. They are the part of our Creation Family who left the wonderful whales and dolphins in our seas to keep the magical frequency of attunement and balance alive between heaven and Earth until this time. We can now feel the heavenly breath of the baby dolphins and whales defining the new heavenly dolphin family as they sing together their new melodies which create the Whale Symphony. The frequencies contain a combination of the new baby whales being reborn of the new substance of light and sound. The babies are crying with joy and at the same time the realignment of the music of the spheres is causing a screetching sound as the stars are realigning the new structure of the universe into the new Cosmaya of the original twelve Cosmos Frequencies. The seven suns have become the thirteen Cosmic Realities of the Cosmaya. The Parallel Universe is now in Tune with our Universe. We have re-united as one Harmonic Reality. The BABY WHALES from Aquafaria are Crying as they are being born into a new reality. The attunment of the Oraphim Dolphins and Whales can be heard echoing from the oceans and from the heavens. The screetching sound is a natural part of the re attunement of the Music of the Spheres as new stars align and pour their consciousness into ours to create a brand new HARMONY and once again we have a brand new WHALE SYMPHONY announcing our Grand Event of Returning Home to our DOLPHIN AND WHALE FAMILY. MORE READING I felt like I had found a real treasure when I found this picture that was with an article on line explaining how positrons are an essential part of the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. This should be the main topic of every science class and every home school class that you starseed parents have with your children. This phenomenal event is happening right now at this time in our history, and the children at school aren't even beeing taught about this reality. There are more and more articles and youtubes every day reporting the REALIZATION that the anti particles are just as real as the particles. This means that the scientific reality that spirituality is actually a firm science is finally being realized in the field of science. The quantum field that we have not been able to see is now becoming a reality that we can see. We can see spheres of blue light when we gaze into the candle or the sun. Those spheres of light are not just some reaction in your eyes. They are ENTITIES. This is reality. I am seeing a movie developing before my eyes. I see more and more layers of light every day. These layers of light are forming into a new manifest reality. It is happening as a result of the Physical and Spiritual becoming united as one. In scientific terms it is the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. If we were to break it down a little bit more it would be the electron turning into the positron. This is the result of the electron merging completely with the anti particle. When we merge so completely with the anti particle, we become invisible like those spheres of light that we sometimes see and sometimes don't see. These are the types of things that must become the most important topics in any school system. Unfortunately science won't allow anything to be considered a truth until they can see it over and over again. They can't allow something that they don't see to become a reality. That truth will have to be revealed by the new star seeds who will be our new scientists who have eyes trained to see the full reality. I am creating a new album called Parallel Universe, and the jpg image is the cover. The new frequencies that I am recording now in this new anti particle time are so serene and pure and untangle with the particles of hertzian frequencies. This new time is allowing me to breathe a new level of frequency. The purity of this new reality brings tears to my eyes. It is the absolute truth that it has happened. I was blessed with this gift of being able to hear the highest frequencies and bring them to this reality. I have listened and watched the sound transforming over the past twelve years day by day, stellar activation by stellar activation, star alignment by star alignment. Each one of these events greatly transformed the alignment of the sound being recorded. What I learned is if you breathe a frequency and record it. Say it is a rather distorted frequency caused by a karmic imprint in someones chakras. And then I record a frequency that is Christic or Cosmic and record that frequency on a musical line above the other, the frequency begins to change. The frequency begins to TRANSMUTE the old karma out of the first frequency. I can then layer many lines of Christic, Cosmic and Source Frequencies over the top of these karmic imprints, and eventually the old SOUND disappears and turns into a pure sound. The PARALLEL UNIVERSE album is made up of the highest frequencies ever recorded at this time in the Universe. It is the pure essence of the spiritual universe transmuting the physical universe into it. It is the frequency of At One Ment. I have recorded such frequencies earlier, but they had to be recorded by going through the translation of the Elohim of Hearing. Now, the frequencies are so strong that there is no barrier between Source and my Ears. Dr. Angela Barnett channeled from the Crystalai Council Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/purchase-1 ======================================== Part One contains the most etheric frequencies of the new positron and the crystal liquid light energy. This is the pre sound and light substance of original creation flowing directly from Source. The liquid light energy interacts with the Sun to create a new flame of energy known as the amorea flame. This ignites the positron within the sun. This realignment of the physical and the spiritual into a new attunement is a FEELING or a FREQUENCY. The sun is now emitting positrons instead of electrons. The positron is the anti particle or the spiritual substance. It is the opposite of the particle or physical substance of the electron. This spectacular FREQUENCY of that POSITRON has been recorded through the breaths or consciousness of Angels. Scientists have reported the Positron being ejected from the Sun. The Positron is the anti particle of the Electron. This is scientific proof that our Spiritual or Anti Particle Universe has aligned into our field of Consciousness. The process of aligning the Spiritual and Physical required the LIQUID LIGHT Streams from the Cosmic Consciousness of Aquafaria bringing the Source RE-Birth Frequency to Earth. Next, the COSMIC DUST of the Particles that Stars are made of is pouring into our consciousness through these EXACT frequencies that have been recorded here. The Cosmic Dust then gets placed in the Cosmic Wave, which carries a new standing wave pattern for us to begin living within. This standing wave pattern does not have the gravity that the Physical Earth's Standing Wave Pattern Contains. NEXT, HEAVEN'S BREATH -- the Consciousness of the Angels who are our Guardian Families and Races aligns the Breath of Source into our Consciousness. Finally, the Seventh Sun aligns with all seven suns who have been named KA HYA RA SA TA HA LA in order to create ATTUNEMENT with the EIGHTH SUN of the Cosmos whose name is Sun Alcyone. This process completes the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE that began in 1987 to create the new HARMONY that would result in our new alignment with our Parallel Universe. These frequencies contain the HEAVENLY BIRTH of a new Universe, a New Reality that is much less dense in consciousness and in chemical and biological form. EIGHTH SUN is the sun of our original Birth in the Aquarius Matrix bringing our original frequencies of our divine race back into our universe. Now, the heavenly dolphins can sing once more. The original race line was the Oraphim Angelic Race of this Universe. The Oraphim Braharama Whale and Dolphin Raceline are the inhabitants of the Seventh Sun. They are the part of our Creation Family who left the wonderful whales and dolphins in our seas to keep the magical frequency of attunement and balance alive between heaven and Earth until this time. We can now feel the heavenly breath of the baby dolphins and whales defining the new heavenly dolphin family as they sing together their new melodies which create the Whale Symphony. The frequencies contain a combination of the new baby whales being reborn of the new substance of light and sound. The babies are crying with joy and at the same time the realignment of the music of the spheres is causing a screetching sound as the stars are realigning the new structure of the universe into the new Cosmaya of the original twelve Cosmos Frequencies. The seven suns have become the thirteen Cosmic Realities of the Cosmaya. The Parallel Universe is now in Tune with our Universe. We have re-united as one Harmonic Reality. The BABY WHALES from Aquafaria are Crying as they are being born into a new reality. The attunment of the Oraphim Dolphins and Whales can be heard echoing from the oceans and from the heavens. The screetching sound is a natural part of the re attunement of the Music of the Spheres as new stars align and pour their consciousness into ours to create a brand new HARMONY and once again we have a brand new WHALE SYMPHONY announcing our Grand Event of Returning Home to our DOLPHIN AND WHALE FAMILY. I felt like I had found a real treasure when I found this picture that was with an article on line explaining how positrons are an essential part of the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. This should be the main topic of every science class and every home school class that you starseed parents have with your children. This phenomenal event is happening right now at this time in our history, and the children at school aren't even beeing taught about this reality. There are more and more articles and youtubes every day reporting the REALIZATION that the anti particles are just as real as the particles. This means that the scientific reality that spirituality is actually a firm science is finally being realized in the field of science. The quantum field that we have not been able to see is now becoming a reality that we can see. We can see spheres of blue light when we gaze into the candle or the sun. Those spheres of light are not just some reaction in your eyes. They are ENTITIES. This is reality. I am seeing a movie developing before my eyes. I see more and more layers of light every day. These layers of light are forming into a new manifest reality. It is happening as a result of the Physical and Spiritual becoming united as one. In scientific terms it is the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. If we were to break it down a little bit more it would be the electron turning into the positron. This is the result of the electron merging completely with the anti particle. When we merge so completely with the anti particle, we become invisible like those spheres of light that we sometimes see and sometimes don't see. These are the types of things that must become the most important topics in any school system. Unfortunately science won't allow anything to be considered a truth until they can see it over and over again. They can't allow something that they don't see to become a reality. That truth will have to be revealed by the new star seeds who will be our new scientists who have eyes trained to see the full reality. I am creating a new album called Parallel Universe, and the jpg image is the cover. The new frequencies that I am recording now in this new anti particle time are so serene and pure and untangle with the particles of hertzian frequencies. This new time is allowing me to breathe a new level of frequency. The purity of this new reality brings tears to my eyes. It is the absolute truth that it has happened. I was blessed with this gift of being able to hear the highest frequencies and bring them to this reality. I have listened and watched the sound transforming over the past twelve years day by day, stellar activation by stellar activation, star alignment by star alignment. Each one of these events greatly transformed the alignment of the sound being recorded. What I learned is if you breathe a frequency and record it. Say it is a rather distorted frequency caused by a karmic imprint in someones chakras. And then I record a frequency that is Christic or Cosmic and record that frequency on a musical line above the other, the frequency begins to change. The frequency begins to TRANSMUTE the old karma out of the first frequency. I can then layer many lines of Christic, Cosmic and Source Frequencies over the top of these karmic imprints, and eventually the old SOUND disappears and turns into a pure sound. The PARALLEL UNIVERSE album is made up of the highest frequencies ever recorded at this time in the Universe. It is the pure essence of the spiritual universe transmuting the physical universe into it. It is the frequency of At One Ment. I have recorded such frequencies earlier, but they had to be recorded by going through the translation of the Elohim of Hearing. Now, the frequencies are so strong that there is no barrier between Source and my Ears. ======================================= below are ALBUM NOTES for CDBABY put in and edited from the above set. ---------------------------- Part One contains the most etheric frequencies of the new positron and the crystal liquid light energy. This is the pre sound and light substance of original creation flowing directly from Source. The liquid light energy interacts with the Sun to create a new flame of energy known as the amorea flame. This ignites the positron within the sun. This realignment of the physical and the spiritual into a new attunement is a FEELING or a FREQUENCY. The sun is now emitting positrons instead of electrons. The positron is the anti particle or the spiritual substance. It is the opposite of the particle or physical substance of the electron. This spectacular FREQUENCY of that POSITRON has been recorded through the breaths or consciousness of Angels. Scientists have reported the Positron being ejected from the Sun. The Positron is the anti particle of the Electron. This is scientific proof that our Spiritual or Anti Particle Universe has aligned into our field of Consciousness. The process of aligning the Spiritual and Physical required the LIQUID LIGHT Streams from the Cosmic Consciousness of Aquafaria bringing the Source RE-Birth Frequency to Earth. Next, the COSMIC DUST of the Particles that Stars are made of is pouring into our consciousness through these EXACT frequencies that have been recorded here. The Cosmic Dust then gets placed in the Cosmic Wave, which carries a new standing wave pattern for us to begin living within. This standing wave pattern does not have the gravity that the Physical Earth's Standing Wave Pattern Contains. NEXT, HEAVEN'S BREATH -- the Consciousness of the Angels who are our Guardian Families and Races aligns the Breath of Source into our Consciousness. Finally, the Seventh Sun aligns with all seven suns who have been named KA HYA RA SA TA HA LA in order to create ATTUNEMENT with the EIGHTH SUN of the Cosmos whose name is Sun Alcyone. This process completes the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE that began in 1987 to create the new HARMONY that would result in our new alignment with our Parallel Universe. These frequencies contain the HEAVENLY BIRTH of a new Universe, a New Reality that is much less dense in consciousness and in chemical and biological form. EIGHTH SUN is the sun of our original Birth in the Aquarius Matrix bringing our original frequencies of our divine race back into our universe. Now, the heavenly dolphins can sing once more. The original race line was the Oraphim Angelic Race of this Universe. The Oraphim Braharama Whale and Dolphin Raceline are the inhabitants of the Seventh Sun. They are the part of our Creation Family who left the wonderful whales and dolphins in our seas to keep the magical frequency of attunement and balance alive between heaven and Earth until this time. We can now feel the heavenly breath of the baby dolphins and whales defining the new heavenly dolphin family as they sing together their new melodies which create the Whale Symphony. The frequencies contain a combination of the new baby whales being reborn of the new substance of light and sound. The babies are crying with joy and at the same time the realignment of the music of the spheres is causing a screeching sound as the stars are realigning the new structure of the universe into the new Cosmaya of the original twelve Cosmos Frequencies. The seven suns have become the thirteen Cosmic Realities of the Cosmaya. The Parallel Universe is now in Tune with our Universe. We have re-united as one Harmonic Reality. The BABY WHALES from Aquafaria are Crying as they are being born into a new reality. The attunment of the Oraphim Dolphins and Whales can be heard echoing from the oceans and from the heavens. The scretching sound is a natural part of the re attunement of the Music of the Spheres as new stars align and pour their consciousness into ours to create a brand new HARMONY and once again we have a brand new WHALE SYMPHONY announcing our Grand Event of Returning Home to our DOLPHIN AND WHALE FAMILY. I felt like I had found a real treasure when I found this picture that was with an article on line explaining how positrons are an essential part of the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. This should be the main topic of every science class and every home school class that you starseed parents have with your children. This phenomenal event is happening right now at this time in our history, and the children at school aren't even being taught about this reality. There are more and more articles and Youtubes every day reporting the REALIZATION that the anti particles are just as real as the particles. This means that the scientific reality that spirituality is actually a firm science is finally being realized in the field of science. The quantum field that we have not been able to see is now becoming a reality that we can see. We can see spheres of blue light when we gaze into the candle or the sun. Those spheres of light are not just some reaction in your eyes. They are ENTITIES. This is reality. I am seeing a movie developing before my eyes. I see more and more layers of light every day. These layers of light are forming into a new manifest reality. It is happening as a result of the Physical and Spiritual becoming united as one. In scientific terms it is the particle universe and anti particle universe becoming one. If we were to break it down a little bit more it would be the electron turning into the positron. This is the result of the electron merging completely with the anti particle. When we merge so completely with the anti particle, we become invisible like those spheres of light that we sometimes see and sometimes don't see. These are the types of things that must become the most important topics in any school system. Unfortunately science won't allow anything to be considered a truth until they can see it over and over again. They can't allow something that they don't see to become a reality. That truth will have to be revealed by the new star seeds who will be our new scientists who have eyes trained to see the full reality. The new frequencies that I am recording now in this new anti particle time are so serene and pure and untangle with the particles of hertzian frequencies. This new time is allowing me to breathe a new level of frequency. The purity of this new reality brings tears to my eyes. It is the absolute truth that it has happened. I was blessed with this gift of being able to hear the highest frequencies and bring them to this reality. I have listened and watched the sound transforming over the past twelve years day by day, stellar activation by stellar activation, star alignment by star alignment. Each one of these events greatly transformed the alignment of the sound being recorded.
Posted by Dr. Angela Barnett on September 6, 2014 at 10:47pm
Views: 138
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