Empowered Spiritual Warriors By Wes Annac


Credit: geofffreed.com
Why do we limit ourselves or convince ourselves we can’t do all of the things we really want to do? Why are most of us convinced we can’t make any kind of significant positive change in this world?

Our society is rife with disempowerment, and if we want to empower the masses, we have to empower ourselves first. We have to understand that we’re in a significant position to make some real and lasting changes, and the first step is to look within to determine if there are any personal changes we can make so the world can be a better place. Even if we’re the only ones who make a change from the inside out, we’ll still make the world just a little better.

We’re infinite spiritual beings with equally infinite potential, and if we persevere, there’s nothing we can’t achieve. No changes – personal or societal – will be too big for us when we empower ourselves, encourage everyone else to do the same, and address everything about this world that’s in need of change before we can create a new standard of living.

Nothing we want to do will be too difficult, because we’ll understand the power of perseverance and we’ll be calm when we hit a road block or we can’t seem to succeed at anything. We’ll know that as long as we can persevere when things aren’t going our way, we’ll complete all of our projects and surprise ourselves with how much we get done. We’ll know that centeredness is a valuable asset when we struggle, and our attempts to transform from within, awaken others or change the world will always bear fruit if we refuse to give up.

We’ve been conditioned to think we’re too small or insignificant to make a difference, and it’s time to erase this programming and discover our true potential. We can do anything we want on this evolving planet, but the key is to stop minimizing our talents or capabilities and pursue the things we’re good at and we enjoy. We can use them to encourage the world to make a positive change, and even if we only reach one person, we’ll know we successfully did what we came here to do.


Credit: scout.org
We just have to stop empowering the idea that we’re too small to change the world, because we aren’t.

The elitists and social engineers who secretly control our governments don’t want us to discover our power or our potential. They think this is their world and we’re all at their mercy, but they’re wrong. The people are waking up at a rapider pace than ever, and as we discover our power and our innate spirituality, we can rise up, hold them accountable for their crimes and discuss amongst each other how we can create a world that’s free of their control.

The last thing they want is for the people to stand up to them, dethrone them and try to create something new, which is why they want us to think we’re insignificant peasants who can’t change anything. We have much more power and potential than we’ve been given credit for, and they’ll see what we’re capable of when we all unite and take a stand against them.

The first step in all of this is to see that we’re extremely powerful as we are right now. We have an abundance of potential rising up from deep within, and since it’s clear that we’re on the verge of a powerful paradigm shift, now’s the best time to bring it up to the surface, encourage the elite’s downfall and help others unlock their potential.


We have to step up if we want the world to change, and as most of us know, our personal transformation will have most powerful effect on our world and our society. If we can live consciously, we can encourage the rest of the world to eventually do the same. Again, even if we don’t inspire or awaken very many people, we’ll know we at least helped a few.

I’d love to see everyone – even those of you who consider yourselves just the slightest bit ‘conscious’ or spiritual – using their unique talents to help the world wake up. Those of you who are concerned about corruption in government can figure out what you can do to raise awareness and inspire the masses, and perhaps those of you who are more concerned with the spiritual aspects of this worldwide transformation can seek answers in meditation as to how you can help.

There’s plenty we can each do, and one thing’s clear: Our world can’t continue along this course. Our rampant consumerism and neglect for our environment (and for each other; and for ourselves) has put us at the height of potential disaster, but we can reverse it all by changing our corrupt ways, coming together, rising up and demanding a change right now.


Credit: tharderdesign.blogspot.com
I believe in the concept of personal revolution (i.e. changing yourself before trying to change the world), and I think we can seriously impact our planet and collective consciousness if we transform as individuals while we explore how to change the world. I think we need both – personal and societal revolution – and time won’t wait for us to start when we’re ready.

We have to start now, and every moment’s crucial when you’re part of a blossoming spiritual revolution. In every moment, our thoughts, feelings, words and actions either move the world forward or hold it back, so let’s keep that in mind as we find unique ways to contribute and equally unique ways to transform from within.

No more distractions, and no more playing small. It’s time to introduce the world to the next phase of our existence, so let’s rise up and embrace our role as empowered spiritual warriors and revolutionaries.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, August 3, 2015 – http://tinyurl.com/o9mtmj4

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