Dear friends,
Before going ‘in deep’ with Venus and the Venusian connection to the shift in frequencies here on/with Gaia, I’d like to give a couple of short updates, firstly from the sky here, and secondly from the beech grove (a ‘micro-node’ of the crystalline heart grid) in my garden. They are interconnected, and I’ll start with the sky of the last two days, April 4th and 5th, the lunar eclipse and Easter.
In the sky, the divine father and mother energies of Source symbolized a global preparation for receiving the ‘child’ Christ light, the re-newal. In the afternoon, for a few minutes, the sun behind thin clouds appeared as a rectangular pillar of blue-white light, with a white-gold V shape on top of it. The V stands for Vega and the first federation in this galaxy, the Federation of Lyra (of which Vega is the alpha star) and the Ashtar Command insignia. The Y stands for the masculine energy (as in Y chromosome), and the male ‘pillar’ and the female ‘V’ in union. The blue-white pillar of light also represents the energy of Avyon (pronounced Aye-on), first leonine and human planet, of the star Vega, translated into Earth energies as Iun in ancient Egypt, and Avalon in the ancient west. So it also symbolizes the energy of the ‘return of Avalon’....
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Love to you all,