do not judge!

keep in mind that i do NOT follow a single religion and probably never will, i see the need for them and i see thier purpose just as light needs darkness!

i am not judgemental and i appreciate the many views on things on what i believe and feedback is always welcomed

however if your here to offer destructive critisism then don't bother, i am a man based on peace and as such do not wish to argue over religouse belief, all i ask is that you don't tell me my ways are wrong

and do not try and turn me!

however i'm always curiouse about each religion and happy to learn more about things i don't already know


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  • to at peace with yourself and the people around you, you must first make peace with who you are and what you've done and why!
    i have done some bad bad things growing up, to even worse people, but i do not believe that violence is the answer to anything, however in saying that, for the right reasons i would not think twice about bringing out the monster that lie's withing, we all have darkness inside of us, just as much as we have light, what make's us who we are is not what we have lurking within, but what side we choose to act upon!
    i have seen many many things both as dark and evil and torture's as thier is light and buety and wonder, i am only highly respected because i understand the need for both, where there is light there MUST be darkness, where there is death, there is life!
    i have spent my ENTIRE life being ridiculed and torture'd because i am different, not just spiritually, but mentally, because of my autism, i am a strong person because when growing up if i crie'd or showed emotion infront of the children (My own age) they would throw mud or rotten fruit at me!
    yet through all this hate, all it took was a simple thing, i found my light in poetry, since i cannot show or express emotion i use my poems to do it for me, it's sooths me inside and out!
    now as much as i do appreciate the gesture, i'm nothing short of human, i am no ghandi nor am i any kind of god or high leader, i am just me, i do appreciate the fact that people look up to me on a regular basis, it make's me feel needed and special and i've led quiet a few young fella's into high paying very successfull life's that i couldn't even bare to dream of having and nothing make's me happier to know that they learn from my mistake's because of the way they look up to me :-D
    i LOVE this site, NEVER have i met people of my own kind so to speak, who so open mindidly accepts me for who i am, i'm glad i joined!
  • i am currently busy and although i wrote a big thing on here, it got deleted because my laptop crashed and don't have the time to re-write this second, only know 3 things for now, to be peacefull one has to of experienced hell, i'm bi-sexual AND autistic heres a link but keep in mind i'm only mild!:
    AND i respect your kind words higher than most and i understand it's pure love not in a gay way but more of a welcoming real genuin person way, and it's not easy to be able to use those words these days!
    ow and if i only meet you and the other lady on here then it's worth my signing up for
    i also write poetry that i might incorperate into a blog or 2, we shall see :)
    much love
    goofy :)
  • I like you, you're a smart dude. You have experienced things I am not aware of in my own reality of experience & for that I respect and love you my friend. It must have been difficult growing up to a whole different reality then people around you. I am not so deeply entrenched in manifested beings etc. If i was to explain myself it would simply be I am love manifest, I am divine spirit I am of the one. A much simpler awakening I suppose, but my extremes in my experiences within that I have yet to share with others.

    Thank you for joining us here man. We can always use some more peaceful beings and Iook forward to learning more of your truth.
  • never actually thought of that huh
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