Dream Journal- second dream that seems to be related to Ashtar.
It started out with me and my sisters.. ages fluctuating between you and older. We were being cared for by a family friend we call Doc. In the dream I was very sick. Coughing up green yuk. But more then that my lungs and heart felt crushed and I could not breath. I passed out... then a dream with in a dream that I was floating up to a huge ship.. it kind of looked like a jigsaw puzzle. When I arrived I " knew" I was dreaming. I was walking in the ship talking to a male figure (can't recall how he looked) named Enoc. I told myself in the dream to remember the name. I " woke" up back to the original dream and seem to lose the conscious knowledge that I was asleep. I struggled through a house and found Doc. Yes he is also a medical professional which is how he got the nickname. Anyways, I told him " don't tell my mom" but I am very sick. Should I go to the hospital. The I woke up for real. At first I could not recall the name I was trying to remember but did know that I had intended to. I let it go for a few minutes then it came back to me. I looked it up immediately as Enoc and saw the name Enoch. I then recalled that it was related to the christian religion. Some kind of messenger I believe. There is a book of Enoch so I am going to investigate it. Although I am not Christian but pagan I do know that christian figures are still important prophets ect. I am still rather unsure of the Ashtar business but this is the second distinctive dream in which I felt contacted by them. The first is in my discussions in which I "heard" the name ashtar for the first time during the dream.