The fact that the earthling was merged with the reptilian mind through its physicality and the entire world overtaken by negative species does nothing to thwart their arrogance and feeling that we of the GFL are no threat to them. We planned to prove otherwise and we have already.
You do not remember the shock in the galaxy when these beasts arrived. What they have done to disturb the balance is only mildly portrayed in your current situation on earth. It is a fraction of the destruction they have caused throughout the galaxy. Their arrogance, their imbalanced, pathological minds know no limits.
Now we have had enough. In the name of humanity, we will end this scourge of the galaxy. We have consulted with many in other universes who have dealt with them as well. Arguably, they have not had the experience of the Milky Way, not to any degree the extent of it because at the time these negative races were still young and had not acquired the arrogance and frankly, the techniques nor the manpower they have today. They are at their peak now.