Earth Changes Maps - Where Will You Be?
By Ari Kopel
We hear so much lately about 2012 and earth changes and I think the evidence that something is up outweighs any doubt about whether any of this is true. There are plenty of websites out there and books that will divulge a myriad of clues, theories and facts about why all this is happening. But, sometimes all you have to do is turn on your local news and you'll hear about the latest earth rumbling, volcanic eruption or massive bird and fish deaths. If you're more than just curious, you can even add your favorite seismograph website to get the latest seismic and volcanic activity, as you peruse your emails.
The information is coming in faster than we can keep up with it. We could brush it away, as many do, and say this is nothing new and nothing to be alarmed about. No, it’s not new, and there is something to be alarmed about if you happen to be sitting on top of a fault or volcano that is about to go off.
What we are dealing with are events that come around, just like the seasons – but it’s a Cosmological Season. There is plenty of historical data that point to events, similar in nature to what is predicted to occur in 2012 and beyond, that have occurred in the past and that are cyclical in nature. We’re coming upon our Cosmological Winter, or the season where things are not as pleasant as spring.
We have continuous alerts from USGS, posting the latest earthquakes around the globe. Some are in our own backyards, so to speak. Lately there have been areas with mild quakes in the U.S that I didn’t even know could possibly experience a quake. Then there are the twenty something quakes in Arkansas in just a matter of a day or so. These seem to be precursors to something major festering beneath our feet- something that could jolt the New Madrid Fault to change the topography of all those states in its way. The Chilean earthquake was very effective in moving the axis of the earth about 3 degrees. If there is an earthquake along the New Madrid Fault, it is said to be catastrophic, with a Richter scale of an 8 or 9.
The Magnetic North Pole is said to be in Russia. And any minute now, there is talk of a geological pole shift, where the crust of the earth moves around the liquid magma of the Earth and shifts positions. This will cause us to see the stars as if they were falling – a statement that can be found in the Book of Revelations.
When I ran the Geology Laboratory, at the University of Miami, we were studying Ice Ages brought on by pole shifts. We were concluding that these pole shifts happened cyclically and we were overdue for one. The evidence was found in the tiny creatures that were embedded in samples of the ocean floor. This sample was taken via long tubes that collected several thousand feet of ocean floor. Each inch determined a certain time in the history of that ocean floor. This tube would be pulled out of the water full of sediment. We would open these in the lab and extrapolate the fossils. Depending on where on the tube we found the fossil, we could determine the time line of when these animals died. Then, we would do isotopic testing on these fossils to find the oxygen to carbon ratio. We could then tell what temperature of water they died in. Indeed, we discovered that there had been numerous Ice Ages that had occurred, during the history of the Earth, due to pole shifts.
Then, we have NASA and NOAA predicting a very active Solar Cycle 24. We have already experienced a mild example of the awakening solar activity, which is said to peak around the end of 2012 to beginning of 2013. Extreme CME or Coronal Mass Ejections could cause massive disruptions of our grid. The problem is that society is not used to and hasn’t been used to living without the commodities of electricity, refrigeration, internet, cell phones, and gasoline pumps, among other things. What we face, in the event this grid does come down is chaos to a degree that may be incomprehensible at this moment, when everything is in a state of homeostasis.
Here are a series of Maps of the United States, after the Earth Changes have taken place. These maps have been created by different individuals who have been either communicated to by Ascended Masters or are clairvoyant. The amazing thing is that they all seem to have arrived at the same sort of map of the U.S. Lori Toye , who was contacted by Ascended Masters, was also given the map of the world after the Earth Changes.
Take a look at these and see where you are relative to the changes. The information here is to educate you and to help you understand what could happen and what areas it could affect. Once you are aware, hopefully you'll find options for yourself, or at least you’ll make peace with this information. More than likely, every place on this planet will be affected to some degree or another. Yet, there are areas that are very prominent as being in danger's way and it would be a good idea to stay away from.
Areas that are near major fault lines, volcanoes, coasts and major rivers should be avoided if at all possible. It’s not only common sense, but many experts are speaking out about this. One of these experts is Dr. Bruce Agnew. He speaks about the coming events; and in a DVD called “Bracing For Tomorrow”, he and Brent Miller discuss why so many people perished in past cycles. One of the reason being that most of humanity loves to congregate near the water. When the Earth Changes happen, the oceans come onto the land and many civilizations disappeared.
**Notice how the Mississippi River swells and splits Texas. Notice the East Coast, the West Coast and Florida. Most of these areas are under water.
Michael Gordon Scallion Map
Chet Snow Map
Ari Kopel
Thank's Mr. Potter
do not be afraid, have faith that what will happen will be for the highest good of all concerned.
even if our bodies die, the veils will be lifted around that time, so there will be no need fear causing others distress over the matter because they will understand.
All is well; and besides things have been so mundane, arent you looking for something new and exciting?
I believe this changes (Poleshift) will pass over some years.. so we will get time to leave. I live 5-7 meter over Sea Level,,urkh. so i will leave if it become necessary..iliuka say that this Earth changes will go on till Mars 2015.
I don't know where I'll be, and honestly, I'm not worried about it... At All! :)
I don't fear the future, I welcome it.