YOUR ENERGY IS ENGAGED in occupation. Your mind is thinking, your body is working, you are occupied. Your whole energy is moving in activity, is being dissipated into the world. When you think, you are dissipating energy; each thought takes energy, needs energy. You are continuously thinking and dissipating energy for nothing — just dissipating energy. Activity needs energy, and your infinite source of energy is continuously being dissipated. You are leaking from everywhere.

That's why you feel so weak, so frustrated, so impotent. This impotence feels like helplessness; you are omnipotent and you feel impotent. You have all the sources of infinite energy within you, you are related to the cosmic source, but you feel impotent because you are continuously dissipating energy. If thought stops even for a single moment and activity is no more, if you have become like a statue, un-moving within or without, if there is no movement, either of body or of mind, then tremendous energy is released. Where will it go now there is no activity? It cannot go without. You become a pillar of energy, a flame of energy. Everything becomes conscious inside, everything is lighted; your whole being is filled with light.

EVERYBODY IS immensely strong. You don't know your strength. Everybody is immensely strong - has to be, because everybody is rooted in God, everybody is rooted in this universe. However small you may look, you are not small-you cannot be by the very nature of things. If the atom can have so much energy, what to say about man? What to say about this small flame of consciousness in man? If some day this small flame bursts forth, it is bound to become an infinite source of energy and light.

Everybody is immensely strong because everybody is immensely divine. Everybody is strong because everybody is rooted in God, in the very origin of existence. Remember it.

The human mind tends to forget it. When you forget it, you become weak. When you become weak, you start trying some artificial ways to become strong. That's what millions of people are doing. Searching for money, what are you really searching? You are searching power, you are searching strength. Searching for prestige, political authority, what are you searching? You are searching power, strength — and strength is all the time available just by the corner. You are searching in wrong places.

LIFE GOES ON UTTERLY NUDE, utterly naked, absolutely available. All that is required is a not-knowing state, an empty space which can absorb it, which can receive it. Only when you are in a state of not knowing are you a host, and then life becomes a guest. Just observe, with no evaluation. Don't say "good," don't say "bad"; don't say "beautiful," don't say "ugly." Don't say anything at all! Without saying anything, without bringing your mind in, just watch with utterly empty eyes, like a mirror. Reflect the moon, the stars, the sun, the trees, the people, the animals, the birds. And when life pours its energy into your being it rejuvenates you, it revitalizes you; you are constantly reborn. A real, alive person is born again and again every MOMENT. He is fresh, he is always young. Even when he dies he is fresh and young. Even in the moment of death/ life is pouring more and more energy into him. This way of approaching life helps to see not only life but death too. And when you are able to see life, you «re able to see death. And to see death means there is no death; all is life, and eternal, beginningless, endless. And you are part of this infinite celebration.


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  • ahh .. nicely observed Ara, indeed I feel the same but anytime I feel lost myself, when I intend to get centered again, then it kind of catapults me right back to the here and now, or rather I bring myself back to "the center of my being" in the present moment and even though there may be a million distractions around us, I never loose touch with myself, we may find ourselves lost occasionally but of course those are nessesary steps towards what is to be found. Sometimes we need to loose ourselves in order to find ourselves.

    I, like everyone, frequently get distracted, confused, disillusioned, overwhelmed, apathetic, I am also happy, joyfull, laidback, cheerfull and all of those aspects and more, like everyone, but I am always aware of who I am, it never gets out of hand. Occasionally, I dont mind getting lost in the mystery of life, it can be fun finding your way back again. I also think it shapes you as a person, it kind of shapes your being in a way, gives you charactor to expierence the feeling of being lost literally helps you to appreaciate life more, like when you have no hot water until you do, expierencing the cold really makes me appreaciate the warmth / heat or being in darkness until you are bathed in light. Getting both or all parts of the expierence.

    The same thing with relationships. Some people turn away from expierencing all facets of life, because they dont want to leave their comfort zone, its just too much like stress for them to challenge themselves, or get their hands dirty. I would tell them to go out in the rain and get soaked, know what it feels like to be stranded without a lifeboat, to get their fingers burned, so they can appreaciate the soothing effects of healing from it, to expierence raw fear at its lowest depths until they surrender to the unfailing love of God. I find those who live life to the fullest or go out on a limb on behalf of their own spiritual growth are those who come out the other end shining brighter than those who never take any risks, but stay in their comfort zone and remain dull in their spirit. Imagine the ones who take a leap of faith and hold on tightly but are letting go at the same time .. just look at Keith Richards as an example .. Lol .. kidding.

    Personally, I feel blessed to have found I was lost, some folks are "so lost" in the mystery of their own life that it almost seems there is little hope they will ever be found, like those who have no empathy, no feelings, no love for themselves let alone love for another. I once read an article whereby the question was raised "is it possible for a soul to die?" Most spiritually aware people would say no, that the soul cannot die but if its the souls wish to not exist any longer, to literally fade out, to disappear, to "unplug" from the main power source, to die off and break away from the Creator completely and to no longer be a part of "all that is", would it be possible?. (who knows?) To want to ignore all that is devine, to want to shut down, to extinguish all of the life force within itself, to finnish existing altogether like a glowing ember in the fireplace about to die out, never to be reignited, to be terminated, permanently. I think if the soul has a steadfast determination to cut itself off from the Creator, well how lost is that? The question then arises, what happens to that soul once it removes itself from all that is? .. where does it go? That soul must go somewhere, I cannot see how it can be extinguished out of the Multiverse without a trace. Where does the life in that soul go? It seems to me, that God would not try to sway a souls decision to die out, but I cant see how it could ever happen, given that there is no seperation.

    Is it possible for a soul to die? How, if a soul is immortal? Well, maybe by enertia. If a dead soul is liken unto a sleeping soul, enert, is it possible to revive a sleeping soul but not a dead one? Personally, I dont think its possible for any soul to actually die out, as the power of love is too strong and therefore every soul will / must return home, back to the center point, the heart of God and if the soul originated from the heart of God in the first place, then how can it make its own mind up what direction it wants to go in? There seems to be a juxtaposition of sorts going on here, consider this, if a soul can be lost eternally, then the phrase "all paths lead to the same place (the light) suddenly collapses. Surely, no matter how lost a soul gets, it is still being pulled, through evolution, back to the heart of God, whether it likes it or not. However, if God grants every soul the freedom to choose its own path and will not interfere with that souls choice of direction, then we must assume that it IS possible for a soul to be "eternally lost", even if God is all loving. Some people have no desire to be a part of "all that is" and would prefere that all aspects of their conciousness to literally be "erased", and wiped out, whether that is a very deep disillusioned aspect of their own egoic mind comming to the fore or not, I feel its an impossible thought to bring into being .. Lol ..

    Sorry for the ramble, for a minuite there, I lost myself .. ;))

  • Hi Luke ... ;))

    i find a 'paradox' in this image - the deeper we go - the more we are lost .... in the mystery of life ... ;))

  • Hey Ara ;)) .. xxx

  • Hopi ... ;)) who said that growing up and to mature is an easy process ... ;)) There is no manual how to be a Human Being, it's a very personal path, we just need to be aware and remember not to stand on the way between us and God ... ;))

    this is a link - one of my favorite - i think you'll enjoy it .... ;))

  • I want to bring my mind into it and write about it to you. But instantly I feel the urge to just sit in silence, not to contradict it. All I can say is, I understand this as far my understanding has let me, I am thirsting for more. I am addicted, so much that I am miserable when I'm not on it... I started my journey of awakening in 2009. It was first in 2015, that I truly realized, the difference between realization and experience, the difference between knowledge and knowing (The difference is like day and night). I've been using Osho's words as of lately, (past 12 months) for pin point precision, but after a while one need to actually put it into practice with dedication, with sincerity, one has to be absolutely dedicated and with courage without pushing it forwards, it has to be there on its own... Stuff are happening to me, I don't know how to deal with it....My body feels broke and magnetized..I can just sit with my hands on each side, and I can sometimes feel a magnetic pull between them. At the same time every part of my body make cracking sounds, my hands, wrists, knees, ankles, back, neck. There is a constant buzzing in my body, when I sit still...It buzzes, then for a second goes completely silent, then it start buzzzing again, its like its trying to take off, but cant, it doesn't have enough power.....its like something in me aligns for just a second, then it goes back to buzzing again. This is not the mind (my mind)..The watcher (in me) has witnessed it. I don't want to say I don't know what to do, but I don't know what to do...:)

  • My dear sweet panacea my friend I'm sick of it grab my hand we'll jump and try to get as many out as we can on our way out lol

  • thanks lisa

  • Panacea:

    the reality is a prison - we create each aspect of it - you live in it and for a while its all ok - but then in time 'the illusionary bubble' eventually will suffocate the one inside - unless we could find the courage to burst it open some of us don't need a metal bars to keep one in .... as to the truth - to me it does have multi-faceted views ... ;))

  • Well maybe it's time we do something bout it..... You think panacea 

  • true Mikail ... ;)

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