

Dear Seekers of Truth,


What does it mean, when a telemeter probe conveys a binary code message to a non-starseed, non-telepathic, security police Sergeant, in the USAF...??


It is simply a case of presenting an automated response to the subject matter (humanity) as represented by the nearest person available (Jim Penniston,) who has taken the trouble to investigate the presence of the telemeter probe and actually touch it's symbol, which is one of several "engravings" etched upon the hull....the symbol of the triangle within the circle...And then to explain to him, using non-telepathic means, those of reliable mathematical binary notation, super-impressioned upon his subconscious mind, that this Science and Exploration (S&E) Fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light, has determined that humanity could be ready for planetary ascension and spiritual advancement, once it had been expeditiously determined, whether it could collectively rise above a possible nuclear war, at a very dangerous point in history, the Cold War, on December 26th 1980, with the world stumbling toward an abyss of mass destructive proportions....


The message was efficiently presented to Jim Penniston and he retained it for many years, as binary notation, which he recollected, from the deep impressioning he received and subsequently overcoming fear of ridicule, was finally able to show his former USAF collegue, John Burroughs, many years later, in 2010 and be informed that his scribblings were indeed binary code and that they might have a message, which they did....He took the binary code to an expert, who deciphered the meaning, which was:



Plus some grid latitudes and longitudes, 52 and 13 (see pix above for details.)


This message is very simple and from an automated living ship, serving to safeguard the world, at a time of dire consequences...So the idea being conveyed by the GFL was; could humanity overcome the possible nuclear annihilation resulting from the tensions of the Cold War...?? If humanity could cross that critical point in time, then, and only then, could the GFL realistically consider initiating a First Contact operation, which would culminate in a planetary ascension and spiritual advance....But until that historic hurdle had been overcome, the exploration of the possible advance of humanity, had to be continued with caution, until certain signs offered real hope of survival and rather than definite planetary destruction, which of course, nuclear war entails....

Meaning that the GFL can only do so much in confiscating weapons and neutralising potential aggression...It's up to humanity to decide.


In some ways it was a little regrettable that Jim Penniston failed to inform John Burroughs and others of his written message, as it would have been understood earlier, yet, truly, the problems presented at the time had been overcome by the confiscation of nuclear ordinance, at the Bentwaters storage facility...followed by the GFL warning to Colonel Williams, at the farmer's field, Capel Green....To cease entertaining the false notion that neutron bombs are a realistic tactical weapons option, especially with the then US military aberration, that they are "clean" devices...In truth, their use, would lead to a full scale thermonuclear war between the USSR and USA...So no advance would be possible for humanity, unless the track to oblivion could be left and a different track, though not perfect, could be taken...


That newer track cam e to pass and humanity, though still engaging in warfare, knows that nuclear warfare can never be won, by either side...That the notion of mutually assured destruction (MAD,) has entered the planetary consciousness, even among the most belligerent warriors upon the earth...


The grid co-ordinates given also, were again to remind humanity of previous epochs in prehistory, when civillisations, such as Atlantis, also came to an end and humanity was forced to begin anew.....That this evolving human candidate for advancement must survive self destruction....and not repeat the fall of Atlantis..


This is an explanation for the reasons behind these events at Rendlesham and I recommend that you view the video, embedded below, to hear the explanations given by Penniston himself, but with the seeds of what I have revealed in mind, too...


Thankyou for your intuitive focus and intelligent interest...


Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie....!!


Colonel Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)


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  • An example of a druan class planet in the Solarian system, is Vulcan, which shift-phases periodically, between the higher aethers of physicality and the lower, noting that from a Logoic perspective,the entire COSMIC AETHERIC plane comprises a variety of material substances, finer to courser... Vulcan is subject to higher coronal magnetism, heat, gravity, than even Mercury..

  • Systems are continually in planar dynamics, with a variety of celestial bodies in orbital motion around a given star/sun....Sector designations take constant flux into account, so inter-stellar ships of the fleets will navigate directly to a defined sector based upon:

    Body type: [waterworld, moon, gas giant, asteroid, comet, debris belt, dwarf star, wreck, mini-black hole, devic elohim, artificial satellite, Druan-class materialisation, bollard, misc.]

    Orbital plane sequence number: [higher numbers are further from the star.]

    Inner or outer body designation.

  • Fourteen similar probes, of sentinel class, were deployed within the frontier system of Isygar DAL, to monitor for Kamagol space crime....No further activity since the moon detonation, sector GJ3b.

  • A confirmation that Burroughs was within the stasis beam, after Penniston had moved around the tetrahedral probe, and thus their memories don't match, yet both had very strange experiences...


    Time was frozen for Burroughs, but was only partially frozen for Penniston, because of his closer proximity to the "east anchor" probe's temporal field projector...

  • Charles Halt describes the small probe engaged in radiation decontamination....See vid, which I cannot embed, so have provided a link:

  • Another mystery that has long puzzled Rendlesham ufologists, is the dramatic descriptions made by Col. Charles I. Halt, of the craft "shedding sparks and molten metal" upon the forest floor.....

    This was a radiation decontamination process, conducted after a spillage of removed nuclear material, following successful extraction from the base, for neutralisation.....

    I'll find his references to that at a later stage....BUT in the mean time I will post Halt's NPC speech, in which he presented actual evidence of the telemeter probe landing, in the form of a plaster cast made of one of the landing pad ground impressions....Note that like the tetrahedral hull of the probe craft, each of the three landing pads was triangular in shape....

    ;-) wink.....wink......!!!


  • Apparently, this former island has no relation to Brazil in south America, but the name was derived by the Celtic Irish...and there are variants on the spelling, but "Hy-Brasil" was a common one....Uí Breasail (meaning "descendants)

    Although reported by navigators, it had subsequently disappeared into the sea and just like the former continent itself, has passed into cultural mythology...Sailors called it the "ghost island."

  • OK friends....after some discussion I have to state, for the record, that the grid references provided were intended to pinpoint a particular historical remnant of the formerly massive continent and fabled civillisation of Atlantis...known to the Celts as Avalon....That remnant isle was known as "High Brazil" and located off the west coast of Ireland, at the co-ordinates provided by the Probe to Penniston...

    A part more recently sunken and so assumed fresher in minds.....At it's peak, that continent was about one and a half million square miles, spanning from American bahamas, to the Canaries...It had several outposts, which formed an empire...

    Being a non-telepath, Penniston was communicated with using deep-impressioning binary code, which he had deciphered as late as 2012, having shown it to Burroughs for the first time in 2010....So, somewhat nonchalant, but at least, not critical, as the message of warning made in 1980, had been rectified by 2010.....and the world survived a nuclear war and is on track for planetary ascension, in spite of the remaining problems we see,,,

    Also, the tellurian grid was well known to Atlantis, who was the global sea-faring empire, that selected the Giza plateau to be the meridian of antiquity....the antedilluvian "Greenwich." as it were... ;-)

    However, the longitude selected at 13 degrees, etc, was very much the intended choice for modern geographical references.....and reminds all to avoid the watery fate of Atlantis and rise above self annhilation...

    The Atlantean world wide grid was inherited by them from Lemuria, who were the first humanoids to settle on the earth's surface...

    When Penniston, in his ignorance, dismisses the craft's possible cosmic origins, it does not really matter, as he is correct that the operators of the craft are indeed "us." Humanity on earth is of cosmic origin, unknown to penniston, it would seem....So our humanoid space bretheren.....whether in the past, or from the future..... WE are ONE with cosmos.....we are ONE cosmic Humanity.....


  • The code seems to be, possibly decimal co-ordinate's 52.0942532, -1.3131269

    Assumptions of the codes depiction 

    52.0942532 N, 13.131269 W

    52.0942532 N, 1.3131269 E

    Move the decimal and West has magically become East, or vice versa, also there many other possible combinations.

    Or if you present it like this 52 09’ 42.532”N 13 13’ 12.69” W it is off the coast of Ireland.

    However within binary all aspects are represented as 1 or 0 and combinations thereof, the co-ordinates were altered and separated to be displayed as such, but they were not intended to be, as the original binary code did not actually dictate this, the separation aspects are not there. If the creators of the message wanted to show degrees wouldn’t they have used degrees markers and or displayed it as 1…0…’s, as so, not to confuse the issue.

    You can’t mistake a 1 for a 0 that makes no sense at all, but if you starting putting in decimal points were you feel they should be, then you are altering the original and you will get all different co-ordinates which defeats the purpose of it all and the message itself.



  • Codes..there are many threw out the remains the strongest.. Enlightenment
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