I have said this elsewhere but it bears repeating.
The way to raise the human frequency is to subject the body to the resonant frequencies of the epiphany, as this is the natural archetype for expanding into the universe, ascending one would say. First the resonance in the key of E blankets the form, then the excitement of static electricity around the body is raised, within safe levels of course, then the resonance is directed upward and outward, like a blooming flower (Phaaa), finally a high pitched tone of 204Hz is played directly around the body. All of this done in a scientific environment is a rough recreation of what I observed my body doing partially subconsciously, before the manifestation.
If this was done in a controlled environment by someone with a meditative focus as the subject, I believe it will lead to experiences like I had, D.N.A activation; could kick start the ascension process in anybody, connect us with higher energies.