8109174472?profile=originalBy Sebrina Reber

Your entire soul signature, your vibrational essence, your personal world is unique only to you based on your own personal vibrational frequency. You are a multidimensional being with a variety of vibrational frequencies floating around and within your energy fields at all times. These frequencies are an accumulation of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs you have created from your souls journey of many, many lifetimes. Although every soul is unique in its own vibrational essence….every soul is exposed to the exact same frequencies of love, fear, anger, joy, gratitude, empowerment, hate, victim consciousness, guilt, regret, happiness, bliss etc. Each souls level of vibrational frequency will be determined based on the quality of that souls focus of energy or state of consciousness.

When a soul awakens to the truth that they are fully responsible for their vibration and quality of life and they fully understand through the “law of attraction” or “the law of cause and affect” that they can clean up the lower vibrations within their soul to attract the life of their dreams – they have the potential to become a very powerful, empowered, high vibrational being. At this time on our planet large groups of people are in the transitional phase of soul alchemy where we have awakened to the fact that we must first descend into the muck of our repressed lower vibrational energies before we are able to ascend into greater states of being. Our planet is in flux right now as we turn our darkness into the golden light of our very own christ consciousness. Because of this, many of us are in a very vulnerable state of being where we are flip flopping from one vibration to another as we try to sustain a high vibrational balance in a very unbalanced world.

Each awakening soul is experiencing their own personal inner war at this time on our planet. Not only are we having to clean up the energy of our own souls, we are also having to witness the devastating, heart wrenching, “bring you to your knees” kind of soul purging our brothers and sisters are going through as well. Many people are still unaware of what is happening to them and they are stuck  in denial, blame and resistance. They do not understand, nor do they want to believe, that they are the ones responsible for their own heaven or hell here on Earth. They continue to remain in their victim consciousness, fight or flight mentality, and they are in the struggle of their egos duality. In order to ascend in consciousness and free themselves of the negative vibrations held within their ego consciousness – that will continue to draw more chaos into their lives – they will need to surrender their egos will to their divine will. They will need to rise above their physicality and begin the process of integrating their spiritual being into their physical being through the process of meditation.

Meditation is the key to accessing and integrating our higher consciousness vibrations. We can only go so far by reading spiritual information, going to church, eating a healthy diet, praying (speaking to God/dess), reciting bible verses or mantras etc. Eventually, we must choose to activate and receive the energy of God/dess by accessing the deeper levels of our subconscious minds. According to the Bible, Jesus tells us “Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” WE are Gods and Goddesses….WE are the ones we have been waiting for to create the change we desire. But because we have become so focused on the physical world, and we have placed layer upon layer of fearful vibrations within our consciousness, we have totally forgotten who we are – divine spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. When we use our own free will to stop looking externally of ourselves for God/dess and we go within our inner being, through the process of meditation, we will reopen the energetic pathways in our energy fields that have blocked us from knowing  that we are the God beings, we are the creators of our entire life experience. And it is the reconnection with our true self, our higher soul self or our God/dess self that will bring forth the changes we so desire to see in our world, and it is the personal responsibility of every single person on Earth to not only awaken to this truth, but to have a direct experience of this truth by attaining a state of energetic oneness within their beings.

This is our divine potential at this time on Earth. To become ONE with our higher souls so we can remove the veils of our limited, fear-filled, egoic minds and become so infused with our higher souls consciousness, that we FEEL our connection with The Creator Of All That Is. Part of this process requires us to awaken to the shadowy forces and agendas within our own consciousness, as well as, within the systems of this world. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner consciousness – “For once we were blind but now we see.” We must awaken to the inner forces within and without and not become attached to them. Our inner and outer worlds are in crisis right now because it is the time of transparency. What once was hidden from our conscious awareness is rising to the surface so it can be acknowledged and changed. We have the free will power to continue to energize and strengthen those vibrations within and without, that no longer serve us, or we can choose to transmute and transcend those vibrations into a higher vibration so we can birth the great transformation on Earth. Each person is responsible for birthing transformation from within their own beings before we will see it manifested in our outer realities. Heaven will be brought down to Earth – Heaven is a state of consciousness, and it must be activated and integrated into each one of us so it can be brought down from the spiritual dimensions within our beings into our physical bodies. In the Bible – Matthew 6:10, it says: “May your kingdom, come, may your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” That is how powerful we are!

Because we are submersed in a group consciousness, those of us who have made great strides in our ascension process will need to be very careful of not getting pulled into the drama and chaos of our brothers and sisters as they slowly begin to awaken and ascend their consciousness into greater states of being. All of us who have been doing intense spiritual work for many years know of the great labor pains people will have to undergo as they slough off and release lifetimes of discordant energies so they can re-birth themselves. At this time on Earth, the LIGHT is magnified to such a high level we have massive groups of people awakening at an accelerated rate which is throwing everyone into fear. Those who are awakening, and those who have been awake for some time, are scattering their energy due to the rapidity of change that is occurring on our planet and in our lives. Because of this, it is important more than ever to take at least 10-15 minutes everyday to realign ourselves with our center through the process of meditation so we can infuse our physical beings with the spiritual energies we need to sustain the courage, strength and appropriate directions of our energies so we can remain steadfast on focusing on what we truly want to create for the New Earth.


1. Meditation/Communion with your higher soul: 10-15 minutes everyday will strengthen and align us with the higher vibrating energies within our energy fields. Our higher selves live in the spiritual dimensions inside our energy fields – in  order to access this part of ourselves, we need to spend quite time, slowing down our sympathetic nervous systems, so we can access the deeper parts of our subconscious minds where our true selves reside.

2. Gain knowledge about what is truly happening on Earth. Knowledge is power when it is used appropriately. However, when people begin to awaken to what is truly transpiring on Earth people tend to run into fear and the ego’s fear will distort the way we see, feel, behave and respond to our outer environments. Knowledge combined with a fearful, emotional vibration is DANGEROUS! Once light packets of information are released in our energy fields – to help us ascend in consciousness – meditation is imperative to help us infuse this knowledge with the LOVE from our higher selves. Without daily meditation and access to the higher dimensions within ourselves, knowledge can easily be tainted and distorted by our fear where we will tend to manipulate and take away other people’s free will by trying to exert our egos control over them.

3. Do not allow anything that interferes with your vision for the New Earth to enter into your consciousness. Everyone is on different levels of processing through their fears so if you see something on the news, on a Facebook feed etc. that disrupts your ability to remain focused on what you truly desire to create in the New Earth then remove your attention from it and re-focus on what you truly desire to see. Some people have processed through their fear and they are able to read and see things that are occurring without having an emotional reaction to it. However, most people have not accomplished the ability to do this. Many are completely unable to remain compassionately detached. When we can be in this world, but not of it then we will have attained a very high level of alignment and we will be able to SEE this world through the eyes of God/dess and be totally neutral about everything going on. However, most of us are still affected by the negativity on Earth – so it would be in our best interests to solely focus on the things that sustain and continue to evolve our vibrations into greater states of love. The more sensitive you are, the more you will need to withdraw yourself from all things that do not increase your light. A great guidance system for this is to pay attention to your emotions. Wherever your emotions are…..there is your vibration. Are you really focused on what you truly want?

4. Understand that everything that is happening serves the purpose for people to awaken and to know themselves better. We are vibrationally attracting beings….we create it all. If it is in your personal world, it is there for YOU to learn something so YOU can evolve and heal your soul into greater states of being. If it is not in your personal world, then YOU have not attracted it to you to experience. Outer events you see on the news, stories on Facebook etc. are not yours to experience and process through unless you use your free will to become attached to the stories  ”out there,”  which of course will now begin to affect your personal world as well. During these times of “screaming and the gnashing of the teeth,” it is best for us to pull our energy in – literally see your self pulling your consciousness/your energy away from anything outside of your self and pulling it in to create an auric egg around your self. During these heightened times of chaos, you may want to pull your energy in every morning and every evening before you go to bed.

5. State a prayer for the Earth and humanity everyday. It could be a prayer for healing such as “The Violet Flame,” or  “The Great Invocation” or you could create one you have a personal connection with as well. The important thing is to pray from your heart. Don’t just repeat a bunch of words but really mean what you say…..feel it. Here is one I say at the end of my meditations:

“Creator of All That Is, I ask for the Earth and all beings to rise in vibration of unconditional love, joy, peace, health, healing, unity consciousness and abundance for all. I ask for you to please send down beings of the highest christ light to all areas on Earth, in all time frames and all dimensions, that are in chaos and fear. I ask for these beings of light to please transmute all negative energies of fear into their highest expression of love, and I ask for the divine plan to be fulfilled on Earth with ease and grace. Thank you, it is done.”

6. Remain focused on your own inner work. What does all the fear and chaos bring up for you. What are your triggers? What is being revealed to you? Where are you aligned – stuck in the egos victim consciousness or the higher souls empowered consciousness to create change? What is being reflected to you in the outer environment that you are in denial about in your own life? Are you more focused on the outer projections and what is happening out there or are you tuned into your inner being and FEELING what is happening within you? Ask yourself throughout the day- “Am I aligned with my ego’s will or my divine will? Does this thought, relationship, conversation, activity, emotion increase my light or diminish it? Right now…. am I helping increase the Earth’s vibration or am I lowering it?

7. Remain Grounded! When we are grounded our soul remains in our body fully present, in the NOW moment, to what is occurring in our lives. When we are present, we are able to fully feel our feelings so they can be released freely. If we become ungrounded and we allow our soul to fly out of our body – because we don’t want to experience a negative interaction, we end up storing our negative emotions in a deal with later folder in our energy fields. These unprocessed energies will block the flow of spiritual life force energies from being able to flow unobstructed in our being which will also distort clear intuitive communications with our higher soul. In addition, when we are ungrounded we become reactive and we also leave space in our physical bodies for lower life form energies to invade our consciousness.  Click here for an article explaining what grounding is and how to accomplish it.

8. The Raise Your Vibration book is also a wonderful tool to have on hand when you fall out of alignment. There are sections that will help you realize when you have aligned your self with your ego and your shadow consciousness. There are also meditation tips and meditation exercises to help you move through these transformative times. It is also a light coded book to activate “light packets of information” within you that will help you awaken, step into your power and activate your souls mission to assist in the creation of The New Earth.

About the author: Sabrina Reber resides in Destin Florida with her husband Todd and her two children ~ Alexandrea and Savannah. Sabrina is an artist, author of a soul ascension manual called “Raise Your Vibration”, ordained minister in the Lively Stones Healing Ministry, a vibrational energy healer and a spiritual activist on the “How To Raise Your Vibration” Facebook page where she helps people from all over the world heal so they can return to their truth and live a more joyful, compassionate, loving and spiritually abundant life for themselves and the people they interact with.


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  • Absolutely, Michael! Nice pic!


  • AVATAR, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.  I am figuring out what was really behind  the incredibly violent conflict in my past life and how it is now coming back in this life, but at a more "higher" vibration and with better results around me.

    We're going to win people.

  • Rudy, you're very welcome!

  • thank you 

  • Thank you, dear Sylvain for the beautiful image.


  • Great comment and advice, Amparo...I'm definitely going to remember how you deal with the issues with family....this is something I need to learn to do. I agree that in certain situations leaving is the best thing to do...I've always found when I do that tempers have a chance to cool off and you can look at the problems in a new light. Blessings to you, dear Amparo.

  • Very well, said, Phylos...I know our experiences are for learning...the problem is we or I do seem to lose sight of that fact from time to time so it takes a while for me to 'get it'.

  • So, I guess it will end when we choose to.

  • I'm not absolutely certain that we have to deal with every last bit of detail. A lot of it is finished, done, over, and giving it attention just re-creates, IMHO... It is for to learn, not punish, not obsess. The art, I think, is to 'shift' one's consciousness away from what no longer is a necessary experience to growth.
    Now, I'll don the teacher's cap and robe for a moment, and do so reluctantly, for I am a most lazy slob at heart. But, I'll venture to say that I believe that possibly God's greatest gift, and most often unrecognized or realized is the unconditional freedom to place our attention wherever we choose. I can't think of much of anything more precious even though the great majority don't want the responsibility of such freedom, nor do they have the ability to comprehend the magnitude of such a gift.

  • LOL I agree, Phylos it is a long read but she gives suggestions as to what we can do to deal with the decent into ascension [hum...scratching head]...course most new agers already know about meditation and it's benefits. It just sucks that we have to dredge up all the mess in our lives [past and present] so we can ascend. All I can say is I must be a hard case...when will it ever end?

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