Eliza: On Self-Worth


Eliza: On Self-Worth

As a rule, I don’t often experience classic writer’s block, that experience of staring at a blank piece of paper or screen for hours at a time. Mostly the words just flow out of my fingertips rather easily, almost before I think of them in my mind. So, I’ll just begin here and see what emerges…

This morning I woke up with the phrase, “self-worth” lingering on my consciousness. I know it is a concept and a belief that many people have wrestled with, whether or not they consider themselves to be lightworkers or not.

It has become a very “human” thing, feeling a lack of self-worth, even for those who consider themselves on top of the world in power, connections and material abundance.

While I’m sure that many of my fellow lightworkers might disagree, it is plainly those who have been on top of the pile of society for so long who are now beginning to understand that their time is over, whether this year, the next or in another decade.

The cycle was swung over to the light and the light will prevail. And so where does that leave the ones who have worked so persistently for the dark forces upon this planet? In the dark? Hardly, instead their every decision, their every deed done for their own benefit, their every action taken on the part of their “bosses” the Archons or whatever name you might give the disembodied astral and mental plane entities, is in the process of being fully and truly exposed in the glaring arena of the Internet and alternative news sources.

How do they feel thus exposed and denigrated by people whom they have long regarded as being their social inferiors? Angry, defensive, depressed, filled with self-loathing, disgusted, even frightened… certainly not filled with the milk of human kindness as became Scrooge when he woke up on Christmas Day after experiencing a terrifying night with the Angel of Death.

Even as we look at these ones who have lived the life of the powerful and rich we can see that there is emptiness, a void, even a self-disgust in the attitude of those who believe themselves to be better than their fellow man. For even though these ones have chosen to play a dark role in this lifetime, they are still human, every one of them exists in a human body of flesh and blood as we all do. Perhaps some come from other worlds, starseeds, but truly in the end, every human being who walks the planet today is a starseed. Millions of years ago, our ancestors seeded their colonies with volunteers and some united their DNA with some of the more advanced ape-like creatures who were roaming the planet.

The human race is a mixture of many star races, from several star systems and no matter what tale you spin, we need to work together as human beings on this planet and learn how to integrate the dark and light through compassion for each other.

Once on Jelaila Starr’s website, the Niburian Council, I read a short story that Sanat Kumara presented to her. Jelaila was rather resistant in receiving the message since she does not resonate much with any of the Ascended Masters. Still, SK was persistent in reaching out to her in her meditative state, so she ended up duly writing a couple of articles about the history of some of the human race.

Sanat Kumara has a long history with the human race or at least a portion of it, his people. And these people are part reptilian-part human. As a consequence of their status as half-breeds or mixed race, they have long been disinherited by either side. Yet, the race was the result of the interbreeding of royal houses while a small population of human refugees sought shelter with a friendly population of reptilians in the Orion system.

This occurrence reached the awareness of a harsher branch of the reptilian forces, a more militant strain, and the human-reptoid halflings were driven out of the Orion system. They ended up in this far-flung solar system on the edge of one of the arms of the Milky Way. Being the descendants of two disparate races, they were accepted by neither. Since that long ago time, Sanat Kumara has made it his goal to unite the two disparate races through compassion and integration of dark and light.

So you can see that this present ascension process is a special project of the Kumaras, who have also been known as the Serpents of Wisdom. Sananda Kumara, due to his recent embodiment upon the planet brought his great light quotient and anchored it physically through his body when he was incarnated as a son of the Essenes, Yeshua ben Joshua. Some of us, who are Kumaras, are doing the same, but this time we are not alone… and if you carefully scan the annuals of history, Yeshua was not alone in his work two thousand years ago. Many came then as many have come to do the work now.

The reason given for Yeshua being selected as the only Son of God is probably lost in the mists of time, but the intent is clear, it was to seek to consciously separate humans from the source of God that dwells within. If you are always seeking power outside of your body and consciousness, you are in fact opening yourself up to being conquered and controlled by outside forces. It is like opening up the front gate of the castle, while working to prevent invasion on the rear walls.

Yeshua did not work alone. He was supported by a large community of Essenes and the many sacred schools and masters that he visited as a young man, during his many travels throughout the Middle East and into India, even to the retreats of the lamas in Tibet.

Even today, as many lightworkers are feeling frustrated by the non-appearance of our galactic cousins on these shores, we do not work alone. There is a purpose for the carrot of disclosure to be constantly dangled before our awareness; we are meant to master our own consciousness before we can step into the lighter dimensions and higher frequencies. Our assignment today is self-mastery, individually and collectively.

It is apparent that many, including lightworkers, are stalling in their progress towards self-mastery. And yet, there is still progress. The absurd levels to which governments are willing to go now in an attempt to curtail freedom is an indication that progress has been made in terms of individuals freeing themselves from the Matrix. How so, you might ask? Well, if there wasn’t any progress, there would not be so much fear or the blatant desire to preserve what they believe they are entitled to on the part of the .001% of the human population.

The general population of the planet is beginning to stir out of its mass slumber, stir like a giant snake that might turn around and bite the hand of its keeper, the illuminati or whatever other sinister title the dark ones might take or be given. These arrogant individuals have sought power and now they seek to cling to it for it is all that gives them the will to continue existing here. They know of no other way; they have been groomed since childhood to believe that they are superior and now act out of that limited belief system because they know no other way to do so. Rather than being the recipient of our fear and anger, they should be pitied.

These individuals are embodying for the rest of us the darkest emotions, motivations, thought forms and beliefs that are common, in lesser degrees, to the rest of us. Yes, we have ALL lived life times when we have committed dark deeds, although for the most part, we have balanced those lifetimes by living as pious anchorites, healers, gurus and other spiritual persons, who have been, in turn, persecuted by the dark forces.

The third dimension as we have experienced it within the last 10,000 years or more (some stories say 100,000 years) of being manipulated and controlled by the few over the many, we have wandered far into the outer reaches of duality. Whatever side that we have emerged from or experienced, we all are now human beings; it doesn’t matter that we are a Sirian or Pleiadian starseed or from some other exotic world or dimension – we’re here NOW.

So… many are working with us behind the scenes. Cosmic beings of dimensions far beyond the current human consciousness levels are working to move the Universe into higher dimensions. The ascension process that the earth is currently undergoing is not a solitary affair; the entire Universe is being cleansed of the effects of misalignments created long ago by none other than ourselves as Creator Gods.

Whatever villain you may want to assign to the creation of our current circumstances, it comes down to this point – we must get ourselves out of the mess that we created. We must clean up our own nest. When we get to the point where we will no longer fire upon any ships landing on our shores, our galactic cousins will step forward to assist us. However, since we all carry within our own beings, those divine seeds planted by our galactic ancestors and awakened in steps by the advent of the serpents of wisdom and other benevolent forces, we need to do a lot of the work ourselves for ourselves… to reinforce a sense of self-worth that is sorely lacking in much of humanity these days.

In these last few days, I have experienced another layer of old stuff peeling away to reveal a layer of profound self-loathing. It doesn’t matter how much work you have done, there always seems to be another layer. Of course, you or l might project it and state that we’re doing the work for others, but there is always the nagging little voice inside that whispers, “It’s all yours – see what you really are inside!”

So there must be a conscious refocusing on what has been revealed as something not to be ashamed about, but instead, as something that is calling out to be integrated through self-love. Through the water of compassion, all that festers within will be washed away, like the waters of baptism. Only the water has been replaced with fire; the cosmic rays being sent into this solar system are the fires of holy baptism that are allowing each of us to surrender what is not and never has been ours.

What is now being revealed, what we have all long sought to hide is the old thought-forms, beliefs and teachings that we accepted from others that we were sinners, that we were born to suffer, that the only way to advance in the world was to give in to authority, to allow others to dominate, bully and beat us up emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically. We are slowly learning that almost nothing that we ever learned from the experts, parents and other mentors has been true. This is a startling revelation in and of itself. No wonder the world seems to have plunged into chaos; the very foundations upon which human society has been established for the last four hundred years or so has proved to be built of very poor quality sand and is now crumbling away before the etheric and physical winds of change.

What has been now revealed to be the driving forces behind civilization, especially during the modern age, of capitalism, fascism, imperialism and war, is being found out as the acts and plans of a small set of bullies, intent on controlling, dominating and conquering the world so that they might act like they deserve to be worshipped and adored by the masses.

So sorry, folks, I do not believe in pulling at the forelock or bowing down to kings and potentates, no matter how much land that they think they own or armies that they think they command at the hands of their lieutenants. Hubris, pure hubris is now being displayed by these individuals who are being revealed for what they truly are, what they have been acting out for the rest of us, so that we might, in turn, finally wake up and accept the truth that each of us is worthy of love and that each of us is a powerful and sovereign being within our own divine right.

Self-love comes from within but as you fill up your heart, being connected to the rest of humanity, every single person, big and small, on this planet, your love will begin to affect other. And since there is no time or space in the ever present Now moment, your self-love will permeate down through the numerous timelines in which you are represented as a singular energy frequency.

Allow whatever comes up in your own individual process to be washed away by the violet flame of the Aquarian Age or through whatever process you employ, as this is an individual process. And see whatever emerges through the neutral eyes of one who has disengaged from judgment, of self and of other. Realize that whatever you do will and is affecting everyone on the planet. As you raise your own frequency, so, too, will the pressure be put on others to wake up to the fact that there is a lot of stuff to release that is no longer of value to them.

It has been said that humans are resistant to change. I wonder about this and feel that this is just one more item or thought-form to be placed on the bonfire of transmutation. And as that thought-form is transmuted, it takes on another form, as energy does not just go away. So you are being supplied with an endless quantity of transmuted energy to use for whatever way you might purpose it. It is up to each of us to use this newly freed energy in the best way we deem possible and to live out our highest dreams for the good of the collective.

Change starts with each individual, within the cleansing fires of transmutation, as the dark and light is melted and transformed into golden possibilities. We allow for the transmutation to occur and we have the power and awareness to redirect our thoughts where we want them to go. You can shift your feelings about yourself in an instant; it is not a hard thing to do. We are in the process of embodying the master alchemists that our ancestors were.

There are certain steps that each person can take, but basically it comes down to a willingness to release what is not yours and to look upon that which is yours and to fully accept and love every bit of what is revealed. We can learn to let go of unrealistic expectations or beliefs about our human nature and our bodies. Transformation comes in tiny energetic steps taken at a rate that will not overwhelm the ability of your body to rebuild itself from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline light-based structure. Show some compassion for yourself; rest and relax and release.

Well, this has become a lengthy dissertation and one that has proceeded in an organic process. I’m sure that some of my readers will have questions, but they’re ones that each of us needs to answer for ourselves. I’m not attempting to bypass any responsibility here other than that I have for my own process. For now, we need to understand that each us has to serve as our own teacher and guru, through the conscious connection with our higher self that we make through meditation, prayer and right action. The process is one of SELF-mastery, mastery of one’s thoughts, actions and deeds, every moment of every day, while sleeping and while awake.

Ascension is not something that is handed out like a bag of donuts; you’re not going to ascend by being a “nice” person. You will ascend by learning how to use Universal Laws to transform, transmute one form of energy into another. Alchemy is the new byword for the ones who are committed to a course of self-mastery. Before you can step into the higher planes of existence, you need to be in full conscious command of every aspect of your life.

Another thought to leave you with… in the story that Sanat Kumara told to Jelaila, he stated that he and many of his compatriots are presently embodied as it is in the so-called lower planes that true progress is made for each soul. Remember, we are multidimensional beings and you do not earn brownie points by strumming a harp in the clouds, dear ones, but by working and undergoing all there is to experience on behalf of the Creator. Who knows, perhaps more than one ascended being has sent a fractual of his/her beingness to the planet for just such a purpose. Perhaps that One is you?

Well, I have worked through the self-loathing and now allow the soft rosy-golden light of compassion to enter my heart. Our galactic cousins, the ascended masters, the light beings, archangels and angelic hosts, and the elementals and denizens of Faery stand beside us all, allowing for our struggles and supporting our efforts, for they are part of the process, albeit in mostly unseen ways. Nevertheless, when you call upon them, you will feel their energies within your own flesh, quite real as physical sensation. In time, as your third eye clears, you will begin to see them, also. This has not yet occurred to me; apparently I have some clearing to do, but I am aware of it and it is part of the process that I must undergo as an individual and as my effort on behalf of my fellow beings.

Blessings to all who enter these halls of light; may the love of the God/Goddess melt away any fears that you still cling to in a misguided sense of loyalty to what you have been taught. It is time to let go of the old, to come into a neutral still-point, as you consciously enter a new paradigm and a new way of being.


Copyright © Elizabeth Ayres Escher and

Source:http://www.bluedragonjournal.com. All Rights Reserved.

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