stream-light.jpg?width=150Embracing Spiritual Abundance by Trinity Bourne

In the many years of awakened life I have witnessed abundance spoken about in a myriad of different ways. I’ve noticed that in all its different guises, there are two main ways in which it is interpreted:

1. Having lots of what we desire


2. Seeing the divine in all things

Having lots of what we desire

The first way is dictated by our wants and desires. Being abundant in this sense means having ‘a lot of’ stuff, resources, money, property, land, people or anything tangible for that matter.

It’s the type of abundance that seeks gratification and a sense of happiness from the outside world. Of course, everything is energy, so there is nothing wrong with having ‘stuff’ if we are meant to; if it serves/assists our journey of self realisation or if we are not depending on it for our sense of abundance and personal self worth.

The possession trade off

Acquiring sense of personal achievement (or abundance) by having lots of stuff always has a trade off. Eventually, possession based satisfaction leads to a ‘lack of’ feeling. How ironic! If it is not abruptly taken away from you (which often happens), then it's as if there is something missing that you can’t quite put your finger on. A soulful searching, reaching, yearning, bubbles away, growing in intensity until we either break down, suppress with something else (drugs, alcohol, comfort foods, TV etc) or surrender to it. The longing of the soul towards its own liberation and expansiveness will eventually have its way - maybe not today, maybe not even soon, but inevitably in some lifetime or other. The soul is like a river flowing back to the ocean. It will either keep evolving to ever higher levels of consciousness, or it will simply dissolve back into the source.

Deep inner peace and spiritual liberation can never be fully attained by the attachment to stuff. This is an illusionary abundance, that is always doomed to fail.

I imagine this is why so many spiritual people give up all or a lot of their possessions when they really start walking the spiritual path. It stems from an authentic urge, to lighten the burdensome attachment to the load.

Seeing the divine in all things

The second type of abundance is what I would term true spiritual abundance. I mean ‘true’ in the sense that it transcends the matrix of mass conditioning, whilst embracing that which is beyond the veil of illusion.

True abundance is shown by an authentic, omnipresent gratitude for the divinity in all things.

This is typically prolific for those who have awakened spiritually to unity consciousness.

The experience of true abundance is rarely an intellectual one. The experience exudes a deep gratitude for the moment, for breath, for existence, for experience. Those who have truly touched unity consciousness see the divine in all things.

When you are blessed enough to see the divine in all things, you can connect to the flow. They go hand in hand. Everything is divinely given. Everything is an opportunity to BE. We want for nothing, because we embody the knowing that we already have everything. Our true nature expands through the entire universe; through and beyond all things. We become both everything and nothing. You can only really know this once unity consciousness has been fully embodied and you've expanded into presence.

When we see the divine in all things, we might not have two pennies to rub together; we might lack a home or a family. Yet we are filled with the very divine energy that we see in all things. We are truly abundant!

Less is more

It’s no coincidence that the less people have, the happier they tend to be. Of course not everyone is like this, but I have definitely noticed a general trend. People with less learn to make the most of what they have. They learn to be more creative and resourceful. They learn to make stuff, repair stuff, to find joy in the littlest of things. They learn to work together, pool resources, play games, laugh more, understand one another more and entertain each other through dancing, singing and creative arts. It’s a fact that those with the least money will typically be more charitable to others who are less fortunate than themselves. They don’t tend to hoard or protect what they have, but rather trust that they have enough. They understand how they have been blessed with what they have and gain more inner abundance by sharing that. I have seen this time and time again. I have seen people possessing very little in monetary value, who are infinitely more abundant than their wealthy cousins.

The measure of true spiritual abundance

A great measurement of our level of abundance is the amount of unhindered peace we feel within.

The more aligned we are with the flow of higher consciousness, the more we allow the divine to flow freely through us. The more the divine flows freely through us, the more we feel profound peace at the core of our being. I have found this to be the most effective gauge of abundance.

If we have profound inner peace - what more would we want anyway?

I’ve met some of the most amazing people who are a divine embodiment of true spiritual abundance. You know when you see them, because they exude a pulsating energy of clear light. If they are open (and not jealous or threatened by another) then this pulse makes others around them touch true spiritual abundance within aswell. It's contagious. It's a free flowing wealth, available to all who trust in it.

Leaving matrix based conditioning

Most awakened people initially dance between ‘possession based abundance’ and ‘true spiritual abundance’. Once the spiritual path appears fully on the horizon, an increasing dissatisfaction with anything that is not divinely inspired becomes noticeably prevalent.

It is inevitable, that as a person becomes more and more aligned with the divine flow, they will become an increasing embodiment of true spiritual abundance.

True spiritual abundance is your destiny!

So, if you need some encouragement to fully embody true spiritual abundance - take inspiration from anything that resonates in this sharing and let it flow. Embrace the divine within you until it starts to bubble over and flood into the world!

Soul to soul


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  • "The soul is like a river flowing back to the ocean. It will either keep evolving to ever higher levels of consciousness, or it will simply dissolve back into the source."

    Oh that was such a beatiful description, never thought of it like that before :)

  • Prime examples of Spiritual Abundance where all the Lord s that have walked on Mother Gaia . Examples for us all to follow . Thank you for keeping us grounded to our Spiritual Journey we all must take. My Wealth is in knowing eternal life for my Spiritual Self is connected and given from God Source, the creator of all that is Universe. Amen.

  • The abundance of the Essence of Peace,,,,,, is NO WAY different than the abundance of Wealth,,,,,,, the Universe gives them both in abundance,,   it just depends what Negative attachment you have to them which determines how much you get of them,,,, : )  Namaste

  • Spent 20 odd years working in jobs I thought I wanted to work in. Had dreams of financial grandeur, set lofty goals to become the person the could achieve these dreams. Did course after course in support of these goals, Became an on paper specialist of financial abundance. 

    Only to find myself myself discontent, and at the end of the day, financially bereft.

    Parents passed away, acquired an inheritance, decided this is the break I've been looking for. Left work. And  promptly burned up the cash to once again be left with nothing. (apart from memories of a most excellent real life holiday :),

    What i did learn front that experience though was that the whole work process was not one that I wanted to be a part of. Not in the form I'd been working it at least. 

    it was also at this time that I realized that money was the antithesis of co creation.A message that i had been receiving in ever greater frequency from the ascended and angelic realms.

    Decided to not go back to work. Decided that i was prepared to maje any compromise of lifestyle that was required. Sold off ALL non essentials.And got to work dealing with the (quite brutal) fears of exiting the system. And having no money.

    And all of a sudden, 20 years of co creative training, that is, dream building, personal development work, spiritual practice, began to come together. The universe began  to provide. Haphazardly at first. As confidence grew in the process, As i began to trust more and more in synchronicity, As i started to take the focus off money and put it on simply living, it began to work better and better,

    Fpr I long time I was camped up in a room because i simply didn't understand the process well enough. And I still had much work to do on the spirit However, the more confidence I gained by realizing that the universe will always provide, the more i ventured out. And the more I ventured out, the more it began to provide. 

    Co creation is like any apprenticeship or degree. You have to pay the price to get it to work for you. that price is paid in the soul. It is a price well worth paying though. It is the price which, amongst other things, liberates us from the system we so often complain. You just don't realize how dependent you are on it until you make efforts to get out of it. the moment you give the system the big two fingers  a hundred thousand million billion trillion zillion (well maybe a zillion is over doing it)  voices come out of the recesses of your soul and ring every alarm bell within you in an effort to convince you that what you are attempting is lunacy. That you cannot possibly survive without the umbulical cord of the system. And that is the control they have on us. Nothing more than own fears.

    the truth is you so can live without it. In fact, in my experience at least, you don't truly start to live until you remove yourself from it.

    Once upon a time I worked really hard, had nothing to show for it, (monetarily at least) and I was, in hindsight, in spite of what I told myself and everyone else, miserable. Doing jobs that I had been told would be good for me.

    Now, I own my day, I still have nothing to show for it monetarily, (nor do I owe anyone anything), though that is beginning to change, to a degree, and I feel rich beyond words.

    When I first set set the lofty goals i'd set all those years ago, what i truly was asking for was lifestyle. Lifestyle it seems comes in many different shapes and forms.

    It was only in my absence from the work force that the potential of a life as a full time light worker became apparent. Something that had never been a consideration before. Something that only became a possibility as the fears of exiting the system started to evaporate. 

    A highly recommended course of action for those who are like I was, flat out going nowhere on the treadmill of the system. Co creation does work. Beautifully. The universe does truly provide. 

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