Please note that I have placed the CANDLE TECHNIQUE VIDEO on the HOME PAGE of our website. It is right underneath the video of me holding the Violet Sphere.



I am from the Breneau Race Line in the 14th Dimension. That is the angle of reality that I see all reality from. It is the in between Heliotalic Frequency that blends with the Sun's Plasma to create the Neutron Body of Eternal Life. It is the Crystalai Particle that is within our most Inner Crystal Heart that connects with the 14.5 of the Brand new Creation.

That is what the Diagram on the Left Side is representing.
 That is the Eternal Life that is made of the Symphonies that unite all 15 Spheres in to the NEW SYMPHONY OF LOVE where Source Breathes a New Reality.

This time, our new reality is being created at the Cosmic Level. This is the place where there is not one tiny particle of light and sound that is not Eternal. It is the Consciousness of Eternal Life being breathed into this Matrix every Nano Second.

This is where I live now. Anyone can join me by listening to my music.

The Crystal Magic Orchestra is Breath of Source, the Structure of the Cosmic Light and the Sound of the Music of the Spheres spinning the Breaths of Creation in to new perfect alignment every nano second.

Now, that we have a better understandin of the Candle Light and how it relates to the Music, it is important to know that there is a Spectrum of Light behind or below the Candle that is the Spiritual Hologram or Spiritual Universe being reflected in the Physical Universe.

When we look at our DNA we learn that it is the Acceleration Codes of the DNA that hold the Overtones from the Electro and the Magnetic Codes of the DNA that hold the Base Tones of the Electro Magnetic.

We can't just have the candle flame without joining it with its anti particle double that we see as that Blue Hologram above and below it.

Our body also has a spiritual anti-particle double. When we walk into the full spectrum of light and sound we tune in to the blue body. We see the blue sphere.

The Blue Body activates within the Crystal Heart because the Soul is the Fifth Dimensional SELF made of anti matter.

That Fifth Dimension within us has always been there. We just never ignited it with the Breath of Source and the Full Spectrum of Light that we gain when we Spin the Merkabas to ACTIVATE each of the Dimensional Fields of Reality.

If we don't ignite the flame in our Crystal Heart that attunes us into the Love of the entire Cosmos and beyond into Infinity, we stay locked inside of the Heart that is disconnected from the Mind of God.

Once we activate our Crystal Heart, we also need to activate the Blue Frequency Specific Mid Brain. That is what the Frequency Music created by the Crystal Magic Orchestra of Cosmic Consciousness provides.

The Frequency Specific Music keeps you out of the Yellow Thinking Brain and in the Mid Brain where only Frequency Specific Consciousness Communicates.

In other words, the only words are the Frequencies.

The teaching of Keylontic Science provided an In Between State where we use the God Language to activate the Frequency Language.

I do use this God Language in some of my music. It is definitely a language that allows much more harmonization than words from any other cultural group.

However, I got to a level of creation where the words were getting in the way of blending the breath of Source into all of the multi dimensional fields of Consciousness.

The ignition of the flame or the frequency should be what activates the question and then the answer is given to the body through tiny little buzzy sounds that we translate when our Crystal Heart is activated.

I had all of these layers of Frequencies-- millions of layers. The God Lanuage would not layer. That is a problem because the language used before the Tower of Babel was completely telepathic--NO WORDS.

My mission on Earth is to remove the tower of Babel, and that can't be done until we move into the pink silver part of the brain- the lower cerebellum and the medulla oblangata and begin to allow the true Mind of God to RUN OUR BODIES COMPLETELY.

No talking allowed. Just the FEELING of the frequencies streaming into the inner most omni particles of the cells and flowing around the cells in the crystal liquid light energy of omni creation.


We use the candle to help us visualize moving out of the third dimension and into the fifth. We must also use the diagram of the Pyramid showing us where the different light spectrums are in the Candle. We can also see these light spectrums as they relate to the brain.

The yellow spectrum in the brain correspons to the VISIBLE LIGHT. This means everything that can be Seen with the FIVE SENSES.

Now, remember that the Five Senses and the other Seven Senses of the Cosmos were separated. They were separated by separating the subharmonics in the DNA. The Over tones of the Electronic were separated from the Basetones of the Magnetic.

The only reason that we believe what we see is TRUTH is because our subharmonics in our DNA are disconnected.

When they are re-connected we see the reality that is in the Blue Spectrum of Invisible Light. We can learn to see what is invisible to us right now.

We experience this reality by walking into the candle in consciousness to collect the full spectrum of light. Now, you can see something that you didn't see before. You can see the blue sphere.

Next, you continue to move into the candle in consciousness until the room goes black around you. This means you are seeing from the area in the brain that is in the pink silver light spectrum. The Mind of God is the Dark Room. This is the place where you see anti-matter.

You are seeing another reality field that you never saw before.

You just thought this was darkness. It is the placed where all new ideas are created before they come down into multi dimensional versions of light.

This is not the same kind of dark that comes from absense of light.

This is the kind of dark that comes with your eyes wide open using the back of your brain and seeing through your mid braid into another reality field.

We get to this place by remaining in the Frequency Specific Music for very long periods of time. You can also practice moving to that part of the brain by keeping earphones for several days at a time or walking around blindfolded until you can learn to see through the eyes of God.

Just as I came to Earth this time to remove the Tower of Babel, there are people on Earth who came with the purpose of returning to the Mind of God. So, they planned to be born blind. Many people who are born blind planned it that way. Beethoven was one of those people. He could hear the Music of the Spheres and play what he heard on the piano. He was painting the music that was being made by the Universe at that time. There were beautiful parts of the Universe and there were parts that minor and disharmonic in nature.

Albert Einstein also said that he learned the formula to create his discoveries from music. I am sure he meant from listening to the directions from the Music of the Spheres. Everything in our Universe is created from the Music of the Spheres. This means the frequencies from the spiritual harmonic universe are being woven into the more dense dimensions and in the parallel physical domains to create new realities.These realities manifest as different forms of energy-like electricity.
The density also manifests as different forms of supply and food.

When we move into the standing wave pattern of the fifth and sixth dimensions we will tune into the hydrolaise of the spiritual parallel and the trypolaise of the new Cosmos. That spiritiual water is a vaporous form of plasma that is used to translate our bio-sphere. In the normal reality systems, a child would be born for the purpose of absorbing enough hydrolaise into his structure that would transpose his body into the plasma vehicle that could travel through the Universe by age 33.

The Avatar Children who were born on Earth between 1996-2012 will be able to do that. They will learn to transpose their body into an orb and ride in their flame vehicle through all twelve stargates. Those of us who have been trained how to create our orb bodies will also learn to do this in this life time.

The orb bodies are created through the activation of the Music of the Spheres. Electricity was created through the formula Consciousness plus Energy equals Reality.

Whe we raise our consciousness by accreting more Energy of Higher Frequencies, we can move into a new standing wave pattern of energy. We can move into the Standing Wave Pattern that does not include Gravity.

Gravity is a creation of Reverse Spin Technology. Reverse Spin Technology is that formula used in the Flower of Life teachings. Look at the diagram on the RIGHT.

That form of energy is blocked from the Full Spectrum of Light. That form of energy will never give the energy to the body that is needed to create the Orb Body.

The orb body is created by spinning the merkabas together correctly to activate the DNA.

Now, let's go back to the Merkaba and the Candle.

We drew the diagram of the Merkabas around the Flame.

Now we know that there is another half of the Merkaba. The top pyramid is the electro and the bottom pyramid is the magnetic.

So, we need to draw another pyramid that intersects the top pyramid at that place in the Crystal Heart.

The top electro and the bottom magnetic must spin together to reconnect the overtones and the base tones of the DNA. When the DNA is reconnected, then the entire Reality Spectrum is reconnected.

We begin to use Super Consciousness. That is the other Seven Senses beyond the Five Senses of Seeing and Hearing those things that can be touched and felt.

We must use our ears to hear the part of the music that is the whisper, the breath, the feeling, the knowing that we are actually sitting inside of the Star that the Frequencies came from and we are actually living inside of the Sun that we are made from.

We must visualize ourselves as the the Pure Plasma Body that we are. We, in reality live inside of the Sun.

In reality, there is no space or time.

All Distance is created by the obstacle illusion created by the Spin Rate of the Merkabas.

Each Merkaba spins us into a higher Harmonic Universe. It is called a "Harmonic Universe because it has a different Harmony. It has a different Frequency and a different rhythm.

Each Harmonic Universe is 45 degrees in angular rotation away from the next one.

So, reality is all within this Sphere.

If we draw a clock and we see that 12 o clock is 45 degrees from 3 o clock. That would be 45 degrees. When we spin our merkaba faster, we remove the 45 degrees.

The distance that we see between Earth and the Stars would be 45 degrees to the Galactic and another 45 degrees to the Universal. That means we are 90 degrees from the Stars. If we want to fly to the Stars, we just get in the spin rate of the Universal Merkaba and that erases the time and space between those reality fields.

When we finally learn how to orb out of the gravity standing wave pattern, we will realize that we don't actually go any where.

We just remove the ILLUSION of space and time.

In God's Reality there is no space and time. It is an illusion created by the Eyes. The Eyes are the Illusion created by the disconnection of the subharmonics in the DNA.

the Music of the Spheres that I'm tuning in to is this New Music of this New Cosmos that doesn't even contain major music. All of the music is a breath coming from God and weaving into symphonies that are beyond the beauty heard by the ears. I am the only one who gets to hear the complete beauty. I'm trying my best to translate that into sound that others can hear. It is almost impossible unless the listener is using the same technology that I'm using. That means listening with the same Sony Stero and the same earphones. Most versions of technology will distort the sound, and many distort it into reverse spin technology.

We are working on moving out of the Yellow part of the Brain--that is the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM in the Pyramid and the Upper Cerebellum part of the Brain.

That is the part of the Brain that THINKS. And all it thinks about is old memories that have been planted in it by the WORLD.

We are working on removing the OLD WORLD.

First, we must DE-Manifest the Old World, before we can Manifest the New Ascension Earth.

The reason that I create the Frequency Music and the Eternal Life Albums is to help you REMAIN FOCUSED in the FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MID BRAIN..

When we move into that part of the Brain Continuously for hours, for the day, for the night, and then finally 24 hours a day. That is when REALITY really begins to SHIFT.

The World actually falls away. It doesn't have any effect on your emotions any more. You have moved out of the Emotions of Feelings and Ideas and Memories, and Fear just doesn't exist in the Mid Brain.

That is where we want to stay.

If you leave your earphones on for 48 hours and then take them off, you will experience what it feels like to be in the Frequency Specific Mid Brain and then move back to the Yellow Thinking Brain of the World. It is like night and day. The Frequency Specific Experience feels like you are always riding on your shoulders and you are 12 inches above your head, and sometimes you are 36 inches above your head. You will realize that you are looking down at your body and you are not in it.

That is what the Frequency Music does. That is what it feels like to stay in the Frequency Specific Brain.

Using the Candle is to help you realize that this Shifting in Dimensional Realities is going on Visually and Audibly.

You are seeing something that the FIVE SENSES of the Third Dimension never sees, and you are hearing something that FIVE SENSES of the Third Dimension never hears.

You have moved TEMPORARILY into the Fifth Dimension,

It is a wonderful place that has a Blue Hue around everything.

The Blue Hue is only created one way. It is created as a result of going through the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound and into the Mind of God.

When you walk down the hall of white light when you die, that is where you go. You are walking into the Full Spectrum of Light. You are walking back into God's Movie Projector.

When you walk down that white tunnel during the Death Scenario, you are becoming so full of the anti-particles of Spiritual Light, that your Body shifts into the Blue Hue. When you go into the WHITE ROOM of the Mind of God at Death, you become transformed into Light Energy.

Well, guess what. We never did need to die to do this. We can move our bodies into the Blue Hue and into the Mind of God during this life time. We can readjust our Light Spectrum now.

We can fill our bodies full of the Universal and Cosmic Frequencies of Transformation now.

I came to Earth with this mission. I had this information coded in my cellular memory before I came to Earth. My team had to wake me up and keep reminding me of  my mission many, many times. I have died three times and I came back. My husband died, and I brought him back.

What we keep hearing about in these End Times is this NEAR DEATH experience that so many people have. There is no such thing as a Near Death Experience. We died, went to the Mind of God, had our bodies developed into the Blue Hue and then came back as a re-processed body. The mind becomes transformed into a higher awareness. There are many memories processed just like the memories that are processed when a person goes into the light at Death.

In the good old days---Prior to 2014 before we evolved completely beyond the Phantom Matrix, we would die, watch all of those old movies that come out of our cellular memory, and then decide that we wanted to go back to the place in time where one of those old movies took place so that we could do it again.

That is why we kept coming back to the third dimensional Earth. Some of us did that at least 1.5 million times. Some more. Some less. We were stuck in that reality because there was no one here to tell us what we were supposed to do when we die.

We were supposed to pick a new movie--not keep returning to the old movies.

Now, we have been taught that we must make the movie that we want to go to before we die, and then we don't have to die. We just get processed in the Dark Room of the Mind of God and pop into the new movie.

That is how it has always been done for the past 90 billion years. That's as far as I can remember back. That is how it is done in the MIND OF GOD.

That is not how it is done in the mind of MAN. But, that is how it is done in NORMAL REALITY.

We are moving back to NORMAL REALITY for the first time in 5.5 million years.

We did have pieces of our Normal Reality returned to us a  few times before in history. But, it was always taken away from us again by Invader Races. This time, there was a complete Cosmic War that removed every tiny aspect of our Disfunctional Memory of how our PERFECT REALITY is supposed to appear and how it will begin to appear to those who choose to MOVE TO THE FREQUENCY SPECIFIC  blue area in the brain.

When we move into that reality, our problems disappear. It is like that dream that those live in who do drugs for their recreational activity. That is why we hear these rumors that this new age will be like the 60's with the Hippies, and the Flower Children, and the Drugs.

It will actually be MUCH MUCH better than that. We can live in the Frequencies that shift our Brain into the FREEDOM and the VISUALIZATION of the realities beyond the third dimension. We can do that with FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MUSIC instead of with Drugs that will always lead to a Bad Place in the End.

The fact is, the Kings and Pharoahs of Atlantis used to create this substance called CELLESMA - a blue powdery essence --JUST LIKE IN THE SMURFS 2.

That blue powdery essence was the LSD in those days. LSD was patterned after that substance.

Where did they get that substance. They got it from torturing the Race lines who had fifth and sixth dimensional frequencies-- there was the Human Angelic Race Line and there was the Levithian Race Line. These were the only ones who had fifth dimensional coding based on the 12 CODE - 12 subharmonics in each DNA strand.

The Kings and Pharoahs were not from this ANGELIC RACE LINE that had the 12 codes that would open the 12 STARGATES.

The Invader Races were always coveting the ability of gaining access to all 12 stargates.

Again, please take a look at SMURFS 2. The Blue Smurfs were the carriers of the Cellesma that comes from the Cellestilline in the blood crystals of a Fifth Dimensional Being with 12 coded harmonics.

Gargamyle needed that ESSENCE to give him the power and immortality that he wanted.

The Kings and Pharoahs of Atlantis would lock the Levithians in these Cages and torture them.  AS they were leaving their bodies and turning into Blue Dust, the Kings would scrape that essence into a bottle or a tube--just like in the Smurfs 2 movie.

The reason I'm telling this story, is to help you realize the significance of this Blue Hue that you are beginning to visualize as a result of going into the Full Spectrum of Light and moving into the Frequency Specific Mid Brain.

These are the first stages of activating this Blue Essence. It is a product of Melting the Crystal Seals between the DNA. When the Crystal Seals melt they create a new form of Blood Crystals in the body that is made of the essence of stardust which is this cellestilline substance.

When the fifth dimensional soul body in the Crystal Heart is ignited through the full spectrum of light, the Blue Body gets turned on. The Hue of Ultra Violet Blue becomes ignited in the Mind of God. That Hue penatrates the entire Light Spectrum and goes into the Mid Brain and Crystal Heart.

So, the way we turn the Candle on is the same way we turn the Blue Body on or awaken our Soul from amnesia.
We must have the Full Sepctrum to do this. The Spectrum of the Hertzian  contains the Visible Coors that can be seen with the Five Senses. These Visible Colors must be brought to life through the Electro Magnetic Field of Energy.
Electro is the MAle Spin of the the upper merkaba. It spins 331/3 Clockwise and the Bottom Merkaba is the Female and it spins 112/3 Counter Clockwise.

The place where all of the merkabas mees is the fifth dimension in the Crystal Heart.

All merkabas meet i n the cyrstal heart TheAll  of the frequencies of the MErkabas are Grounded in the Fif th.

To activate the Blue- the fifth dimesniaonl cyrstal heart, we had to activate all that is aboce-- the full spectrum of light in the candle all of the light in the candle.

The Blue Heart intersects into the Ultra Biolet Blue that connedts it all together.

The full spectrum of light must spin that removes polarity male and fmeal must spin togehr.

This all of tifteen dimensions are in the male merkaba nd all 15 are in the female merkba

The stem didn't ignite with just the infra red section or just the invisible light or just the gama. It required the full spectrum of light to ignite it.

When we strike the match to ignite the stem of the canlde the entire light of the candle was required to ignite that hertzian stem.

X ray to see into the anti matter
Beyond the comos infinite beyond change our dictionary

Activation always comes from above and below iWe must activate unibersal with comic and galactive withi universal and solar with galactic
To remove the separation of teh third diesnional senses from the seven sensees
We had to bring all of the light the entire candle of light
the silver pink heliotalic 14.5 the bama 13th dimension. the x ray -the 12th dimension, and the invisible of 8th to activate h six th ahd fifth.

When the stem of the candel is ignited the hertzian body of give senses is turned on with the full specturm of ligh.t Te light doesn't only activate the infra red or only the inbisible light, it activates the entire light spectru mand that is what is required to activate the hertzian body.

We must take the hertzian body of the Re-Violet Colors of the five senses and ignite it into the full spectrum of multi dimesnional consciousness.
The Super Consfioussness of the Soul, over soul, Avatar and Rishi Selves
We are pluggin our neruonet back into tour compelte self.

The hertzian level consciousness is five sensses
 The fifth dimensional consciousness is all senses 00the seven more than five
The infra red spectrum has been something we could not see
The visible spectrum is allows us to see but only the hertizn level.

Where is the fifth dimesnion.

The fifth used to be in the harmonic universe above the third.
But, now we are in the fifth and the fifth  awakened within us.

The fifth dimension is in the Crystal Heart--what was called the Heart Chakra area.

The Fifth Dimension is the Density Two level of the Body.

The Density One Level is the Physical Body.

The Density Three Body is the Mental Body at the Cosmic Level..

When we Ignite the Blue Hue within the Full Spectrum it turns on the Mid Brain Frequency Specific Brain and the Blue Body. It turns on the Fifth Dimensional Self, which is the Soul. It awakens the Soul from amnesia.

After we awaken the Soul through the Mid Brain, we can awaken the complete Multi Dimensional Self into the Mind of God through igniting the Silver Pink Light into the Lower Cerebellum where the Medulla Oblangata meets the Thymus and within the Thymus is the Seed Atom of our original Soul, that activates the Soul that is within the Crystal Heart area--directly below the heart. This entire area becomes activated andthen activates the Vagus Nerve which controls all of the Neuronets and Glands in the Body.
Now the correct programming from the Mind of God is running the Immortal Body. The body is reborn every nano second through the Breath of God.

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"UFO Sightings RISE! New Jersey Drone Frenzy...Now helicopters are chasing our Sirian scoutships......wouldjyabelieveit...!!😲🪩🪩🚁✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👏🏻

35 minutes ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"I would say yeah good chance animals may see them sometimes."
2 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Since they have been caught on camera before maybe I should find my video camera and film the area. It's worth a try :)"
2 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Animals may see devas, I’m quite sure about that."
2 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"You don’t need to do much, just sit somewhere or walk around, take your time and look at the trees, birds and other animals. You may feel a tingling sensation but may not see the energetic interaction between you and the devas. I’ve always been…"
2 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Thanks for that. I actually posted something a while back on my health page that talked about forest bathing. I'll have to go back and read that again as well."
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"To prepare you for deva watching I recommend trying the following starter process:

"What is forest bathing?
This Japanese practice is a process of relaxation; known in Japan as shinrin yoku. The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"A lot of other people like to go through that area that I mentioned so I gotta time it carefully. Folks like to ride their dirt bikes in that area so definitely can't do it during that time. Definitely gonna give it a try one of these days though.…"
3 hours ago