Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

I have received many reports that when newcomers come to my website, they really don't know where to begin. As your Cosmic Doctor of Ascension, I would like to Prescribe the following Ascension Tools, Remedies and Medications for you. These frequencies are, in fact designed to work exactly like the prescriptions from any Third Dimensional Doctor or Scientist. However, the doctors and scientists involved with these prescriptions are Cosmic. They are the Light and Sound Doctors who are a part of the Ascension Teams and the Evolutionary Teams who have been directing the remodeling of our Consciousness, our Universe and even our Cosmos during the past 5.5 million years. This team of Cosmic Doctors is now arranging to restore the neuronet system within our bodies which can not be plugged back into the Mind of God for the Eternal Life potential. Restoring the Eternal Life Code into the zero point of every neuronet in the body is a prerequisite for our transformation out of this Carbon Based Structure that we have experienced. We are now being operated on during our sleeping hours. We can best utilize this dream time after we have actually tuned in to the Consciousness that will be operating on us, and actually PARTICIPATE in the Divine Operations going on in the Body.

All of my teachings and the frequency work that I do are for the specific purpose of bringing what you term the Light Body into the Physical Body. The frequencies are always bringing in the Energy or Higher Frequencies of the Crystal Light Body. However, what is different about my work and most other Energy Workers, is they have not learned how to TRANSMUTE the Frequency Barriers between the Physical and Spiritual or Atomic and Invisible Light Bodies.
Most of you have been using teachers who actually think they should walk in to the Shadow body and then heal it. My teachings are based on Cosmic Technology that knows that the Shadow Body was created by a reversal of spin rotation fo the Merkaba Vehicle. However, most teachers will just continue to spin the merkaba the wrong direction, they will continue to walk into the Shadow Body instead of Transmute it with the corrected Frequencies from the already PERFECT REALMS OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
We don't walk into the SHADOW BODY, The shadow is blocking the Light between yourself and the Mind of God. We must fill the darkness with the Light. We must TRANSMUTE THE DARKNESS with the Full Spectrum of Light. This is why I gave you the CANDLE TECHNIQUE.
When you BEGIN by filling the Mid Brain with the Frequencies of Light and Sound you begin paving a pathway from your Frequency Brain into the Mind of God. This Pathway bypasses the THINKING BRAIN. Only the Thinking Brain can align you with the Shadow Body. The Shadow Body is your physical template being out of alignment with the LIGHT of God.

The latest ZERO GRAVITY album fills the body full of so much of the Star Dust and Plasma of the Sun that a NEW STANDING WAVE PATTERN that does not Contain Gravity is created within and around the Body.

The Body must become FULL OF LIGHT AND SOUND in order to Activate DNA and to prepare for ASCENSION into a new harmonic universe.

The Frequencies of the Sonic Boom can be heard and felt in the ZERO GRAVITY album. That Sonic Boom is the BREAKING THROUGH the Density of the Gravitational Pull. There is no gravity in NORMAL REALITY. There is no Edison Electricity in NORMAL REALITY.

Those old realities that belong to third dimensional Scientists are not NORMAL. They are not the creations of God. They are the creations of Man. Only the creations of God are Eternal. Any Scientific or Medical Science Formula is based on third dimensional Science.

I am a Doctor. This means I earned the Title of Doctor. There are other kinds of Doctors besides Medical Science Doctors. When you go to a University and you take a course in Physics, you call you professor Doctor. When you take a course in Music, you call your professor Doctor. I have been a Professor for two decades, and my students call me Doctor Angela Barnett.

I had one extremely stupid and rude comment from a Blog Site titled Cosmic Nation. A Stupid Comment made with Rage, hate and total lack of KNOWING called me a LIAR. She based this accusation on the fact that there was no information about me in my ROOM on that website. That is the lowest form of stupidity that I have encountered.

However, it is not uncommon in these Blog sites to find that 99% of the people who write and read those posts do not know anything about anything. And yet, the rule is read what you resonate with.

Do we know what that means? Do you resonate with this? Resonate with means, do you have enough Frequency Accretion within you to understand the meaning? Has your DNA been activated to the level of perceiving the reality that the writer is sharing?

Or, do you prefer to go back to the old Third Dimensional methods of Checking the Resume in the Blog Room?

I wrote a 400 page resume. It is in the book titled 12DNA Music of the Spheres from the Diary of the Comic Twins and the Keys to the Universe. I couldn't possibly describe to anyone who I am with a resume.

A resume is what I used for many years when I chose to participate in the working world where I needed to get a job teaching in a university or doing training in a corporation.

Why in the world would I use that Resume that is designed for a Third Dimensional Reality that isn't REAL when I am trying to teach the NORMAL REALITY in the Second Harmonic Universe which contains a reality that proves that the Science of the Medicine that comes from the five senses is not real.

The reality that we are tuning in to is the INVISIBLE REALITY of the KNOWING.

The entire system has been controlled by those Draconians, Zetas and Majestic 12 Inner government Beings who have created a system that allows them to use us for their puppets in preparation for creating the One World Order.

We will not become the One World Order. That time has passed. And yet, the NON-Intelligent Design that has held together the Lies about who we are not seem to be the only Reality that is being shown in these other Blog Sites.

I only see more and more of the old illusions being disguised with new names. I don't see anyone giving new formulas of the new DNA that could not be understood by any medical science because medical science always uses the DNA of rats guinea pigs and monkeys. From that data, the medical science Doctors glean the reality that human angelics have 2 or 3 DNA because rats are made of the same substance that we are made of.

So, why is this stupid person calling me a LIAR? Because her THINKING BRAIN is shooting toxins through her neuronet memory. The Thinking Brain will always Fight Back when New Information is given UNTIL we create a new path way from the Frequency Specific Mid Brain into the Mind of God in the lower part of the skull into the master neuronet, and begin KNOWING with Frequencies rather than THINKING with WORDS.

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