This is a re-post of one of my comments on the discussion '' 3 days of Darkness''
I just thought I would let people know that I have talked about these Earth Changes and posted them on this site for many years.Also I talked about them in great detail in my last E-Book; ''2012 New Earth survival'' before my web site was hacked by the DC. But I do not use'' Fear Mongering'' just possible future events. Lets start with the cause of causes
More commonly known today as Planet-x or planet-x system for there are many planets involved rotating near or around our solar system and Earth. As they get close to our sun the other binary suns of this system have been sucking the life force out of our sun and its been going off and on for well over 50 years now. And of the last 20 years our sun has been going Dark for long periods of time and that is why the powers that be have up 43 to 49 artificial suns around the world known as Sun simulators. The light that they give out is white LED light instead of yellow like our old personal Sun, which does not shine anymore at all but we do have help from the Spirit Realm Large Orbs and our ET allies to help save it and eventually turn it back on. They have been towing our solar system to a safe location for some time now, and we are slowly breaking away from this destructive Planet-x system. But it has caused drastic weather and could even cause a Polar Shift as the pressure of these magnetic forces of these huge planets get close, sometime in the near future.
They have been spraying the world sense Oct. 98 with the Deadly Chem-trails, which makes us very sick and at the same time they use them to cover up and keep us from seeing these up close Planets and use it for weather and mind control. I reported here 3 years ago that many of us here in Belize saw one of these red dead dwarf star planets for about 12 min. up close on May 10- 2016 at 5pm. When they stop spraying us we will then know that the War is nearly over, until then we have to change our diets, use herbs and carefully watch our health. There DC funds have been severely cut so we should see more giant Orbs and some planets soon and our SSP secret space programs of the USA and the world will have to disclose to the world that they the SSP have had advanced technology hundreds of years or even thousands of years ahead of us common folks. We should then get access to them, which will in turn change our whole world as we know it today. Food, housing and free transportation and free energy for everyone, everywhere. Until then stock up on food, water and fuel that will stay good for long periods of time, at least 3 months supply.
As for the 3 days of Darkness, I do believe it could happen. I first learned of this way back in April 1971 in my 6th semester of college.I was visited by my Spirit Guide two times . The 2nd time he showed me the possible future in which many people lived in communes and communities in Egg houses. We were warned that 3 days of darkness would come and we were prepared for it. Then one day it became Dark in the middle of the day and then went into our houses. The vision ended so I don't know what happened after that. The time table for that Event was sometime in the 90's so its way pass time for it to happen but it is still possible because if one of those very large Planets come between us and our new Sun when it is turned back on..
It Could block out the new blueish sun for those 3 days, on the other hand it may not happen because our sun is still Dark at the moment and we are under the Sun simulators which is only 6 miles above the earth, so if a planet did come it would be on top of Artificial suns not under it and there for could not block them out. But hopefully we will lose this Planet-x System as we are towed to the end of our Galaxy. There is the possibility of these Sun simulators breaking down as what has happened last year in Russia in the mid day last year and it went dark for hours there and some years before that it happened for a shorter period of time in Argentina.
So its a good chance that it will happen again or several more times in different locations around the world but I doubt if it will last for 3 days like in the Vision, so I would not worry to much about it. And I don;t think there will be Demons running around nor any Fear to look out your windows, just temporary blackouts in the daytime.No Fear Mongering here OK. I hope this helped for people to get a better understanding of what is going on and what is possible in the near future and remember to stay positive, everything will work out fine in the end as the New Earth is born and we go into 4 D and someday into 5D- ASCENSION IS HERE. Comments are welcomed. ADONAI