For All Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Shamans, and Light-Bearers of Every Kind
(channeled through the body of Debbie Wright)
<b>from ASHTAR</b>
The energies that you are receiving from the latest alignment (10:10:10) will continue over the course of many days, and we are asking the Eagles to be a conduit for these energies to the other lifeforms on planet Earth. Therefore, to `ease' these higher dimensional energies, we will be working once again with the energy of Divine Love. We will also be working with what we have termed the God/Source Grid, and because there are many new trinity participants, I am asking this one to add herein the description of that Grid as previously defined.
[The Source/God Grid: "It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that `Something BIG' is coming. You can't quite describe it or put your finger on `what' that `something' is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That `something', that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply `Creator' or `God', however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity."]
After clearing your mind and becoming centered in your Being, you are asked to connect to the God Grid through your intent. Open yourself to its Energies and allow them to flow into your heart space.
You are then asked to take these Energies, wrap them in the love within your heart, and send them to all lifeforms on your planet; not just humans, but all lifeforms.
Lastly, you are to send these same Energies to the heart of your Mother Earth.
That's it for this week. I AM Ashtar, your brother in Light.
JOIN Ashtar's Trinity! Begin Your Mission -- Ascension NOW to the Fifth Dimension and Beyond!
If you are dedicated to the <b>LIGHT</b>, we need YOU to apply to join our International Inter-Galactic ASCENSION Team.
For all questions answered, go to these web pages:
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To JOIN, please immediately write to Reverend Janisel at:
janisel (at)
janisel (at)
Be the Light! Be the Love!
janisel (at)
janisel (at)