~ I had a client yesterday who came to me because she was struggling with what she was perceiving to be blocks; blocks to her achieving her professional goals, to family harmony and a long overdue need to de-clutter her home and working environments. I will call her “Jenny.” While she is is an amazing healer and very much awakened, she was becoming increasingly frustrated with a feeling of stagnation and an inability to conquer her natural tendency towards procrastination (where the clutter was concerned). Once we connected with her Team, I was immediately given imagery which shed some light on what was actually going on. The first thing I was shown was the a girl on a rocky beach. She was clinging to a large boulder, holding on for dear life as the waves crashed over the rocks and tried to pull her away. She was quite tenacious! She refused to release her hold on the boulder, and I could actually feel her fear. It was a fear of giving up control, of the power and intensity of the waves, of drowning, and most importantly – what lay on the other end of where these waves were attempting to take her. Then the scenario changed, and there were now two Jenny’s; the one who maintained her hold on the rock and a new one who trusted and let go, allowing the waves to sweep her away. The second Jenny relaxed into the natural movement of the waves, and floated gently and safely on her back, out to sea.
~ What her Team was trying to show us was that it wasn’t so much about the blocks themselves, but about resistance. They referred to her subconscious decision to not let go. She feared getting rid of all the old stuff she’d accumulated over the years. They had become like dear friends. It was all very comfortable and familiar. Never mind all the heavy energy that had built up around it all over the years, nor the energetic ties that bound her to the original gift-givers. She simply couldn’t get herself to the point to let these things go! It would be an insult to the person who gave them to her, she felt. What if she needed them some day in the future and they weren’t there? The effects from her procrastination were spilling over and causing manifestation problems in other areas of her life. Jenny’s Team said that she is being called to step up her role in assisting Humanity’s ascension, and deep down inside the enormity of such a responsibility frightened her. These items were symbolic of the life she’d always known, but was being guided to change. They’d become her anchors to the past. She was resisting the call.
~ I believe there’s a message here for all of us. Simply by virtue of our being incarnated on Earth at this time, we are all changemakers, teachers, leaders and wayshowers for the coming new paradigm. The veil is dropping away, and our Divine instructions are coming in more and more clearly with every passing day. The world is changing and we have to let go of what no longer serves us, and allow ourselves to change right along with it. To resist is not only uncomfortable and confusing, but it really is futile, when all is said and done. One card that I drew from the Messages From Your Angels deck describes quite well who and what we are and the very things that we came here to do. This card depicts the Angel, “Akasha.” Akasha gifts to us the knowledge of our own truth – who we are and how brilliant and powerful our Light is.
We affect others in a positive way, often without even having to try. We are activators, healers, compassionate shoulders to cry on. Our hearts are calling out to us, she counsels, and it well behooves us to listen. Of course, it’s not easy for many of us to embrace change. It’s often really painful to let go of our old ways and familiar stuff! But doing this goes hand in hand with the physical transformations taking place within our Human bodies, and also to the planet herself. Remember, ourselves and Gaia and deeply intertwined. As our DNA continues to upgrade, it becomes necessary to enact some external, lifestyle changes, too. This will allow the incoming energies to flow through us more smoothly, and it will clear the way for us to fully live out our Divine Mission.
~ So, if this resonates at all with you, then the message is clear… Grab some empty boxes and a dustpan, and go clear out the clutter. I mean this both literally and figuratively! Then be the powerful Lightworker you know you can be!
My Goodness, I was amazed when i read this post, I am going EXACTLY the same thing, I am so frustrated and feel stagnated and full of blockages. I have started to declutter inside out. But I am finding it difficult. My dreams are always the same . I try to move but obstacles come in the way and slow me down. But keep on trying despite the odds. But I don't what my calling is as yet although i know i need to move on. Can you help me? Thankyou for this enlightening post as i believe it will help many others on this site.