Elders Transmissions.....


The Elders Transmission ~ May 2014

Mp3 download http://pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads


Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, and indeed in these rapidly accelerating dimensional frequencies of Light as they are experienced through many of these incredible planetary activities of Light. And you are seeing the quickening, sweet ones, a deeper level of remembrance that has been activated through the DNA in the knowing of your magnificence, your preciousness, and your Light. Through the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on April the 14th/15th, you were taken deeper into the octaves of the higher dimensions of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, utilizing that Now moment to transcend human miscreations through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, and indeed too, sweet ones, to go deeper within the shadow aspects of yourselves, embracing both the shadow and the Light. And this beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Light and Love illuminates through the beautiful silver ray of Interstellar Christ Consciousness, this beautiful silver ray of Illumination that activates into the fifth dimensional New Earth Templates of Light, illuminating your pathway in Christ Consciousness, showing you, sweet ones, a deeper sense of this golden Age of Light.

You are coming into a recalibrating frequency of the higher dimensional octaves and this is affecting Mother Earth and all her life as these dimensional frequencies and New Earth Templates activate within the Unity Grid of Divine Love. And for many of you too as initiates of Light there is a deeper level of remembrance as these parallel realities of your Highest Potential merge into this Now. As you experienced the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment on April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, you had the opportunity to be taken into a deeper sense of these multi-dimensional realities. As you experienced the Activation of the Seals of Solomon and the energy in particular of joy, abundance and empowerment, these frequential energies together with these Seals of Light illuminated the Pathway of Christ Consciousness and your Heart's Dreaming as well as activated, purified and recalibrated the lower bodies into a deeper connection of the crystalline matrix of the fifth dimensional templatings.

And now, in this month of May, you start this celebration of Light activities through the activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light, and the activation of the Sedona Vortex. This planetary activity of Light amplifies over the 3rd and 4th of May, as you are embraced within the diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love and the diamond Flame of Purity that activates within the Sedona Vortex. In this celestial activity of Light, sweet ones, as you connect at a Higher Light level, it is through the initial impulsing of the sonic vibratory frequencies that were experienced in a co-creation of Light taking you into this vortex of Divine Love and linking from here into the Sedona Vortex of Light and the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. The Sedona Vortex of Light, sweet ones, amplifies over this month of May into a greater stargate of Light allowing these Christed Timelines of infinite potential and possibility to be experienced through all dimensions of Light through the sacred diamond Flame of Purity. And it is through the Flame of Purity within the Flame of Divine Love, sweet ones, that you come into a deeper level of self-love, self-appreciation, and self-nurturing. The Flame of Purity takes you into a greater level of your magnificence and your Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. It embraces the aspects of the negative ego existing within the lesser-than and better-than consciousness, and in particular, the aspects of yourselves that need to be integrated, that experience a sense of unworthiness, of being unwanted, and of being unloved. And as this Flame of Purity activates within your hearts in this beautiful diamond octahedronal shape it further allows you to link into the beautifuleighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service, and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. And it is within this Source Light, sweet ones, that the purity of your creations unfold, and as this beautiful Flame of Purity, this diamond Flame of Light, activates within the Sedona Vortex it links you too into the Crystalline Cities of Light and the 33 fifth dimensional Stargate Portals of Light.

The Crystalline Cities of Light, also known as the higher dimensional Cities of Light, bring through the crystalline matrix of your Heart's Dreamings, and the ability to collectively anchor your Heart's Dreamings in this Now, sweet ones. The Crystalline Cities embody the energy of pure Divine Love, of peace, of harmony, and further act as a dimensional gateway for many of the Beings of Light from On High to connect to the awakened souls on this earth plane. And in Golden Ages of Light many initiates would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light, greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings, you would experience various Healing Chambers of Light, celestial musical transmissions, inter-dimensional creations of art, peace embassies, golden fountains, dolphin birthing chambers, schools of spiritual enlightenment ~ the peace and beauty of nature, as well as the advanced healing technologies. And so, sweet ones, the gift of this particular planetary activity of Light links you into the twelve primary Crystalline Cities of Light related to the primary vortices or chakras of Mother Earth. And this is in part what is being activated throughout this year, the deeper connection into each Crystalline City of Light, not only in the knowing of your ability to co-create Heaven on Earth, but in your ability to anchor and activate your Heart's Dreaming and follow the Christed Timelines into the greatest sense of yourselves, sweet ones, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, and these Master Beings of Light. So let us start with a deeper sense of the primary attributes experienced briefly through these twelve Crystalline Cities of Light and from here step into the Portals of Light, the spiritual Portals of Light being activated over this month of May, and the corresponding spiritual laws that take you ever deeper into this pathway of Divine Love.

So you start by coming deep into yourselves, breathing, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, centering and grounding yourselves now as you experience this beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love activate within your heart chakras, and now this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, and now, this silver Flame of Illumination, illuminating your pathway as you walk the Christed Timelines. You have a sense now of merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging into the soul aspect of your consciousness, of purity, of innocence, of unity, sweet ones. Calling in now ~ your master guides, your guardian angel and all other Beings of Light from on High that you personally acknowledge and that wish to join you now in this sacred space. And as you ground into the crystalline matrix of the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you start to come into a deeper sense of these planetary key codes and numerologies and sacred geometries that are activating through the New Earth Templates of Light, the Star Blueprints of Light. And as you take on a deeper level of your own individual puzzle piece within this collective you connect now to the Light workers, and star seeded ones, and all the Beings of Light from On High, assisting in this journey of Divine Love, in this embrace of One Unity Consciousness.

You have a sense of being deeply supported in this Now, sweet ones, by the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, your Beloved I AM Presence and your soul and star family and friends of the Light. You are joined by the many Legions of Light, and you feel and experience these sonic transmissions, these vibratory crystalline frequencies that activate the carbon based cells into the crystalline matrix of the Solar Light Cells and the Patterns of Perfection. And you have a sense now, sweet ones, of coming together at this Higher Light level, participating in these many glorious activities of Light, knowing that these higher dimensional frequencies of Light are being activated through the hearts and minds of all awakened souls in this Now, in this timeline, and the re-union of hearts is to be experienced as you trust and surrender ~ as you believe, sweet ones, as you believe in the magnificence and Light of your Selves, as you believe in the knowing of your co-creation in this Golden Age of Light.

You have a sense now of traveling in soul consciousness to the beautiful Sedona Vortex of Light, feeling and experiencing this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity in particular as it purifies the lower bodies, sweet ones, asking you to know that your body is a Temple of Light, to give yourselves the sustenance, and the energies that are supportive and conducive to the nurturing of Self. As you embrace yourselves now in this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, you travel the timelines in which you have felt unwanted, unloved, unappreciated, unseen or unheard, and you embrace those sub-personality aspects of yourselves, sweet ones, you give them a voice. You Love these aspects of yourselves as you are taken deeper into this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity and this diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love.

This diamond Flame of Purity activates the diamond Light Grid, sweet ones. This diamond Light Grid that is being anchored now activates in August through Glastonbury Tor, the heart chakra of Mother Earth, and at that time you will be able to create the diamond Lightbody Merkaba Fields of Light. For now, as this beautiful diamond grid activates into the crystalline matrix of the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love it brings with it the ability to experience all dimensions of Light within the Cosmic heart of Mother/Father God ~ unlimited timelines as they activate now through the Sedona Vortex of Light, and you experience now, sweet ones, this connection initially into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light.

As you are lifted in soul consciousness into this Crystalline City of Light, you draw in particular upon the energy of the god/goddess archetypes of Light. These spiritual archetypes embody what you are needing to experience to know yourselves in self-mastery, to know yourselves in Love, looking through your master eyes at all of life around you, and you draw upon these energies of Light as you are placed in this God/Goddess Archetypal Chamber of Light, brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, and the Overlighting of the Brotherhood of the Light. As this multi-colored laser grid of Light comes in, you are shown the images of this beautiful Sedona Crystalline City of Light. You hear these sonic vibrations of crystal frequency as you create a deeper sense of the diamond light body, sweet ones, as you come into a knowing of your full multi-dimensional multi-faceted natures, and your ability to experience this deep love within yourselves. It is this sense of loving and nurturing yourselves that amplifies over this month of May, sweet ones, and it allows you to draw upon archetypal energies that support you, and that are experienced as you connect now to the primary Crystalline Cities of Light through the primary vortices of Mother Earth, drawing into your reality and this Now the energies of the high priest, and priestess, the lover, mother/queen, father/king, wise woman, sage, spiritual master, alchemist, inventor, intuitive healer, the warrior, the advocate of justice, the visionary and seer, the artist, the magical innocent child and the servant. These archetypal energies will support you, sweet ones ~ to magnetize, to manifest, and to bring into your reality all that you need in any given Now moment, lifting you into another level of awakening and remembrance as though still waking from one dream and experiencing another. All these realities are being dreamed into creation, sweet ones, and this multi-dimensional reality is so very real, so very vivid, and it is your ability to ground these energies as the physical vessels of Light that activate in a greater level of purity and innocence and Source Light over this month of May.

And now you have a sense of the 33 Stargate Portals of Light that are experienced too within these fifth dimensional templates of Light. And you are drawn now into the first spiritual portal of Light. This thirteenth spiritual portal that supports the Law of Divine Flow. The Law of Divine Flow reminds you to live in this Now, centering yourselves in Love, being of service in Love. In this Now, sweet ones, there is no concern for what is to unfold, or what has been. There is a knowing of harmony, and grace in your co-creations of Light, of your ability to dance in Divine Love ~ reflecting Love, allowing Love, being Love. It is these actions, sweet ones that call for not only the dynamic outward flow, but also this inward flow into yourselves, taking the time to support your own biorhythmic ebb and flows. To feel and sense what you are needing to support yourselves fully in this moment, and allowing this beautiful silver ray of Illumination to guide you with the Flame of Purity, and the Flame of Divine Love, to the Heart's Temple, into the natural flow of peace and harmony and co-creation, sweet ones. And you have a sense of how this Law of Divine Flow operates within your own lives; of the synchronicities that abound, that bring you together in Unity Consciousness, that bring you together in your co-creations of Light, that connect you at this soul level with one another, and allow you to feel the creative inspirations that activate as you further experience a greater level of the rebalancing of the divine masculine and feminine aspects of yourselves. You hold to this knowing of this divine flow and a deep level of trust and surrender, sweet ones, aligning your will to the Will of God and knowing that even as you walk this pathway and its perceived challenges, you have chosen these lessons to create these Pathways of Light for others. And as these flames of Divine Love you anchor these energies of these stargate portals and spiritual laws so that others too may experience this flow of Divine Love within their lives in a deeper level of self-love and self-nurturing and self-appreciation.

You now activate the Cosmic Christ holographic discs, the Cosmic Christ holographic disc in particular related to this dimensional stargate portal of Light. As this beautiful silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc activates through the vertebrae of the spine and from here in to the appropriate chakras and nadis, you have a sense of being able to find this flow and balance within your lives through this Flame of Purity, sweet ones, and the illumination of this beautiful silver ray of Light. And if there is anything that you are needing guidance with, allow this beautiful silver ray of Light to illuminate your pathway, to show you this flow, and harmony that you are needing in this Now.

And now, sweet ones, you find yourselves in this spiritual portal of Light related to the Law of Divine Love and Oneness, although of course, sweet ones, you are familiar with this law, it is to know that such a law exists only for you to know the truth of the One Reality of All that Is. There is only Divine Love and you are all One, and this Divine Love embraces this, all aspects of yourselves, moving into the shadows and the Light, and within the flame of Divine Love the shadow aspects are embraced in love, for there is only Love, sweet ones. There is no separation, and you have this sense of unity, too, amplifying now not only with your soul family and friends and the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, but at this earthly dimensional level, sweet ones, you have a sense of being able to see others. To know that it is just the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual, and to be able to see the Light of all Souls as these open hearts in this Golden Age of Light.

You have a sense within this spiritual portal of Light of these sub-atomic particles vibrating in increased Light frequencies further activating this beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, this diamond octahedron within the heart chakra, holding to this expanded sense of your multi-dimensional selves, and bringing into this Now, the understanding, the remembrance, the wisdom, and the knowing, sweet ones, of the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, of Source Light, as it anchors deeper now through this beautiful Flame of Purity within your hearts, and through this Flame of Divine Love.

And now you activate the silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc of Light related to this spiritual portal, this spiritual law of Light, through the body and through the energy field, through the vertebrae and the corresponding energy centers of the body, creating this etheric templating with a greater level of flow within the embrace of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the Patterns of Perfection, sweet ones; and the knowing too that you are able to experience all dimensions of Light, all realities of Oneness, if you so choose.

And lastly now, you find yourself experiencing the fifteenth Spiritual Portal related to the Law of Continuity of Consciousness. The Universe itself, sweet ones, is a continuous and endless process of creation. Everything within this One Reality, everything in creation, is connected to everything else; and this interconnectivity, this relationship is one of consciousness connecting individual consciousness to the universal consciousness, to the vibrating frequencies of Light ~ and you experience now a greater sense of these geometries, and New Earth templates, these key codes, fractal geometries, numerologies, and crystalline frequencies of Light. You are experiencing a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, sweet ones, merging into a greater sense of your magnificence and Light through the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence and being lifted into many of the Ashrams of Light. In particular, in this month of May, this is activated at a deeper level through the Festival of Wesak experienced on the full moon in Taurus on May the 14th. So for a moment now as you experience this Law of the Continuity of Consciousness you activate this fifteenth silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc through the vertebrae and spinal column allowing the cerebral spinal fluid to activate in this new Consciousness of Light recalibrating the pituitary, the pineal, and the hypothalamus glands, the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and integrating the divine masculine and feminine aspects of yourselves, sweet ones, which amplifies too over this month of May. These recalibrations quicken and will lead for many of you to a great reunion of hearts, to the merging of twin flames individually and through your soul groups into a greater level of collectively ascending to these multi-dimensional realities and all dimensions of Light.

As you experience the Festival of Wesak, sweet ones, you are drawn into the energy of Lord Buddha, and the Masters from Shamballa. Lord Buddha is the Planetary Logos and embraces all Life within his cosmic heart, and it is the energy of the Masters from Shamballa and the Ashrams of Light, that connect you, sweet ones, as the chelas on the threads, into the Ashrams of the Masters through purity of heart, through Source Light, through your desire to serve in Love, through your commitment and your ability to create the change that you have always wanted to as you step into a greater level of self-mastery. You let go of the lesser-than and better-than consciousness as you step deeper into the knowing of your Selves as the sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love. Wonderful.

As this beautiful silver ray of Light illuminates your pathway through the Christed Timelines, you bring a focus now to the Ashrams of Light within Shamballa and in particular to the first three ray ashrams of Will and Power, Love/Wisdom, and Divine Intelligence. As you experience this beautiful three-fold flame activate now within your hearts, you are lifted energetically into the Ashrams of these first three rays, and from here you will be guided into the Ashrams of the twelve earthly rays, and the six cosmic rays, as is appropriate to your levels of conscious awareness, sweet ones. Request this blessing as you walk the pathway of Buddha Consciousness, and Christ Consciousness, to a greater level of self-mastery.

If you are ready in this month of May, sweet ones, greatness presents itself. If you are ready to purify the lower bodies, if you are ready to purify the mind, the heart, and the soul, to truly know your magnificence as these Master Beings, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light, a greater level of wisdom, of Love and empowerment activates for you, taking you deeper and deeper along the pathway of Divine Love, in service in Love. Know this to be a resonating truth of the highest order, this reunion of hearts, sweet ones. Follow your Heart's Dreaming, and know that this is unfolding in this Now. Take these beautiful flames, this diamond golden and white Flame of Divine Love, this diamond Flame of Purity, and this silver Ray of Illumination ~ activate these energetic frequencies to the maximum cosmic law can allow, as these flames of Light activate now around Mother Earth and all her Life, so that all life may know their magnificence and their Light.

And now this beautiful diamond flame of Light activates through the crystalline matrix of the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love. You experience this activation through this diamond octahedron within your hearts and now this beautiful diamond golden and white flame of Divine Love this creates this beautiful shape of the Flower of Life, fifty four feet in diameter around you. For it is in this, sweet ones, when you are ready, that you will activate your diamond Light Body merkaba field, and for now, you simply come into remembrance of this, with the ability to experience all dimensions of Light, in self-mastery and in self-enlightenment, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and these Master Beings of Light.

You come back now into your sacred space, grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and keeping this connection of Light open to all these Beings of Light from On High. Acknowledge these frequential energies and what they bring to you, and the knowing of the New Earth Templates of Light building to a greater harmonic of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. This is indeed an amazing time to be on this sacred earth, sweet ones.

As you ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth you align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Inner Sun within your Hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun, to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. And you come back now through all dimensions of Light, physically grounded in the physical realms too, in purity and Love and wisdom, in power, unity consciousness and illumination. Wonderful.

We thank you, sweet ones, for your service work, and we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller.

Artwork by Art Dimension http://martdimension.com/


Suggested links:

A-Z ~ The Nature of Stargates ~ Metatron via J Tyberonn ~ http://youtu.be/_2RnD2tIZWY

Sedona Crystalline City of Light http://www.sedonalightcenter.org/


Activation of the Crystalline Cities of Light www.pleiadianlight.net/eventsservices



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