Earth's Planes have finally come into the fourth Tier. This happened on June 5th, 2011, at 2pm est.
The 4th tier is the Journey Home. Many of the light/dark workers could not take us off the planet to go home, so we decided to change the planes of the earth from physical dense to physical spiritual, so they could become protected.
ALLOT of people and beings have tried to stop this movement, like with all ascension, they tried to control the outcomes of what they wanted from the global mass ascension process, to make themselves GODS because of their own Greed, so they could have whatever they wanted.
The Tier's are as follows: Tier One is Opening on the Sonic Mind, Two is Closeness & Duality Three is Purging of Earth's forms and masses and 'diseases', Four is Blinding Light Love and Trust Five is Duality with Closeness and Togetherness in wonderful complete harmony and love, Six is Completion and all there is. Seven Is for the Extra Guardians, Tier Seven is total nirvana and heaven, and Tier Eight is Completion as a soul union, and moving out from the Earth Sphere to another galactic Sphere of their own choosing, as we will not always be on Earth, for that is part of our soul purpose and being to be somewhere else one day without a physical death. We have died in a serious series of waves, so our form could shift for completion of tier seven and eight.
This may not make sense to you at all. Some people are in Tier four, some people are still in 2, 3 or 1, or even tier 0. These are very negative people and you should cut them from your life and move on with your life. They will leave a blah taste in yourself and mouth, nothing improves for them and they are always in pain and having problems, helping them seems a waste of time and wasted effort, theres no point in trying because after you feel drained and negative yourself. These are the lower dirges, and its very important to stay away from them at all costs. We can not be helpful loving people if these people continue to waylay on your mind body and spirit.
I recommend Orange Citrus Fruits, and also soaps and body lotions as well as shampoos and items of this nature. These keep negativity away from you as does peppermint lotions and soaps, verbana, wild fig and ivy and jasmine, and other citrus like grapefruit are very cleansing.
Keep in mind how much rock music you listen too and when -- it plays a part in negativity.
The 4th Tier will help you keep negativity out of your life, so just ask it to come in your life and help.