
My Beautiful Friend,

What a joy it is for me to enter the sparkling energies of a brand new year with you!

Before we dive into the energies the year 2015 has in store for us, I’d like to answer a question that people have asked me since I began these forecasts back in 2009.

The question usually goes something like, “How do you tap into the energies of what’s going on, and where does it come from?”

The answer to the first part of this question has always been simple: mindfulness.

Everything becomes crystal clear when we choose to lead a life of mindfulness, paying attention to our internal and external environments.

Mindful Living: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World

The key to living a mindful life is to use our daily life to be of service to the greater whole, rather than leading a life that is so self-involved that we are unable to move beyond the limiting stories we’ve created for ourselves.

Personal development, where one commits to pursuing the inner healing necessary to live a happy, more fulfilling life, is not to be mistaken with being self-involved.

In fact, when we dedicate our lives to empowering and healing ourselves, we are empowering and healing the world. It’s when we become so involved and reactive with the stories we are creating for ourselves, that we lose sight of what’s really happening around us.

Each and every day, with my little notebook in hand, I write down the common themes I see, feel, and witness in my environment, in my friends/clients lives, and with what’s going on globally.

Soon after, I start to notice specific themes that keep coming up over and over around the same time. This usually provides me with a confirmation that something is up, and that it’s time to check in with what’s going on through the language of energy.

To answer the second part of the question (“Where does it come from?”), before every forecast, I meditate (to move out of the mind and into the heart) and relax into the frequency of pure, unconditional, neutral love.

Of course, there are other factors that allow this process to be even easier, including eating a nutrient-rich, healthy, clean diet daily.

Once the mind is clear and the heart is open, the forecast begins to write itself.

The Energies of 2015

As I connect with the energy of 2015, I instantly sense a big sigh of relief for humanity. It’s like we can all breathe again.

Humanity has been on a long and winding road to get to this point in time. The road has been bumpy and challenging, which is probably an understatement for many. But something deep within us never allowed us to give up.

The potential for 2015 is infinite, and the two words that keep coming up over and over again are Abundance and Love.

The Year of Abundance

When we allow ourselves to truly see it, the energy of abundance is all around us. It’s in our cells, in Nature, and beyond.

So how can we tap into this abundance in a more intentional way, so that we can see it bloom and materialize in areas of our lives that we may not have been allowing it to do so, including our finances?

To create greater abundance in all areas of our lives, it’s important to understand what abundance really means for the majority of us. At the core, abundance is simply a means to freedom.

So, to create greater abundance, we must give ourselves full permission to be free.

Now, this can be a bit of a process for the mind, because it has conditioned itself to find safety and comfort in smaller, structured ways of being.

So although our Spirit have and will always be free, the mind may not be comfortable embracing the vastness that comes with this freedom. The key is to gently teach and retrain the mind to find comfort in the freedom that resides within our core, so it can begin to open up and flow with life, instead of resisting it.

When we find ways to affirm that the mind is not losing anything by embracing our free self – but in fact gaining everything – then we can create the kind of abundant reality our Spirit desires for us to experience.

As we enter the New Year, let’s reflect on whether or not we are allowing ourselves to be free in all ways.

Are we allowing ourselves to shine brightly? Are we speaking our truth fully? Are we embracing and sharing all of our gifts, talents, and presence with the world the way we truly desire?

Are we taking time to love, pamper, and nurture ourselves and others often? Are we expressing heart-felt gratitude for our blessings?

If we answered yes to these questions, then we are most likely experiencing a great freedom and abundance in our lives. If for any reason we are feeling stuck or are still experiencing lack in some way, that is simply feedback, letting us know that one or several areas of our lives may need a bit of fine-tuning.

Intention for 2015 and Beyond

If we aren’t feeling as free and abundant as we’d like, we can turn it around right this minute through the power of intention.

We can proclaim:

“From this moment on, I give myself full permission to embrace, recognize, and receive the infinite freedom and abundance that reside within and all around me. This all occurs quickly, with ease, grace, and joy. And so it is!”

Sacred Unions

Earlier, I mentioned that the other word that kept coming up for the year 2015 was Love.

The kind of love I’m seeing unfold first and foremost is a reverent and intimate kind of love for ourselves. Once this self-love is anchored and practiced, it will then begin to call in a sacred and intimate union with a soul partner whose vibration is aligned with ours.

It’s important to note that when our love for ourselves is full, the love we experience towards others no longer has complications, drama, and pain around it.

It is pure, easy, joyous, flexible, and fun. If it doesn’t feel to be in alignment with these energies, it’s not true love.

If for any reason you are experiencing a love with a partner that has been quite challenging, know that you are either being prepared to experience a much greater love with this person (once the lessons are learned) or preparing to align with a new soul partner who will give you the opportunity to experience a much greater love.

Either way, be gentle with yourself and your partner, and know that all is in Divine order.

When the time is right, your soul partner or twin flame will appear on your path in the perfect time and way, and you will be ready to receive him or her into your life with gratitude and joy.

It’s time to breathe, open our arms up wide with palms facing up to the sky, and say “YES!” out loud to the abundance and love this New Year is drenched with.

We are all in this together,

Miraculously yours,


“Energy Forecast January 2015 – The Year of Abundance,” by Emmanuel Dagher, January 6, 2015, at http://www.emmanueldagher.com/energy-forecast

Source Link: Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast

©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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