Esu Says Prepare for Changes |
Esu, we have spoken about a new message on preparation. What should we expect and how should be best prepare? What sequence of events can you project reasonably? I am curious about the mystery schools you mentioned, but perhaps that is premature to describe. Speak this evening for those questioning.
This is Esu. It is good to speak again.
You ask about the sort of preparations that should be made. This is a topic with many answers that address many sorts of people on Earth. Those who have an awareness of changes to come will prepare in one way, and those who have turned against any guidance will find they are facing an unexpected prospect. Some also are fence straddlers, to use that expression, who are waiting for the best opportunity as they see it. They think they can go either way, but they will be surprised when their indecision becomes their decision when other options are withdrawn. The future of this planet and its inhabitants has been determined, and all human decisions must either agree or disagree with the determination.
To speak of the timetable is to begin to categorize decision making. Christ Michael Aton prefers to let events reach their peak on Earth in the context of a galactic timetable that is ongoing. Man's efforts to counteract this stream of galactic events are pointless and will be futile. Geophysical changes are happening on Earth despite the platitudes and assurances of calm the government officials broadcast. People numbed to possibilities and eventualities are easily manipulated. Manipulated populace will work and sacrifice for those manipulating them without any recognition this is happening to them. This servitude will provide a work force and resources for the benefit of only a few.
The level of manipulation is so extensive that it seems impossible for man now to break out of the straightjacket he has been placed in without help. We have debated on the best way for this to occur for the last five of your years. Our assistance has always been contingent on man's willingness to recognize his situation and ask for help. The numbers of those becoming aware has increased each year, but there has never been sufficient to act on their own as a revolutionary force and overthrow the controls. Part of the seduction has been a perceived need for comfort along with a lack of any true power to make decisions on the nature of their existence. Man has been taught that comfort and satisfaction is the status quo provided by those shaping his existence. He has forgotten that he creates his existence and that he has the power to change it. Those controlling the nature of his existence are only doing so because man has allowed this to happen. Man has given up his control and opted not to maintain an ongoing dialogue with Christ Michael and his spiritual guides.
This perception is changing as third dimensional existence on Earth has moved into a higher frequency of energy input. Man's perceptions are shifting their focus to take into account the broader universal truth of Christ Michael's vision of Earth as a seed planet. The time is now for this to move into its next phase of evolution. Unfortunately, the changes that are beginning on Earth are understood and embraced by only a percentage of its current inhabitants.
Most will not see the necessity of vast geophysical realignments and cultural changes. This group will either continue their current experience elsewhere, or opt out of the process completely. It is always the individual's choice, although alternative possibilities are restrictive and final, in some cases. The geophysical upheavals and unpredictable weather scenarios will allow many to leave their existence here. This is not a punishment, but an inevitable evolution that must occur on Earth. Man's choices have determined his ability to grow with Earth.
Those opting to stay will be protected and taught how to adapt to the new environment that will be created. The scenario for this to occur will be approximately as outlined in earlier discussions of preparing for stasis and the changes that will occur during this period. The new event will be the introduction of a visible Jupiter to begin a period of revelations and emotional turmoil. This evidence will cause many of the straddlers to make a decision.
The time is now to look for the new Jupiter. The second sun will begin appearing in the sky around the time of the other sun's appearance. The small burning orb will be seen in tandem with the larger, more vivid sun your solar system revolves around. This sun now seems brighter because it is sending out waves of increasingly powerful energy. The hydrogen gas that has provided its light traditionally is becoming the more atomically stable helium, with greater intensity of energy it can release.
The plans that have been developed call for a definitive sighting of Jupiter first, followed by commentary that speaks of its origin and source and the reason it is necessary to speed up the changes on Earth. The outline of Christ Michael's intentions for this planet will be introduced, as well as clear explanations of the many reasons they have not been achieved thus far. The broadcasts of this information will be coordinated from aboard ship, not on Earth, although assistance and links to the global system of broadcasting will be utilized to maintain the continuity of the sections.
Once man begins to see the depth of the depravity he has been living in, he will, in larger numbers, begin to make changes. Self reliance and personal responsibility will begin to be a consistent mode of thinking, rather than a belief that someone else is controlling the situation and making all the decisions. As his expectations for existence become harder and harder to satisfy, man will begin to fall back on basic necessities. He will realize that personal preservation is more important than external acquisitions.
The timetable of events you wonder about is inevitably in flux, determined by natural reactions that are uncertain. Earthquakes can be anticipated, but not completely predicted. We have the ability to work within the limited timeframe that is available and provide assistance where it is needed. We expect certain stress points to give way with the increase of energy that Jupiter will provide, but the sequence of occurrences is unknown.
You should be prepared for great changes to begin. The outline I will give you is tentative, based on a variety of factors such as man's reactions, the Earth's response to increased pressure, and the state of the magnetosphere. Jupiter's visibility and recognition will trigger a public questioning that will allow us to begin to provide answers. This will be accompanied by a collapse of criminal public institutions and an end to economic manipulation. Evidence of theft and global fraud will be presented openly. This disclosure will be the prelude to an extended period of stasis to allow a galactic intervention to moderate the necessary changes without a typical period of destruction and starting again. Plans for coordinating this phase have been worked out, and Earth's inhabitants will continue in the locations and dimensional levels they have chosen. The decimation of population that has been talked about is the result of conscious selection by the inhabitants, not as the outcome of some kind of punishment. The ascension of Earth requires certain parameters, and the inhabitants here now with the ability to choose have chosen whether they wish to stay or relocate. Compassion and support for the decision are appropriate.
I will speak to you again when more definite actions are required. At present, prepare yourselves individually to be balanced and open to the enormous new energy and ideas that are surrounding you.
Esu, through Jess this evening.
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I was on my way to do that.