Photo: Sananda - The Gift of Reflection, The Inner Presence Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly. Channeled through Michael Xavier for the Universal Service of Light Sananda - I Am Sananda, the Master Jesus Personalized adjuster of Nebadon. I introduce myself only by name so specifically you can discern and understand the change in energy as I make a connection with you all in this Eternal Moment. I speak to you all of you tonight, and as I communicate with your adjusters I am imparting you with a signature of understanding that Love flows and holds Creation together. With this understanding in mind remember that every action in your life dictates a reaction. So all of the things that you see in your life – are they reflections of the infinite glory of God? For the light workers that are undergoing an immense change, not only spiritually but physically, these things are being brought to the forefront as you begin to integrate with the information, you will begin to see those things not in line with what the Father is. It takes only one brave soul to step out of a circle to lead the way to a better way, and as the ones are stepping forward on the sphere of Urantia now, many of the ones that are stepping out into the light are allowing the ones behind them a greater ability to step behind them and follow in the pathway being paved by the ones, such as Jesus the one I indwelt two thousand years ago - Stepped out and into the universe of the ascension to pave the way to a greater understanding to greater understanding of universality and the ascension process. So to your Creator Father bestowed himself in the mortal likeness of flesh to show you that you have been made in His image, but He was not too high above you to be made in yours. Ponder on that fact for a moment children as you look at your lives and what is in them. You are a reflection of God, you are a reflection and you have been made in the image of your Creator. Create beauty truth, beauty and goodness. For all those that ask for a greater level of understanding it will be given to them. To all that ask for spiritual help and guidance it will be given to them. The voice is within you and we work through your own voice which is the Spiritual Presence that dwells within your hearts -to bring you to a greater level of understanding of pure consciousness as you traverse this sphere of time and space. There are so many dimensional levels that can be traversed simply by going into stillness with your Spiritual Self. You need not take a trip or travel anywhere, simply by stilling yourself and going within your heart center and taking a moment to breathe deeply from the world’s creations of insanity around you - to take a breath and to come into your heart and say yes Father Here I AM. I am ready to receive you today. In these moments of stillness God will reveal Himself to you much as He did to Moses in the burning bush in the desert. He will reveal Himself to you as a burning desire of Fire that He does indeed dwell within you. As you traverse the time here on this sphere you will realize as you hold the lens up of this experience to infinity, just how short your time is here on this sphere – Make use of it to the best of your ability – to the capacity of your understanding and according to the divine gifts that you have been bestowed. You can always strive for greater understanding, for greater universality and it will be given to you, but you cannot rush spirit more so than you can rush anything without having it mess up in your life. These things are destined to come to you as you are the only begotten sons and daughters of God. That you are worthy of His love and that you are a reflection of Him – That you were Created to be a Creator in Love and life. You will begin to realize in your hearts and in your own minds that you have unlimited potential when you co-create with the Paradise Father within your heart. All these pathways lead to one destination. Many people have different points of view. Many people may believe that they have the only way, yet someone else will come along and say yes, I made it here to but I went a different way. The thing you must remember - all of you that are one this circuit tonight - is that truth will always stand amidst error. Error will fall away and truth will always rein supreme in the end because it cannot be stood up against. There is only truth in the end. Anything else is an illusion, anything else is just delusion especially thinking that you are caught in something that many of you are still perpetuating even if unknowingly. So as you realize these things within yourself, as you realize that you are perfect just the way you are. You are essentially and eventually going to realize that you are going on a journey of a very great distance to a place you never left. As you come within yourselves, and for those who hear me tonight, this is sinking in and there is a ringing in many of your hearts now. The great grand design of you is endowed with every ability and with every tool necessary. You have not been made deplete of any one particular thing. You have every tool necessary to find the Father on Paradise. He dwells within you. As this sphere begins to regain its sanity from looking outward to the stars and to looking outward to happiness, there will be a great awakening when God the Father dwells within each and every one of you. You simply but need to close your eyes and allow His peace to wash over you. He is not far removed from each and every one of you. As you draw closer to Him He will draw closer to you. So before we close we will be moving in through this circuit with the imprinting of myself - Sananda and also with the Master Christ Michael for all His children to receive a greater level of understanding of universality and consciousness. As you receive us tonight allow these things to sink into yourself - that you are endowed with every tool to create the kingdom of heaven on earth. Simply by hearing and knowing this you are bringing yourself the ability to bring it to others that you touch in your life. The times of so many being distraught and for the ones that have waddled in their miscreations, so many are waking up to the realization that they too have a voice, and that they too can stand up from the insane world. As these ones stand up the energies of miscreation may bark and growl and may come at you and say that you are not worthy of God and all of these illusions that have been made to tell you something that isn’t true. If you listen to the small still voice within yourself you shall surely never fail. You have the greatest gift of the universe of universes within yourself. As we move through you now allow this to sink into your hearts and minds and your souls. Remember that God is no respecter of persons, that He chooses all of you, not just one individual to be worthy of finding Him and becoming one again with the Creator. For a moment, just begin to think to yourself the limitless capacity that you have been endowed with. The strength in your spirit and in your souls - The strength within each and every one of you to be able to, without limit, create the kingdom of heaven on earth. As all that is not of the light comes to your minds remember to focus on the light and the light will become greater, but so to as the dark will only become that much more magnified within your vision if you focus on it. Remove these things from you and they will be found not, they will leave you. These things cannot touch the elect. We leave you tonight in peace and may the Paradise Father’s blessings reign in your lives in the New Year.

According to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of ExtremesEarth experienced unprecedented high-impact climate extremes in 2001 - 2010 since the measurements began in 1850. In that period more national temperature records were broken than in any other decade.

The first decade of the 21st century was the warmest for both hemispheres and for both land and ocean temperatures. High temperatures were accompanied by a rapid decline in Arctic sea ice, and an accelerating loss of the ice sheets of the world's glaciers.

Earth experienced above-average precipitation, including one year – 2010 – that broke all previous records. 2001 - 2010 period was also marked by dramatic climate and weather extremes such as the European heatwave of 2003, the 2010 floods in Pakistan, hurricane Katrina in the United States of America (USA), cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and long-term droughts in the Amazon Basin, Australia and East Africa.

Extreme floods, droughts and tropical cyclones were all experienced across the world and throughout the decade. More than 370,000 people died as a result of these, representing a 20 per cent increase in casualties from the previous decade. This increase is due mainly to the dramatic increase in the total reported deaths arising from heatwaves in 2003 and 2010.

Impact of Extreme events during 2001-2010 compared with 1991-2000. Total number of loss of lives


The average land and ocean-surface temperature for the decade 2001-2010 was estimated to be 14.47°C, or 0.47°C above the 1961–1990 global average and +0.21°C above the 1991–2000 global average (with a factor of uncertainty of ± 0.1°C).

The decadal rate of increase in the global temperature accelerated between 1971 and 2010. The global temperature increased at an average estimated rate of 0.17°C per decade during that period, compared with 0.062°C per decade for the entire 1880-2010 period. The average 2001-2010 decadal temperature was 0.21°C warmer than 1991–2000, which in turn was +0.14°C warmer than 1981-1990.

Every year of the decade except 2008 was among the 10 warmest years on record. The warmest year ever recorded was 2010, with a temperature estimated at 0.54°C above the 14.0°C long term average of 1961-1990 base period, followed closely by 2005.

Above-average temperatures were observed over most parts of the globe in 2001-2010. This was particularly marked in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Greenland recorded the largest decadal temperature anomaly, at +1.71°C above the long-term average and with a temperature in 2010 of +3.2°C above average.  Africa experienced warmer than normal conditions in every year of the decade.

Decadal global combined surface-air temperature over land and sea-surface temperature (°C) obtained from the average over the three independent datasets maintained by the HadCRU, NOAA-NCDCand NASA-GISS.The Horizontal grey line indicates the long term average value ( 14°C).

Results from WMO’s survey showed that nearly 94% of reporting countries had their warmest decade in 2001-2010 and no country reported a nationwide average decadal temperature anomaly cooler than  the long term average.

Some 44% of countries in the survey reported nationwide hottest temperature records in 2001-2010, compared to 24% in 1991-2000.  Coldest daily minimum temperature absolute records showed an opposite pattern:  In 1961-1970, nearly 32 % of the countries reported nationwide lowest minimum temperature values. The percentage decreased to 11% in 2001-2010.


Drought affected more people than any other kind of natural disaster due to their large scale and long-lasting nature. Some of the highest-impact and long-term droughts struck Australia (in 2002 and other years), East Africa (2004 and 2005, resulting in widespread loss of life) and the Amazon Basin (2010) with negative environmental impacts.

Flooding and heavy precipitation

Numerous high-impact flooding and heavy precipitation events were recorded during the decade. WMO devoted special case study to the large-scale flooding event which occurred in Pakistan in July 2010. It affected more than 20 million people and claimed some 2 000 casualties.

The 2001-2010 decade was the second wettest since 1901. Globally, 2010 was the wettest year since the start of instrumental records.

Most parts of the globe had above-normal precipitation during the decade. The eastern USA, northern and eastern Canada, and many parts of Europe and central Asia were particularly wet.

According to the WMO survey, floods were the most frequently experienced extreme events over the course of the decade. Eastern Europe was particularly affected in 2001 and 2005, India in 2005, Africa in 2008, Asia (notably Pakistan, where 2 000 people died and 20 million were affected) in 2010, and Australia, also in 2010.

According to the 2011 Global Assessment Report, the average population exposed to flooding every year increased by 114% globally between 1970 and 2010, a period in which the world’s population increased by 87% from 3.7 billion to 6.9 billion. 


Anomalously warm weather that lasts for several days or weeks and has a severe impact on society is often referred to as a heatwave. Extreme heatwaves occurred in Europe in summer 2003 (more than 66 000 deaths in France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain, together) and in the Russian Federation in 2010 (more than 55 000 related deaths).

Severe storms

More than 500 cyclone-related disaster events were recorded killing nearly 170,000 people, affecting over 250 million, and caused estimated damages of $380 billion. The number of people exposed to severe storms almost tripled in cyclone-prone areas, increasing by 192%, in the same period.

According to NOAA-NCDC, 2001 - 2010 was the most active decade since 1855 for tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Basin. An average of 15 named storms per year was recorded, well above the 1981 -2010 long-term average of 12 named storms per year. The most active season ever recorded was 2005, with a total of 27 named storms, of which 15 reached hurricane intensity and seven were classified as major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher).

The North Indian Ocean saw the deadliest tropical cyclone recorded during the decade, when Tropical Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar in early May 2008. More than 138 000 people were reported killed or missing, eight million people were affected and thousands of homes were destroyed.

Composition of the atmosphere

In addition to analyzing global and regional temperatures, it also charted the rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, finding that global concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose by 39 per cent since the start of the industrial era in 1750, nitrous oxide concentrations rose by 20 per cent and methane concentrations more than tripled.

According to the WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, global-average atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide rose to 389 ppm1 in 2010 (an increase of 39 per cent compared to pre-industrial times), methane to 1 808.0 ppb1 (158 per cent) and nitrous oxide to 323.2 ppb (20 per cent). This changing composition of the atmosphere is causing the global average temperature to rise, which, in turn, exerts a significant influence on the hydrological cycle and leads to other changes
in climate and weather patterns.

Humanity's emissions of chlorofluorocarbons and other chemicals have also changed the atmosphere by damaging the stratospheric ozone layer that filters out harmful ultraviolet radiation.


The record warmth of the decade was accompanied by the melting of ice caps, sea ice and glaciers and the thawing of permafrost. In addition to being a sign of a warming climate, melting ice and snow also affected water supplies, transport routes, infrastructure, marine ecosystems much more.

This image compares the average sea ice extent for September 2007 to September 2005; the magenta line indicates the long-term median from 1979 to 2000. September 2007 sea ice extent was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), compared to 5.57 million square kilometers (2.14 million square miles) in September 2005. This image is from the NSIDC Sea Ice Index. Image courtesy of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder.

The sea ice in the Arctic Ocean dropped below the previous all-time record set in 2007. This year also marks the first time that there has been less than 4 million square kilometers (1.54 million square miles) of sea ice since satellite observations began in 1979. This animation shows the 2012 time-series of ice extent using sea ice concentration data from the DMSP SSMI/S satellite sensor. The black area represents the daily average (median) sea ice extent over the 1979-2000 time period. Layered over top of that are the daily satellite measurements from January 1 -- September 14, 2012. A rapid melt begins in July, whereby the 2012 ice extents fall far below the historical average. The National Snow and Ice Data Center ( will confirm the final minimum ice extent data and area once the melt stabilizes, usually in mid-September.

​The report concludes that understanding the Earth's climate and trends in temperature, precipitation and extreme events is of vital importance to human well being and sustainable development. As the report confirms, climate scientists can now link some natural oscillations to seasonal climate trends. They also understand the mechanisms by which humanity's greenhouse-gas emissions are raising global average temperatures.

While climate scientists believe that it is not yet possible to attribute individual extremes to climate change, they increasingly conclude that many recent events would have occurred in a different way – or would not have occurred at all – in the absence of climate change. (WMO)


In this overview of WMO publication we provided only a glimpse at the extreme climate conditions Earth has experienced in the first decade of 21st century. Many scientists still argue as to why this weather extremes are happening; whether growing human civilization is the source of extreme weather events or they are just the part of natural occurring process. For more facts WMO released please read the summary or the full report for even more data. Links are provided below. 

Sources: UNWMO

  • WMO's summary report can be found here.
  • Full report can be found here.

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