St.Germain - May 16, 2010
"I AM St Germain, and I stand before you to en-lighten you on a most serious topic - that of enslavement through addiction. There is an epidemic throughout your 3D world, one that has been foisted upon you by the dark hat enslavers. Their goals are many in this endeavor, and Ashtar shall be discussing this in more detail with you when we come together to our Family Gathering.* For now, I wish only to touch upon some of the most compelling results of this egregious situation.
"First, there are the inncocents, the children who either get sucked in by the dealers they encounter in their schoolyards and playgrounds. Often times, they simply are dared into accepting the pill or bottle or joint or whatever, so as not to be embarrassed by the taunts of their peers. What begins as a one-time experiment usually ends up as much more, even to the point of lifelong addiction. Then there are the innocents who are born addicted. They come into a life of illness and despair, for it is their own mothers who are causing this condition. And finally, there are the innocents of all ages who get addicted to various "legal" drugs, pain killers, diet pills, sleeping pills, and so on.
"And you say, 'But St Germain, didn't all of these innocents have free will to make their contracts? And I say unto you, 'Yes, Beloveds, but in most cases they thought that their great mission experience would be to break free from their addictions. They just didn't realize how stuck they would be in the downward spiraling energy of their habits. And, please also remember that the dark hats are not only very persuasive, but that they have not one bit of compassion for the innocents they entice into their webs, even if one of them might be THEIR OWN CHILD.
"So, we shall have a most revered guest leading the Exercise of Peace in our Family Gathering,* and we ask that each of you go deep into your own hearts to consider joining in with this monumental mission. While you are considering, allow the faces of one or more of the innocents to come into your fields of vision - you might even recognize them! Know that whether or not they are still in physical body, this Exercise will offer healing to all who have been involved in any way with this situation. Also, if you think that you have never been addicted, think again! Addictive drugs have been in use throughout the ages, although never in such gigantic amounts as now. So, you will have an opportunity to offer healing not only to all concerned, but to yourselves as well. Be in Joy and join us in our mission - it will indeed do wonders for the world!
Given through Susan Leland, May 16, 2010. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
Hello ... I am Addiction
I Like to Take you on a Story Trail
I've been in You Ever since You called for something outside of You
For Comfort Numbness and all that goes with this
You cannot See me but I am watching You
I am FEELING You I LIVE off You
I Live off the Very Little Critters Orphans Blind Singers
Of Different Consciousnesses and Perceptions within
I Thrive on Your Energies when you are feeling Down or Over Excited
You Leave a Crack in the Wall for me to Enter into even Deaper
And when I Feel You Wanting to Give me UP
I Pull at the Psyche Strings Attached even Harder
Hook You even MORE ...
Oh I Have a GOOD Snickling Laugh !!!
'Coz I Know You Are CO-Dependent on Me
You Wish I would Go Away when you Feel me wear you Down
Hahahahahahahaha !!!! Wishing Won't Break Me Away
I Will Not Let You Know The Secret to Getting RID of Me
All I Will Say Is What Does The Energy
Attached to the Created Word Addiction
Feel Like To You NOW ...
Have You Heard of The Old Saying
A Two Way Street for a Too Needy Feed in a Place to Meet
This is a Hint as To How to Break Away This Entity
This is a Plea Maybe it is Time I left Not You to Stop
I Am an ENTITY ...
I AM Addiction
<3 RJK