now this is slightly different approuch than what i've done in the past, but here's a few songs that hold meaning to me, and you can easily figure out why, some have hidden meanings though, some are clear as day!
odviously these aren't every single one that influence's me, but you get the picture, although be careful how you judge these film clips and songs, some meanings aren't as classy as you would think or want, but that's the point, what's coming is neither classy nor pleasant!
Linkin Park, Breaking The Habbit
Gorillaz, Fire Coming Out Of The Monkeys Head
Gorillaz, Dare - this one i suggesting paying attention, the definition and meaning isn't as clear if you don't!
1happykelly, not bad at all, although it seems to be more like a brocken record at some points, can be repetitive message where as i like a storyline to flow, it's good music don't get me wrong and the beat and the crazy prick singing just my style but the song don't suit me so well, thank you anyway!
as for embassador 603 here definetly the case my friend, although i reflect this as the bloke with the girl being stopped from shit stirring the new toy boy lol :P
i have done the same in return for friends, but to be honest the 2 with the clearest message's are linkin park and korn, the one i like best is gorillaz because they got a great beat but if you listen carefully you hear a story and learn a leasson
i like music that tells a story or has meaning that flows!
LOL, Goofy you are a man after my own heart. I've always loved Korn and Freak on a Leash... and the Gorillaz too :) This is one of my favorite bands from my youth. I had quite a thing for Tom Movello, lol. Enjoy!
the beat seems slightly off and the message is to clear not wacky enough lol :P
each one of these are selected for seriouse meaning, if you have questions as to what thier meaning is of a particular song hit me up and ask XD
always happy to share an insight!