We just had another mass killing at a USA community college, adding to the chain of these types of heart wrenching repeated acts occurring all around the world. With the rise of social media and a plethora of attention being given to this outplay, the reflection of terrorism is getting much stronger, even in our small town communities.
These waves of influence can be so very subtle as well, and to the point that many people do not even know that they are being manipulated in their thought patterns, the true cause of it all. Great mental clouds of fear and victimization, inequality, supremacy, racism and distorted religious belief are some of the main triggers that condition and divide human consciousness.
We have just launched a program called MORPHOGENESIS here on the Golden Age of Gaia platform. One of the highest purposes of this educational experience is to shift the perception so radically that we can bring multi level ‘fusion’ to our divisive natures, overriding the genetic code. Instead of seeing things from a dual lens, we learn practical and very grounded ways to authentically perceive from multidimensional vision.
It is the duality within the human psyche that is in resistance to another aspect of itself due to a mindset that perceives from the realm of opposites. From this perception, self-attaching desires and opinions are formulated, thus, perpetuating the matrix of separation into which we have been born.
To resist the mesmeric power of the congealed thought-forms of the mass mind, adamant determination to change our perceptions is necessary. It takes a strong mind to resist a fear driven human culture, as well as an impassioned and faithful heart to give that mind over to the totality of our vaster Self.
Once surrendered, the human aspect can undergo greater phases of evolutionary morphogenesis to actualize a fused template of a more ‘Divine-Human’ expression. The resulting vibrational upgrade moves us into a more sustainable resonance, enabling us to perceive from, and be supported by, the whole idea of ‘diversity in unity’.
Through our collective awakening, we are learning how to live through the principle of one by consistently acknowledging that everything is part of a unified, interconnected whole. This sacred wholeness is everywhere present. Perceived “chaos” can be a product its natural order. Divinity does not fight anything; neither is it conflicted. It just IS, accepting of all.
We are made in this image and likeness.
We are also powerful creators that manifest our reality by what and how we think. We know that to look for solutions outside of our self or to place any blame is a useless exercise. It is from the sustained peace of mind and the stillness of being that fuses our brain hemispheres to perceive from wholeness.
From the constant feeling of being coherently connected, we can rise above the illusion of separateness. Then, we are are able to function more effectively in the external world because our foundation is anchored from a purer awareness, which is emotionally free from things of a divisive nature.
This posture requires great discernment in what we get involved in and where we place our focused attention, especially those external battles and noble causes that carry differing points of highly charged view. It is to be indifferent to the arguments, the prejudices and polarized opinions that govern and control the lives of so many people while fueling a terror filled world.
May we all be blessed with much deeper union with our Source and to really put our all into this melding. Divine Love knows no opposite. Let’s contemplate the idea of fully accepting what we term as evil, hate and darkness as also a part of who we are. Let’s ask ourselves if we carry any exaggerated spiritual ideals that can be returned to a calm middle ground.
Transcending duality is perhaps our greatest challenge yet one that can be overcome through the development of divine perception through constant observation and keen discernment in how we are qualifying both our talk and our walk.
One of our greatest services that we can give to life is to simply be a bright beacon and neutralizing pillar while selflessly invoking Divinity… to be in this world, but not of it.
Spiritual education is a major solution to our collective upliftment and ultimate liberation. If you have not yet enrolled, I invite you to join me and thousands of others in this accelerating program of MORPHOGENESIS. Let’s together, open our seals of perception to thrive in the oneness and help shift world reflection.
Big heart embrace,
Tiara Kumara
Morphogenesis Program Creatress