ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address 


11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation 
Lord Ashtar with Lord Sananda 
channelled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles 
To Begin Monday, March 30, 2015 
Every Day, at Least TWENTY 20 Minutes Per Day 

Greetings! Ashtar here. Lord Sananda and I would like to say a few words to this group, and Lightworkers, Starseeds, Braid-Ins regarding your last meditation. And by a few words I mean exactly three: Job well done! Remnants of the energies are, of course, still flowing to you and now it’s just a matter of integrating them, which will take some time. And that ‘time’ will be quickened if you will remember to send Love to your Self, as many times as possible throughout your day. 

For your next assignment, we are asking the Eagles, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Braid-Ins to turn YOUR FOCUS to some of the more impacted earth grids. And we are adding a fourth segment for this week. 

First, do Your Protocal before this daily meditation: Ground, Center, and Intend For 

For the first five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Water Kingdom of your planet. That will include all oceans, rivers, streams, lakes and, of course, the water within your own physical vessel. 

For the next five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Animal Kingdom of Gaia. 

For the third five-minute segment you are asked to send Love to the electromagnetic grid surrounding Earth. 

And for the last five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to your sun. 

So, that’s it for this week. We send you our love and thanks for your diligence. I am Ashtar. Out. 



Purpose and Mission 
(Project: Eagle Triad, of Sananda's Eagles) 
www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com ;

I came into this world with a very specific purpose. 
I came to fulfill a Mission. 
I came to love life and realize the truth about me. 
I came to contribute to the salvation of this world. 

The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as was explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show the correlation and Oneness of these two Realities. 

Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth. 

One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth which would be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. This has been accomplished. This new grid, as well as others that have since been established through Project: Eagle Triad, are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the channeling, publishing, and teaching of Ascension Lessons and Master's Classes from Sananda. 

This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in "vibrational" frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her. 

Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way. 

Love and Blessings, in Oneness, 
Janisel and RevDeb 



Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address 
channeled through RevDeb of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

If you cannot do your mission to the fullest, that is your choice, that is part of your contract. You have a choice to decide yea or nay. If you deem it necessary to be out working a job, to make money, to keep a roof over your head, to feed your children, to clothe yourself, to pay your veterinarian bills, to your teeth fixed, to pay your insurance, to drive your cars, to fly your planes, to do all of this OTHER stuff that you need to have money for, that is your choice. However, each mission has an 'out-clause'. You can carry on from this day forward doing whatever you need feel to do to support yourself, but you see… my brother Sananda referred to it as 'tithing', I call it fair-energy exchange… no matter what you call it, you CAN assist those that ARE living their mission. You can help finance THEM. You can give them a place to work 'from'. You can carry forth from this day and you can continue learning yourself, you can continue sharing yourself, but if you feel that you have to go out and work to do that, then that is, I believe you call it, eight hours a day, that someone else is doing your work for you… your mission work. Pay them their salary. Now, does that make sense? You can call it tithing, you can call it charity, you can call it fair-energy exchange, I could care less what you call it. But if you are not doing your work, someone is doing it for you. And if you wish to share with the energies that they receive from doing this work for you, you'd better pay for it, don't you think? Now, please bear in mind. As I explained before, this is not just for those sitting in this room… this is for ALL of those out there that shall be reading this, for this is going to be sent out immediately, if not sooner. You have time to get the job done, but you'd better get started. If you have limitations, that you feel you can only work in a certain atmosphere, then work in your certain atmosphere. But if you claim that you do not have that atmosphere to work in right now… who's to fault? Go out and find it. Find a new one. For all you need…EVERYTHING that you need… you have. It's right here [heart] inside each and every one of you. 


Alright, now, here come another one of those wonderful questions. How many of you are teachers? Ohhh… let's let the ego mull over this one. Shall I sing a tune while we wait? How many of you are students? If you cannot identify that each and every person that you cross paths with is your teacher, then it's time to go back to the drawing board. For everyone on this planet, even the 100% humans, are teachers. Ohhh… so where are the students? If everyone is a teacher, where are the students? Where can they be? Exactly. For what it is going to take to get this job done is for each and every one of you sitting in this room or reading this on your computer in a couple of days carry approximately 1000th of a percent of what you need know. Ohhh… that isn't what you wanted to hear, is it? I guess that that means that you need to start grouping together? Because if you're only using 7-1/2% of your brain, my oh my, where are you going to put all that other information? Because so many of you feel that you've gone through so much… you've taken so many classes, you've gone to so many conferences, you've listened to so many seminars, you've read SO many of the books, you MUST know it all, or at least a great deal of it. How on this planet could you POSSIBLY contain more information than that? You not supposed to. You may call it the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome, you may call it critical-mass, you mass call it mass consciousness, whatever it is that you wish to call it. It's all telling you the same story. In order for you to 'get it', you MUST COME TOGETHER! IN GROUPS! Group-mind. It's called synchronicity. You have been told this for years now, have you not? The more you get together, the more you come together, the more you share with each other, the more that comes. The more that comes, the more you know. The more you know, the wiser the group gets… not the individual. 

There is not a one of you that calls yourself a Lightworker that's here for YOURSELF! Let me repeat this. There is not a one of you that is here for yourself. You have come here for the planet, you have come here for the peoples of the planet. You are not here for personal gain, you are not here for personal recognition. You are here to do a job. You're here to, hopefully, save the life of a planet… a Being that has desperately to cry out for SOMEONE to hear her! Here's another one of those wonderful questions. When was the last time any of you talked to her, listened for her, told her that you love HER? How many of you want to hear someone say, 'I love you'? Don't you think that planet needs to HEAR that? Don't you think this planet needs to FEEL that? Out of the 6-1/2 billion humanoid lifeforms that live upon this planet, she cannot hear ANY. And she is to the point now where you will have to come together in large groups and scream as loudly as you can, 'I LOVE YOU', in order for her to hear you. 


Unity. Unification. The joining of forces. The common ally to get the job done. They will know each other when they see each other… but they have to SEE each other. And they will all be attempting to do the exact same thing… to bring Unity. For that is their job, that is their mission… whether they like it or not. But you see, it is passed that time. Who would have thought that one little old lady [Tuella] would pass on, and that energy would be thrust into the winds? All of the unity, the feeling of family, would disappear? Now, instead of having One Family, we have thousands. And if we have thousands of these little families, and they all now came back together as One Family, oh! would that not be a formidable force! It seems that the humans hold in their minds the magical, mystical number of 144,000. Well, if this one family were to all get together, it would be closer to 144 million. Do you realize this? I'm removing a veil a little bit at a time. 

It's called 'dedication', it's called setting your sights to the job to be done… and the rest of it be damned. For if you set your sights for the job to be done, ahhh… your soul sings that magical, mystical song that calls in all of the forces for you to have exactly what you need to have. 


There is SO much that I wish to come in and share with you, and there is so much that I am not allowed to share. But you see, if this planet is to heal, do you honestly think she can do it with life on her? She has to go into a cocoon state. Do you realize this? Yes, you will see Heaven on Earth… you will just 'take a vacation' first. Some of you will not be able to tolerate the vacation, so you, too, will go into hibernation. And one morning, you shall wake up, and you will find a whole New Earth. And you will wonder, "Hmmm… how did this happen? I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention." You have been told that the evacuation is not going to take place. Believe it…LOL… if you wish. And you shall wake up one morning and go, "Hmmm… I haven't been very observant lately." Do you understand? Why would she still be in orbit in this galaxy if she were not needed? And if you don't know what 'she' I'm talking about, do a little bit of research, OK? We shall have a fun time… for those of you that choose to remain awake. And that shall also be the time that some of you choose not to come back… because the party is really happening onboard. And when it's an etheric party, why come back to the mundane? But that's not going to happen today, it's not going to happen tomorrow. You can almost be guaranteed that it shall happen in most of your lifetime. It just depends on how busy you get, doesn't it? How many hibernation chambers do you really think we have? We would MUCH prefer to have the BIG party. The more that can enjoy the ride instead of sleep through the ride, the better. And that is your job. And, yes, there has been times that information has been given that this is not going to happen. However, please come to the understanding that this has been in flux for quite some time. Things have changed. The count is in. The statistician has now given the report. Do you want to fly while you're wide awake, and enjoy the scenery… or do you want to sleep through it? That's your choice. For only those that are dedicated, and those that assist, are the ones that will have the most fun on the trip. We have quite the celebration awaiting. 


I have one more question to ask you. And this is another one of those questions to not answer verbally. Here is the question: If I were to tell you that, in order to save humanity… to do your job… you would have to wake up tomorrow without sight, without hearing, or without speech, would you DO that? If it was a choice, WOULD YOU DO THAT? If I told you that you could leave tomorrow, without doing another thing, and humanity would be devastated because of that… would you do that? Would you leave? If I told you that on the morrow, when you woke up, you would leave… you would go Home… you could come onboard and live onboard ship with us, but the planet would be destroyed because of that… would you do that? These are the final questions that I'm going to ask you because it's time for you to make these decisions. Please bear in mind, I'm not telling you that you're going to wake up tomorrow and be taken onboard ship, but these are the choices that you have to make… because if you do not get busy, you might as well leave. The time for what you refer to as 'personal sacrifice' is done. Your 'self' is not important, but you CAN be thankful for one very important thing… not being asked to hang on a cross in humiliation and pain. Now, you might think that's a vile thing for me to bring up now, but you see, that was the price of ascension 2000 years ago. So what do you think the price is now? That is said out of love, that is said to wake you up. For the Lightworkers that are going to be working are awake. Now it's time to wake up to clarity, to know a little bit more about what it is that you are to be doing. Do you understand? If you cannot go forth and do the jobs, that's fine, because some of you did nothing more than contract to help support those that do. Do you understand? Support financially, support emotionally, support mentally… whatever. You will know. For we have many of you for many jobs, and some of you manifest more easily than others. And if that is your talent, then who do you think is supposed to benefit from that? That is your job… to help those that ARE doing the grunt work. And you can be highly thankful that you're not one in the trenches, yes? 


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  • All just mind games...*sigh*

  • Thank you for the lovely guide to meditation.  I added the Plant Kingdom to my meditation.

  • Very inspirational, thank you ,,,loved your message, 

  • We are Teacher's for the Student's as well as Student's for those Teacher's. We think of ourselves as Adults in the 3D world of physicality and Personality. We are children in God's Eye's, as children we Learn from the Ascended Masters whom are our Teachers. Earth is the class room, we the student's are going on a field trip so to speak.

    I personally feel, if I can help one person see more of the Light and how much Love their is to share,then that person can spread that Love as well to another and another so on, so on ,and soon my community is over flowing with Love.

    See as a mother it's difficult to see your children stray and be negative it breaks our Hearts and we only want to Hug them, tell them everything will be okay,they have to want it as well otherwise your wasting your Energy,Now it's time for tough Love to move forward keep the Vibrations High and always acknowledge My Mighty I AM Presence My ( God Self ) believe me it talks to you all the time that Lump in your throat, sinking feeling in your stomach, or a sudden chill that comes over you, it's time to listen to God self and ask for guidance.

    I'm going to Ride it out all the way


    ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address




    11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation 
    Lord Ashtar with Lord Sananda
    channelled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles 
    To Begin Monday, March 30, 2015 
    Every Day, at Least TWENTY 20 Minutes Per Day


    Greetings! Ashtar here. Lord Sananda and I would like to say a few words to this group, and Lightworkers, Starseeds, Braid-Ins regarding your last meditation. And by a few words I mean exactly three: Job well done! Remnants of the energies are, of course, still flowing to you and now it’s just a matter of integrating them, which will take some time. And that ‘time’ will be quickened if you will remember to send Love to your Self, as many times as possible throughout your day. 


    For your next assignment, we are asking the Eagles, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Braid-Ins to turn YOUR FOCUS to some of the more impacted earth grids. And we are adding a fourth segment for this week. 

    First, do Your Protocal before this daily meditation: Ground, Center, and Intend For   

    For the first five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Water Kingdom of your planet. That will include all oceans, rivers, streams, lakes and, of course, the water within your own physical vessel. 

    For the next five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Animal Kingdom of Gaia. 

    For the third five-minute segment you are asked to send Love to the electromagnetic grid surrounding Earth. 

    And for the last five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to your sun. 

    So, that’s it for this week. We send you our love and thanks for your diligence. I am Ashtar. Out. 


    Purpose and Mission 
    (Project: Eagle Triad, of Sananda's Eagles) 

    I came into this world with a very specific purpose. 
    I came to fulfill a Mission. 
    I came to love life and realize the truth about me. 
    I came to contribute to the salvation of this world. 

    The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as was explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show the correlation and Oneness of these two Realities. 


    Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth. 

    One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth which would be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. This has been accomplished. This new grid, as well as others that have since been established through Project: Eagle Triad, are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the channeling, publishing, and teaching of Ascension Lessons and Master's Classes from Sananda. 

    This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in "vibrational" frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her. 


    Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way.


    Love and Blessings, in Oneness, 
    Janisel and RevDeb 


    Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address

    channeled through RevDeb of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    If you cannot do your mission to the fullest, that is your choice, that is part of your contract. You have a choice to decide yea or nay. If you deem it necessary to be out working a job, to make money, to keep a roof over your head, to feed your children, to clothe yourself, to pay your veterinarian bills, to your teeth fixed, to pay your insurance, to drive your cars, to fly your planes, to do all of this OTHER stuff that you need to have money for, that is your choice. However, each mission has an 'out-clause'. You can carry on from this day forward doing whatever you need feel to do to support yourself, but you see… my brother Sananda referred to it as 'tithing', I call it fair-energy exchange… no matter what you call it, you CAN assist those that ARE living their mission. You can help finance THEM. You can give them a place to work 'from'. You can carry forth from this day and you can continue learning yourself, you can continue sharing yourself, but if you feel that you have to go out and work to do that, then that is, I believe you call it, eight hours a day, that someone else is doing your work for you… your mission work. Pay them their salary. Now, does that make sense? You can call it tithing, you can call it charity, you can call it fair-energy exchange, I could care less what you call it. But if you are not doing your work, someone is doing it for you. And if you wish to share with the energies that they receive from doing this work for you, you'd better pay for it, don't you think? Now, please bear in mind. As I explained before, this is not just for those sitting in this room… this is for ALL of those out there that shall be reading this, for this is going to be sent out immediately, if not sooner. You have time to get the job done, but you'd better get started. If you have limitations, that you feel you can only work in a certain atmosphere, then work in your certain atmosphere. But if you claim that you do not have that atmosphere to work in right now… who's to fault? Go out and find it. Find a new one. For all you need…EVERYTHING that you need… you have. It's right here [heart] inside each and every one of you. 


    Alright, now, here come another one of those wonderful questions. How many of you are teachers? Ohhh… let's let the ego mull over this one. Shall I sing a tune while we wait? How many of you are students? If you cannot identify that each and every person that you cross paths with is your teacher, then it's time to go back to the drawing board. For everyone on this planet, even the 100% humans, are teachers. Ohhh… so where are the students? If everyone is a teacher, where are the students? Where can they be? Exactly. For what it is going to take to get this job done is for each and every one of you sitting in this room or reading this on your computer in a couple of days carry approximately 1000th of a percent of what you need know. Ohhh… that isn't what you wanted to hear, is it? I guess that that means that you need to start grouping together? Because if you're only using 7-1/2% of your brain, my oh my, where are you going to put all that other information? Because so many of you feel that you've gone through so much… you've taken so many classes, you've gone to so many conferences, you've listened to so many seminars, you've read SO many of the books, you MUST know it all, or at least a great deal of it. How on this planet could you POSSIBLY contain more information than that? You not supposed to. You may call it the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome, you may call it critical-mass, you mass call it mass consciousness, whatever it is that you wish to call it. It's all telling you the same story. In order for you to 'get it', you MUST COME TOGETHER! IN GROUPS! Group-mind. It's called synchronicity. You have been told this for years now, have you not? The more you get together, the more you come together, the more you share with each other, the more that comes. The more that comes, the more you know. The more you know, the wiser the group gets… not the individual. 


    There is not a one of you that calls yourself a Lightworker that's here for YOURSELF! Let me repeat this. There is not a one of you that is here for yourself. You have come here for the planet, you have come here for the peoples of the planet. You are not here for personal gain, you are not here for personal recognition. You are here to do a job. You're here to, hopefully, save the life of a planet… a Being that has desperately to cry out for SOMEONE to hear her! Here's another one of those wonderful questions. When was the last time any of you talked to her, listened for her, told her that you love HER? How many of you want to hear someone say, 'I love you'? Don't you think that planet needs to HEAR that? Don't you think this planet needs to FEEL that? Out of the 6-1/2 billion humanoid lifeforms that live upon this planet, she cannot hear ANY. And she is to the point now where you will have to come together in large groups and scream as loudly as you can, 'I LOVE YOU', in order for her to hear you. 


    Unity. Unification. The joining of forces. The common ally to get the job done. They will know each other when they see each other… but they have to SEE each other. And they will all be attempting to do the exact same thing… to bring Unity. For that is their job, that is their mission… whether they like it or not. But you see, it is passed that time. Who would have thought that one little old lady [Tuella] would pass on, and that energy would be thrust into the winds? All of the unity, the feeling of family, would disappear? Now, instead of having One Family, we have thousands. And if we have thousands of these little families, and they all now came back together as One Family, oh! would that not be a formidable force! It seems that the humans hold in their minds the magical, mystical number of 144,000. Well, if this one family were to all get together, it would be closer to 144 million. Do you realize this? I'm removing a veil a little bit at a time. 

    It's called 'dedication', it's called setting your sights to the job to be done… and the rest of it be damned. For if you set your sights for the job to be done, ahhh… your soul sings that magical, mystical song that calls in all of the forces for you to have exactly what you need to have. 


    There is SO much that I wish to come in and share with you, and there is so much that I am not allowed to share. But you see, if this planet is to heal, do you honestly think she can do it with life on her? She has to go into a cocoon state. Do you realize this? Yes, you will see Heaven on Earth… you will just 'take a vacation' first. Some of you will not be able to tolerate the vacation, so you, too, will go into hibernation. And one morning, you shall wake up, and you will find a whole New Earth. And you will wonder, "Hmmm… how did this happen? I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention." You have been told that the evacuation is not going to take place. Believe it…LOL… if you wish. And you shall wake up one morning and go, "Hmmm… I haven't been very observant lately." Do you understand? Why would she still be in orbit in this galaxy if she were not needed? And if you don't know what 'she' I'm talking about, do a little bit of research, OK? We shall have a fun time… for those of you that choose to remain awake. And that shall also be the time that some of you choose not to come back… because the party is really happening onboard. And when it's an etheric party, why come back to the mundane? But that's not going to happen today, it's not going to happen tomorrow. You can almost be guaranteed that it shall happen in most of your lifetime. It just depends on how busy you get, doesn't it? How many hibernation chambers do you really think we have? We would MUCH prefer to have the BIG party. The more that can enjoy the ride instead of sleep through the ride, the better. And that is your job. And, yes, there has been times that information has been given that this is not going to happen. However, please come to the understanding that this has been in flux for quite some time. Things have changed. The count is in. The statistician has now given the report. Do you want to fly while you're wide awake, and enjoy the scenery… or do you want to sleep through it? That's your choice. For only those that are dedicated, and those that assist, are the ones that will have the most fun on the trip. We have quite the celebration awaiting. 


    I have one more question to ask you. And this is another one of those questions to not answer verbally. Here is the question: If I were to tell you that, in order to save humanity… to do your job… you would have to wake up tomorrow without sight, without hearing, or without speech, would you DO that? If it was a choice, WOULD YOU DO THAT? If I told you that you could leave tomorrow, without doing another thing, and humanity would be devastated because of that… would you do that? Would you leave? If I told you that on the morrow, when you woke up, you would leave… you would go Home… you could come onboard and live onboard ship with us, but the planet would be destroyed because of that… would you do that? These are the final questions that I'm going to ask you because it's time for you to make these decisions. Please bear in mind, I'm not telling you that you're going to wake up tomorrow and be taken onboard ship, but these are the choices that you have to make… because if you do not get busy, you might as well leave. The time for what you refer to as 'personal sacrifice' is done. Your 'self' is not important, but you CAN be thankful for one very important thing… not being asked to hang on a cross in humiliation and pain. Now, you might think that's a vile thing for me to bring up now, but you see, that was the price of ascension 2000 years ago. So what do you think the price is now? That is said out of love, that is said to wake you up. For the Lightworkers that are going to be working are awake. Now it's time to wake up to clarity, to know a little bit more about what it is that you are to be doing. Do you understand? If you cannot go forth and do the jobs, that's fine, because some of you did nothing more than contract to help support those that do. Do you understand? Support financially, support emotionally, support mentally… whatever. You will know. For we have many of you for many jobs, and some of you manifest more easily than others. And if that is your talent, then who do you think is supposed to benefit from that? That is your job… to help those that ARE doing the grunt work. And you can be highly thankful that you're not one in the trenches, yes?


    ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minu…
    ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From…
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    ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minu…
    ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From…
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